This thread's deadness and what the thread is about shows the overall deadness of Halo 2 Vista's online. Nah, I'm being an arse. I'd play with you, but I doubt my Vista laptop will run it. It's got the specs, but the shitty chipset graphics card lets it down in terms of games.
Whats H2V's multiplayer like? Is it a big customs lobby like it was for Halo PC? I wouldn't mind having it and I look out for a copy whenever I'm in town. I never see any.
Sorry, I'm just pissed off. If my laptop played Halo 2 Vista, I'd have probably bought it and not been such an arse in your thread...
if you have XBL silver, you can only do matchmaking and campaign. but if you have gold, like me, then you can do like with Halo PC and just look at all the non matchmaking games.i like it better than halo 2 for the xbox, plus theres more maps :happy:. its also really fun to play zombies, except on backwash when people are douchebags and become untouchable. you can probly get it on ebay for a really low price. @fishfingers: i feel your pain. i had it for like a year and a half before i got a vista laptop, with an awesome graphics card. now im being an ass :lol: