*cries* I can not wait to get a hold of this map and create a racetrack or a good 1 on 1 map underneath the map. Actually I can not wait untill I can create a competitive map on just sandbox. Most of all I cant wait for what the community is going to do with this new map
Wow, nice vid. It was really informative and thought out. Now I know how to get to the Crypt. tytytytytytytyty
So what you did was take the videos from IGN and put them on YouTube in one video? Just for that, I'm not subscribing.
Yo dawg I heard you liek embed, so we put embed in your video so you can watch while you ipod. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dbc5iiQ-iEE Instresting, but we've already seen most of this from other videos.
Ugh! *Facepalm* I can not wait till I get my hands on these maps and it only makes it worse when I know people are playing them right now! Oh, the maps I am planning as I type and all the things do in the Mythic Map. All I can do is just wait and see when I can pick up my copy of Halo Wars and start playing with Sandbox. Why must you tempt us with a preview of the maps! It only makes me more jealous. Ugh, Envy will be the death of me.
Phew. I thought this would be a skulls video. I'm glad to say that it's NOT a skulls tut video. The quality of the video is a bit poor (most noticeable when the editor goes down into the Crypt), but I subscribed anyway!
Aww... I thought it said a happy ending. I guess I have to go elsewhere to get that. I hate grifball... but a nice video. Great overview of the maps. Can't wait for them.
Oh thanx, now I know how to get to the Crypt. I cannot wait to make a map in this new section. There is going to be some really good maps created on Sandbox it's only a matter of time...