I almost had my parents calling the police because they didn't know where I was because I didn't have a phone since I had left it in my bag after going jumping around in fountains in Hyde park then subsequently going to a park near my friends house without my bag and thus without my phone. I also found out where two of my friends keep their secret house keys... and how to climb into one of my friend's bedroom windows... she says she goes out for walks at midnight and leaves a crate by the window to climb back in... one night I might join her cause I love walking the streets at night... it just has this weird atmosphere...
Hell yeah it does, mainly the fact that I never got in any real trouble, and managed to prove that I can actually survive on my own... but yeah...
Walking in the street at midnight doesn't really prove you can make it on your own. Though walking in the street at midnight+, especially when drunk, is extremely fun. I can't resist the urge to poledance on stop signs.
Silly Linu is silly... it was more that my parents thought I was kid-napped or bashed and I wasn't I didn't mean I was actually independent...
Well havent did anything today, but a few days ago i helped an old lady pull a tree out of the ground :]
Concerned parents are too concerned. We went skateboarding once til 3am. Twas fun because I also drank lots and I swore I nearly broke my arse (can you break your arsebone if you fall on your arse really hard?)
Well, I was sick in the toilet... twice. Does that count? And at Ivory, how close to you live to Hyde Park? It's big so you could be in any direction and I won't stalk you, so don't worry.
I'm proud of being 3rd in my class still A's all the way(i hate school though its a joke) I mean seriously who cares
Pummeled my dads chin piece, because he was making fun of my "little **** douche mexican girlfriend." I left him bleeding, and It felt pretty good to defend the one I love.
**** douche? He deserved that hook just for the shoddy insult. I managed to piss off more people in 24 hours than i think i ever by any other man living today, but then to balance out the Karma i got my girl back.