I love the Epicness of Bog and Background. I like the white smoke in Bog and the amazing background of Background lol. Nice screenshots, 5/5 Can i copy your poll thing, i think that is a good idea?
Yeh you can use the poll and speaking of polls. The votes are in and you have decided. The theme for Screenshot Pack 3 (which will be renamed soon) Is Mongooses : ] so get ready for the next pack which will arrive soon before April possibly around early march after the Mythic maps Section 1 arrive. Feel free to still vote in the poll but your votes won't be counted
My favorite picture of yours is bog the elite warrior the rest i would give 3.5/5 Bog-5/5 Elite warrior-4.75/5
nice they look good but maybe get better effects though make them more entertaining some of them were dull.
Was the last one photoshop'd?I will give these a 2.5/5, The groovy colors just looks wierd to me.As far as the Poll, I would like to see a spartan and elite theme.
none of these are photo shopped. I find your reason for such a low rating quite stupid aswell. None are groovy colors. one doesn't even have color. Maybe think of an actual reason next time? NOTE: not being mean but what you said makes no sense
Why thank you i didnt notice you posted until now lols EDIT: oh and the Mongoose picture pack will probably be delayed until mid April because i have 4 assignments for school and I'm beginning to forge a map