13-year old child becomes father.

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by wiggums, Feb 17, 2009.

  1. Blue Pariot

    Blue Pariot Ancient
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    Actually, according to the press, the girl's mom knew that she had a boyfriend and supposedly knew they were having sex. It is definitely his/her parents fault but for a different reason then you stated.
  2. Goatnuts

    Goatnuts Ancient
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    I started when I was 14, what age do you recomend starting??

    I feel bad for this kid, I would probably kill myself if I got a chick pregnant, or just punch her in the stomach /sarcasm

    If kids want to have sex, they are going to have sex. I hate how stuff like this is always blamed on the parents, take the consequences for your own ****ing actions.
  3. Ladnil

    Ladnil Ancient
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    Personally, I've smoked plenty of times and I think weed isn't worth the money you spend on it. Since I don't enjoy it as much as everyone else seems to, I just don't smoke even when offered. That way I can apply to jobs at places that test if I need to. I'll stick to my vodka, tequila, whiskey, rum, beer, and unknown mixtures of the above thank you very much. Damn my 21st birthday can't come soon enough(3 weeks).

    But that doesn't mean its some terrible thing that everyone here's insane for doing. Before you know it almost everyone you know will have at least tried it, and guess what? Nothing bad will have happened to them for it. They'll have some fun, you can join in or just hang out and dare them to eat more McNuggets than the other stoned guy, and nothing bad will happen aside from everyone sucking at Halo while they're high.
  4. Conkerkid11

    Conkerkid11 Ancient
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    Now that I think about it, I don't know anybody who has ever even tried pot. Maybe it's just where I live, and that you are all accustom to smoking pot at the age of 14, but my parents are strict, and anyways... at the age of 14 where the heck are you getting pot? Sure, I might try pot at some point in time, I mean... who doesn't? The only thing I don't understand is that you all act like it's no big deal to have sex and do drugs at age 14, when if I did it, or any of my friends. The parents wouldn't allow them.

    So I'm just wondering, what are your parents doing? Are they supplying you with the pot?

    Maybe it's how my parents are now, that I have more to worry about then doing pot. The fact that they have divorced, found new partners, called the cops on each other multiple times, lost their jobs, and are alcoholics. Is what's worrying me, and that maybe my life would be normal if I did pot? Nah... just because my parents screwed up doesn't mean I have to.

    Sorry to get off topic, but I just couldn't imagine the type of people I hang out with sitting around a bong laughing our asses off even though nothing is happening.
  5. RPAL

    RPAL Ancient
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  6. Nemihara

    Nemihara Ancient
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    And that is why humans suck. Selling their kids out for money; that's plain ****ed up.

    BASED GOD Ancient

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    My God that is genius.
  8. RadiantRain

    RadiantRain Ancient
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    How did I generalize a whole country... All I said is those two are stupider then what most people call Americans these days.

    Me too, and I am 16.

    BASED GOD Ancient

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    Alfie is 13 and almost has a baby.
  10. The Spartan III

    The Spartan III Ancient

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    how can you all smoke pot? i mean, that stuff is horrible for you. I would never do drugs or smoke. ive seen what happens, and its not pretty.i would probably have sex at 14 if i could, but id use protection.

    now it all makes sense, they're using alfie as a scam to get some ching-ching. i wouldnt be surprised if he was just an 8 year old actor
  11. HaloGoddess

    HaloGoddess Ancient
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    I am curious to know the outcome of this whole story now that some other kid is saying he could be the father. This looks like the type of situation I would see on Maurry! LOL
  12. buddhacrane

    buddhacrane Ancient
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    It would appear, from today's paper, that some court order has been passed that forbids any further publication of news pertaining to these people. So now we'll never know if he really was the father!

    I call conspiracy! I wholeheartedly believe that in reality an Alien came down from the stars and impregnated Chantelle (or whatever her sodding name is) and a freakish green baby with tentacles and a ray gun popped out. This abomination was replaced by the baby seen in the news articles and a cover story created. Slowly people are beginning to see the wool being pulled over their eyes so they're trying to halt the presses and subdue the stories.

    The aliens live among us and we're powerless to stop them!
  13. XxSpix

    XxSpix Ancient
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    That's wrong. It's not right to be a dad at 13. You can't get a job, you can't drive, and you haven't even graduated Middle School! Most people would kill to have that ***** of a girlfriend, and he's only fricken 13!

    Does anyone pay any attention to all those Trojan commercials??
  14. Willmatic

    Willmatic Ancient
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    No, seeds are brought from latin countries, kids grow their own **** discretely or the parents don't care, so it gets circulated.

    It's really a influence of earlier generations

    and lets stay on topic, this is about pregnancy not pot smoking, theres a debate for it.

    I almost had a situation like this. I went out with a girl at 14 and she was too, next year a week after we broke up she got pregnant with another dude, and I know it wasn't me because we never did anything sept (Kids close your eyes!) head.
  15. I V3L0x

    I V3L0x Ancient
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    Thats exactly it! LOL
  16. Dragondude

    Dragondude Ancient
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    This is what is wrong with the world today. We have stupid kids running around having other kids, and then they will eventually grow up and have to take care of the world. Man, the world is going to hell in a hand basket. People need to control their kids, because if they don't, who will?
  17. iZumi

    iZumi Ancient
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    What a dumbass. That's nobody's fault but his own. At least THINK before you do it, and cover what needs to be covered. And, ugly AND older than him? Completely desperate. I just can't feel sorry for him in any way.
  18. ZANDER1994

    ZANDER1994 Ancient
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    When did I EVER say that I have done ANYTHING like that? I said a chick I always used to hang out with DID pot so now I don't hang out with her anymore. When she sent us the texts asking for money to get more of it, we said no. Then she sent us the texts telling us that she'd blow us and we said no. I've made out with my fair share of girls but have never really had a serious relationship.
  19. RightSideTheory

    RightSideTheory Legendary
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    Whats wrong with you? Thats a great deal.

    But I'm supprised this happened. How often do kids get the chance to have sex? Honestly it seems very impropable to me. And what the hell was the girl thinking? See this is a great example of how one stupid thing can **** up your entire life. He'll never get over any of this. I'm glad nobody can post stories about this in the news anymore, it will help him (and her?) in the future.
  20. Thorax tehGREAT

    Thorax tehGREAT Ancient
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    I'm right there with you I see them all the time. One even sits behind me in my Alg II class. Just more proof the aliens are here.

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