Original thread title: "Watchmen may be rated 18 (or X to Americans)" I read about this in Empire magazine. The film Watchmen will definitely be a 15 (R) and it may be certified as an 18 (X). I hope it doesn't get rated 18 because then I'll have to wait until it comes out on DVD. But if it's a 15 (R) it may be too gory to be a 15 (in the same way The Dark Knight was a 12 but should really have been a 15) It may be an R in America but an 18 in Britain too. I can't wait for this film, but the 18 age rating will ruin it for me. Thoughts? Just received semi-reliable confirmation from my friend that Watchmen will be 18 in Britain.
I think the term you want is NC-17 not X, but the meaning is the same so w/e. And no, it will absolutely not be rated NC-17, it will be R at best because the major American movie theater chains refuse to carry NC-17 movies. Even if the first cut is rated NC-17, they'll keep on cutting till they get an R rating(or a nice reviewer) because otherwise they don't make any money. Always the possibility of an unrated DVD version, but the theatrical won't be above R.
I doubt it. If Borat was R, this probably will be. Not that I approve in any way of people under 17 going to see a movie like Borat, but the ratings at least in America are pretty much flexible.
My friend said he'd cry if it was R. He's been anticipating this movie more than anything in the world. He also said he'd cry if I saw it before him, which makes me want to see it before him.
G (General Audiences) PG (Parental Guidance Recommended) PG-13 (Ages 13 and higher) R (17 and higher) NC-17 (18 and higher?) They'll cut the film down until its rated R, but I can't imagine what content would be in the film that would make it rated NC-17... I mean Hostel was rated R...
It is going to be in theatres, so nc17 would not be possible. This is the I'm going to see for my birthday, so I'm glad that it has to be a rating that I can see. Btw, where did you get this source of information?
If anyone cares... Australian Ratings G - General PG - Parental Guidance M - Mature Audiences MA15+ - Must be 15 or accompanied by an adult R18+ - Must be older than 18
Yes I meant Hostel, lol. The only recent film I can think of that was rated NC-17 was Zac and Miri Make a Porno... and the only reason it was rated that was because of the title. There have been far worse movies as far as sexual content is concerned that have been rated R.
agreed. I've read the comic and if they follow it completely, it shouldn't even approach being NC-17 (which in America its pretty much means Porn) sure there are some tough parts, but nothing sexually explicit like stuff we see on HBO or even movies that are released (see critically-acclaimed "The Reader") its a great comic, raising many questions regarding society and morality, and it would be a great injustice for a faithful adaptation to be barred from the masses due to some negligence, prejudice and ineptitude.
Even if you did have to be 17+ to see the movie, can't you just go if you have somebody over 21 with you? I know you can get in with a parent, but I've gotten in to R movies with my friends, because my older cousin would vouch for us.
It's not a huge problem for me. I'm 16, so if it's a 15 I'm fine, if it's an 18 I'm stuffed because I look 13...
The highest rated movie I've seen in theaters in the last year is R, so I doubt it would be NC-17. ~70% of movies these days are R anyways. I shouldn't have any trouble seeing it.
Wait what? And I doubt it would be R anyway. I haven't seen anything about it to bad, besids the obvious violence.
I don't want the violence (if it's enough to warrant an R) to be cut for a pg-13 rating. From what sarge said there shouldn't be enough for NC-17