Sleep Walking

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Youtuber, Feb 19, 2009.

  1. Youtuber

    Youtuber Ancient
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    so anyway, the reason I am making this thread is because my 8 year old sister just scared the **** out of me. I'm just sittin in my room lookin at the site with my itouch, when my sisters light cuts on. She's down the hall, and I've got my door shut but I still see thelight. So she just gallops out of her room and down the hall into the living room, flicks on the light and sits on the couch for a sec, then gallops straight back to her room and lays down and goes right back to sleep, somehow she also managed to get school dressed.

    This all happened about 10 minutes ago. Every morning we have a routine, my mom gets my sister up, and then my sisters gets dressd and then runs down the hall (for a reason I can't understand), and plops down on the couch and watches tv. I think she might of heard in her dreams, my mom telling her to get up, idk?? This has happened to me b4, I kinda woke up/ realized I was in the living room, wearing boxers and a polo, and trying to choke down a frozen ego waffle. I was like WTF??

    So, I guess the whole point of this is-- do you guys sleep walk?
  2. Nemihara

    Nemihara Ancient
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    I sleep-karate. I punch, kick, etc. around my bed in my sleep. This leaves me extremely exhausted in the morning, which is why I need a liter of coffee with me at all times. :/
  3. Norlinsky

    Norlinsky Guest

    Worse: I turn into a werewolf.
  4. Youtuber

    Youtuber Ancient
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    You guys are such frikin thread killers :) I mean that in the nicest way possible
  5. Norlinsky

    Norlinsky Guest

    Thanks ;D

    But really, sometimes I wake up in the middle of the night thinking my TV is on, end up clicking power on the remote, and going back to sleep. I watch too much TV.
  6. Adelyss

    Adelyss Hotdishhh
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    Nope never have slept walked...though I heard somewhere that sleep walking is caused by some dramatic event in the kids life...does your sister watch any shows or movies that have like people riding horses?
  7. Youtuber

    Youtuber Ancient
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    She loves horses, animals in general.

    And this was like 30 min after I got out of the party with you guys
  8. Pigglez

    Pigglez Ancient
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    I don't think he meant she literally galloped, but just ran/walked or whatever.

    Anyway, no I never have, but I sometimes will sleep talk, yelling out random ****. lol
  9. Adelyss

    Adelyss Hotdishhh
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    ...Well she likes has she recently been around horses or like had a bad experience with them lately?

    Also Pigglez hey you never know sleep walkers do weird things..
  10. Jimbodawg

    Jimbodawg Ancient
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    When I was younger, like 4-5, I was at my great-grandmothers house in North Carolina.
    Her house is settled on the coastline of a large lake. Anyways, my cousins and I were all over at her house for vacation.
    My older cousin, she was about 6-7 (possibly 8) at the time, and one night she had begun to sleepwalk. She let herself outside and went to the lake, I'm guessing for some fresh dream air.
    Anyways, she falls in, and wakes up drowning.
    I can't remember who rescued her, but boy. That is one night I'll never forget.
    Was probably my first true 'WTF' moment. =)
  11. Conkerkid11

    Conkerkid11 Ancient
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    I don't sleep walk anymore, but I used to wake up and some pretty trippy things would happen. You see, right outside my bedroom was a very long hallway that lead either to the bottom floor, or my parents bedroom. Right elong side of these was a bathroom. So every night, I would wake up somewhere near 3:00 AM, walk through the hallway, and I don't know what it was that caused this. But I saw a bunch of strange, fuzzy things, moving around. And since I was so little, I would see these fuzzy things as like toys. They would either be just moving around me, or they would start attacking me. It was very creepy...

    But the best part is when I would run through the hall trying to jump over the fuzzy things to try and get to my parents bedroom. By the time I got there I would be crying for some reason, and I would go "Mom, Dad, can I sleep in your bed?" and they would roll over and stare at me. But of course in my mind, I saw them as zombies. I would then kneel down on the ground and start crying some more.

    Looking back now, why the hell was I crying?

    Dang dude, glad she's still okay. How long had she been drowning?
  12. Ladnil

    Ladnil Ancient
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    I don't sleep WALK as much as I used to, but I still hold sleep arguments with unknown persons. I woke up my roommate at least 3 times last year talking in my sleep, that I know about.

    The most memorable one though, was in Hawaii with my 2 twin friends and their parents after senior year of high school. We were out late trying to get into strip clubs(note, Hawaiian strip clubs pretty much all require 21 years for entry, not 18) so we got back to the room around 3 AM. I was on the floor between beds, their parents on my right and the 2 of them sharing a bed to my left. Cut forward to about 4, and I woke everybody up in our room and the ones around us by screaming at the top of my lungs
    "SHUT THE **** UP!"
    Now of course, I was asleep so I don't remember a thing about it, but they woke me up and left me to explain to the neighbors and the hotel staff that I was sleep yelling. Yea, that was fun.
  13. idiotninja

    idiotninja Ancient
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    I used to sleep walk, I would go all over the place. I would find myself waking up in the kitchen, my parents room, and even once outside(that was scary). It was really annoying because I didn't want to sleep because I was scared I would hurt my self. I don't really sleep walk anymore. Oh and does anyone here know about sexsomnia?
  14. Undead Fanatic

    Undead Fanatic Ancient
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    I used to sleep walk and sleep scream when I was like 5 or 6. Now I'm fine but this thread reminded of something that happened to me awhile back. I woke up at about 2 in the morning and my family's two little min-pins (chihuahua clones) were barking. 5 minutes later I heard Coyotes in my front yard yelping or whatever they do. 5 Minutes later I was PISSED OFF and got out my bed and went to my window. I looked around and couldn't see 'em (probably cause I'm on the side of the house and they were out front.) So I calmly opened my window stuck my head out and said, "PISS OFF YOUR ****ING COYOTES I'M TRYING TO SLEEP" and they ran away. 10 minutes later my dogs started barking again but a stern "talking" to, got them to shut up and me a good night sleep
  15. Youtuber

    Youtuber Ancient
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    Yes, I've heard those stip clubs are very smecksy. Today when I asked my sister about she had no idea what I was talking bout.
  16. Bootsie 22

    Bootsie 22 Ancient
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    I new a kid who slept walk during a party. He went upstairs, downed a slice of cake, and went back down, all while everyone else was following him. He wouldn't even wake up when they kicked him in the nuts. That was a funny story...
  17. Mysterious D

    Mysterious D Ancient
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    My little brother talks in his sleep, and sometimes does funny little motions.

    ****ing hilarious.
  18. wiggums

    wiggums Guest

    once i went to my grandparents house, and all the grandkids were sleeping in the living room. I remember having a dream about pulling up to mcdonalds with my dad driving, and he looked back at me and asked:
    "what do you want to drink, john?"
    and i replied:
    and he said:
    and i said louder:
    and it went on and on until, i was yelling coke at the top of my lungs until my sister woke me up, and everyone in the house had come down because they heard the noise...

    now everyone thinks im a drug addict for shouting COKE COKE COKE.
  19. What's A Scope?

    What's A Scope? Ancient
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    I used to sleep walk when I was younger. I don't anymore. I think it is strange that people do.
  20. Roche178

    Roche178 Ancient
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    So about five years ago me and my brother shared a room and at night I would get up walk over to my brother jump on him stand up and go back to bed, to this day I have no idea I did used to do that.

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