1.) That focal isnt in the center 2.) Your sig doesnt fit the normal dimensions 3.) STOP MAKING MORE ARGUMENTS /THREAD
Biased. And you dont make sigs, anyway. Do you? Why do you even care? People will put focals where they want to. You have gotten some of our opinions now end this catastrophe of a thread. Just say 'lock plz' and a mod will come along and do so.
It seems that nobody here is open to changing their opinion, so in the interest of everyone in the thread and my lack of energy to continue... Mod, lock please.
It doesn't affect me, but your focal point in your signature isn't in the center... which actually confused me when I read the first post of this thread.
I think my signature is absolutely repulsive. EDIT: Also, I'm not saying that the focal point has to be in the center. I just believe that it can still look good if it was to be in the center.