Sandbox Discussion - Watch your spam.. (Interview links in OP)

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Something., Jan 16, 2009.

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  1. theheat

    theheat Ancient
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    I"m sure if they were floated at the roof they wouldn't be in the way of anything other than an Eiffel tower remake :p
  2. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
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    It's always useful to keep them, though. You may think you have a final version but feedback then leads you to want to build more or change certain structures. But I would say that you should actually avoid using them in your map until you need to. It would be really annoying to try and remember which objects were the default OLN ones once you'd used them, and remember not to delete them if you change or rebuild a structure later on. Just putting them on a layer you're not using and leaving them be until you really need them seems the easiest way. And on some theoretical map that actually used 3 levels and didn't really need to use these objects (kinda unlikely), you could just build them in to some random structure floating off to the edge of your map in the sky bubble layer. If you're gonna have them they might as well serve a quaint aesthetic purpose.
  3. Bloo Jay

    Bloo Jay Ancient
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    Just have the things set very high up, I mean If you build to the top of the Crypt thats at least 6 double boxes.
  4. Ladnil

    Ladnil Ancient
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    I'm thinking I'll set all my objects that I need to keep for the canvas to 150s respawn time, to differentiate them from the objects I set to 180s respawn for interlocking. Spawns and weapons there isn't much you can do for though unfortunately.
  5. theheat

    theheat Ancient
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    Can't believe i didn't realize that, thanks for the forehead smack to wake me up. Either way, I'm sure that the use of all 3 levels on Sandbox is like geomerging random objects just to show off that you know how to geomerge. If it doesn't serve a purpose don't bother with it. So hiding them in this huge of a map is no problem.
  6. Painkiller

    Painkiller Ancient
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    I love the three stages kinda thing of it. When it comes out, I am planning to make a time spawning map that deals with all of Sandbox. It will start at the bottom of the Crypt, then eventually move up to the ground middle kind of level, and eventually reach the Sky Bubble. With 640 objects, anything is possible.

    Also, what an inventive idea for the Crypt, having a Grifball Arena laying under a godly forge map, I think Roosterteeth will be honored, wow. I sure know if I made a gametype, I'd be pretty psyched if Bungie made a map basement just for me. I'd feel like I was in heaven, then again it is just a basement, not the default playable area.

    The new objects are cool, the Golf club is hilarious (btw I wish I could use it, Golf Clubs FTW!!) I just cant wait to play it. The default layout may not be all that interesting but neither is Foundry's. I think they found out that Foundry's limited space, budget, and object number meant it wasn't all that easy to Forge a good map. Overall, I think Im going to love it, I mean my friend is dying to forge on Sandbox. I think if Sandbox wasnt in the Mythic Map Pack, most people might not look into it. I mean, don't get me wrong, Orbital and Assembly are great maps, but Sandbox is the icing on the Bungie Cake. Anyway, those were my thoughts, can't wait to play it and right now I have to back to doing my Forgegasmic Seizure. Ha, lol peace out!
  7. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
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    Good thinking that man. I'm still gonna avoid using them until I have to just for easiness sake, but when I do use them I'm gonna do that for sure, nice one. Spawn points could be a little tricky though, since they don't have a respawn time and all the other options have a practical effect. I reckon spawn points are also gonna be one of the biggest OLN factors as far as default objects go, there'll probably be more of them than of any other single obect.

    I'm inclined to agree with you, but we can't even close to say at this point really. Those with the great ideas for minigames, casuals and even the more adventurous competitive builders, have surprised us massively with Foundry alone. Along with possible epic aesthetic builds, I can see there being some revolutionary uses of all 3 levels (although probably alongside some of the more not so revolutionary ones you speak of...)
  8. Love Slice

    Love Slice Ancient
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    So guys, I was thinking about something. I have a TON of great Foundry maps, and I'm not sure which ones to keep :( It a shame that so many great maps have to be removed.

    Luckily, a lot of them will be recreated on Sandbox.
  9. theheat

    theheat Ancient
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    Yeah spawn points will be the biggest hassle I'm sure of it, somewhere's in the range of 40-70 on the map. That many objects being lost is a huge deal on the OLN.

    That's also the reason I used the geomerging example, we've seen maps that make geomerging actually compliment the maps, and we've seen one's that there were pointless geomerges which made no impact on the map. Now my problem with the multi-leveling is I feel if you make a competitive map or even minigame map they're going to play something like 8 Emerald Legs, you fight on the level you spawn on. The teleporters can be a huge hazard to go through and if you want want a map that flows as well as going up a ramp then you're not going to accomplish it.
  10. CMCX360

    CMCX360 Ancient
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    Someone please make Ascension.
  11. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
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    True dat....

    Touche, the geomerging example as actually pretty damn apt when you put it like that. You're right about the teleporters (or possible super grav lift up the chute from the crypt) being a less than perfect way of moving between layers, but it's not a lost cause all the same. There have been at least a couple of notable progressional adaptions to custom games, recently Featured Manifest being a good example, and these kind of semi-campaign games could see a massive rise in potential options by being given 3 separate environments, and could actually use their detachment from one another as a strength.
  12. theheat

    theheat Ancient
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    Exactly, the 3 separate environments all have a different feel to them. Top level is a dangerous, fall = death type feel. Middle level can provide a stranded in the desert type feel and the crypt can give a Tomb Raider/Indiana Jones feeling. As a progressional type map like Manifest that you mentioned yes the different stages in the different levels will compliment the gametype. However in a normal competitive map using all 3 of these stages and connecting them with teleporters will just lead to the confusing layout that most Foundry maps have problem's with.
  13. Yeti

    Yeti Ancient
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    You know what would complete the Crypt?

    Foliage. Like from Tropical areas

    Imagine adding vines, plants, trees, and other foliage to your maps. It would definitely give it that "Tomb Raider/Indiana Jones" feel.
  14. Hari

    Hari Ancient
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    Yeah i wish but it wont happen.
  15. Yeti

    Yeti Ancient
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    I know. :(
  16. Hari

    Hari Ancient
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    So whos going to make the first ascension remake? the first boarding action remake?
  17. rusty eagle

    rusty eagle Ancient
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    Screw ascension and boarding action, I want a relic remake, although I'd like it to be more urban styled. Boarding action wasn't that good. It was just the novelty of having each base seperated by an huge chasm.
  18. Hari

    Hari Ancient
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    Yeah but relic wont be the same without real sand or the sniper tower. unless of course you built it on the middle layer.
  19. Yeti

    Yeti Ancient
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    I beg to differ. The huge chasm was the thing that made the map so awesome. Made it perfect for Snipers. I hope that the best Boarding Action remake will make it into the Team Snipers Hopper. That would actually make me play Team Snipers. :p

    But good luck finding a decent Relic Remake. It will be very hard to remake. I will give kudos to the one who makes the best one.
  20. rusty eagle

    rusty eagle Ancient
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    That's exactly where I'm planning on building it, and I never like the sniper platform to be honest. I'll put it in, different of course, but I won't like it. I like the idea of a narrow base more than anything else. I never cared for the map as a whole.
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