
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Goatnuts, Feb 18, 2009.

  1. Goatnuts

    Goatnuts Ancient
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    Made By: Goatnuts420

    This conquest map has been in the works for quite some time now, I started it before the conquest contest was announced. So once I found out about the contest I was extremeley happy, I had some extra inncentive to make a great conquest map. This map has gone through many tests and many reforges to get the gameplay just right. My conquest map features 5 territories, 1 mongoose switch, and great aesthetics.​

    Weapons are as follows:
    -6 Plasma Rifles
    -4 SMG's
    -6 Spikers
    -3 BR's
    -2 Sniper Rifles
    -1 Brute Shot
    -6 Spike Grenades
    -2 Frag Grenades​

    Starting Area

    2nd Territory

    Middle Territory

    This is the mongoose switch that spawn at 45 seconds into the game and provides you with a brite shot that has a full clip. When you flip the mongoose that is in the grate it activates a grav lift min/max that launches a brute shot over the wall directly to you.​

    I would like to give a final thanks to all the testers, but there were just so damn many of you I couldnt write all of your names down. So I think I will just give out my gratitude to all of you testers as a whole that made this map possible.

    Thanks for the download and your feedback.​
    #1 Goatnuts, Feb 18, 2009
    Last edited: Feb 18, 2009
  2. Nobody Worthy

    Nobody Worthy Ancient
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    da-zam goat. This looks hell of fun! I can't wait to try it out. Oh, and nice goose work. :D
  3. Blue Pariot

    Blue Pariot Ancient
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    I remember playing a game on this last weekend. It was very fun and definitely had that conquest type feel to it. I love the interlocking/geomerging and the "point of conflict" was in a real good location. The ridge above the middle territory was a nice addition and added something new to the conquest scene. Some people may say that the sniper rifle is too powerful in addition with the brute shot (that was my first thought0 but it actually is not. Believe me, you'll probably only get to shoot a couple rounds before dying.
  4. Star iz Legiit

    Star iz Legiit Ancient
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    hey i love when foundry actually has bases in it,great interlocking and even beter,great gameplay.All in all,great map
  5. RaBBiiTTT

    RaBBiiTTT Ancient
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    This is really such a fun looking Conquest map. Concourse is truly a very hard to beat competitor for the contest, I wish the best of luck for you.

    I really admire your use of the mongoose as a switch. Very very creative of you. This is now MY current favorite Conquest map that was submitted to the contest. Everything looks like it will flow pretty well with a good amount of cover. Great job.
  6. KevinXI

    KevinXI Ancient
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    Wow, this map looks immaculate. I gave it a download for the sole reason of admiring some great engineering, I could care less for the gameplay. I love beveled ceiling in the second territory and the perfect use of fence walls and window panels. I see you used a switch in which I don't fully understand the mechanics of, yet the end result is awesome. I can't wait to explore the map and find more awesome geometry.
  7. MichMaster32

    MichMaster32 Ancient
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    wow man this map looks awesome. its so well forged and a awesome territories map. 5/5
  8. Mini Waz

    Mini Waz Ancient
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    I really like the angled geo-merged objects and the angled section of the ceiling. Nice job! It seems like an really unusual map, in a good way!
  9. evan12075

    evan12075 Ancient
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    looks like a solid map with a great conquest design. The competition for this forge off heats up everytime someone posts a new map. This one could very possibly win.

    Everything looks clean, it has a decent amount of turns, you added your own factor into gameplay that make your map play different, but still has the conquest feel (well, I'm assuming, can't say much now.) I'll definitely get a few games on this tonight or tomorrow. I'll probably come back with some gameplay feedback after doing so.
  10. Adelyss

    Adelyss Hotdishhh
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    Omg the pain the I'm joking sitting for maybe idk 8 hours total watching you make you did more was dull but still great at the same time because you always but in new ideas and removed some to make it better.

    The gameplay is amazing and very balanced for Conquest Aesthetics are perfect and everything else to even weapons...

    I hope you can win the Conquest forge off =)
  11. Gunnergrunt

    Gunnergrunt Ancient
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    By only allowing one bruteshot on the map, this will make the gameplay uneven. I had the same problem, only one team gets the brute shot. Perhaps you could make a mongoose switch at each starting point? I just downloaded though, looks really nice!
  12. Hybrid Soldier

    Hybrid Soldier Ancient
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    It shocks me, with the things you guys can create. Bungie givs you guys a couple things two use, then you guys transform it into "Art", with merging switches, I mean its so amazing. I wish i could forge like this. I make good hold out maps, but there always so small. Please could anybody give me ideas?
  13. BFP_StiCky

    BFP_StiCky Ancient
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    I'm glad you posted this goat. I've never played conquest but id love to try it out on this map. Nice forging and i'm still amazed by your switches lol. 5/5
  14. MultiLockOn

    MultiLockOn Ancient
    Forge Critic Banned Senior Member

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    Looks like an amazing conquest map. I love the geo-merging in the 9th picture, hat mast've taken a hell lotta time. I see how the mongoose can be helpful. but I dont see how it would get around in a map like this, anyways, youve earned yourself a DL. Congrats.
  15. sourdauer

    sourdauer Ancient
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    amazing job bro, or girl, idk...
    when i was looking at this i thought that it was a slayer map, which is a testament to its epicness. snipe spawn looks amazing as well, it reminds me of a jail cell.
  16. C0RRUPTl0N

    C0RRUPTl0N Ancient
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    Looks cool, I really like the pictures.. You should do well with this map I think.
  17. Pomegranate17

    Pomegranate17 Ancient
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    great interlocking and switches; that stairwell looks like itd be cool for snipin' and some sick ninja action 5/5
  18. Reidypeedy

    Reidypeedy Ancient
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    wow dude htis is amazing... its so neat and has all these cool fetures and stuff...
    ima defenently dl
  19. Goatnuts

    Goatnuts Ancient
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    Lol my favorite post so far, just because you said "da-zam goat"

    No not really, it was never overpowering at all when one team got it, each team has a fair chance of getting it because it is in the direct center. Trust me gameplay is even maybe you should play a game of it before such judgements are made.

    Thanks, but just so you know the mongoose is what activates the switch nobody actually drives it.
  20. Youtuber

    Youtuber Ancient
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    I really enjoyed testing this with you, from the start, when you had the open sniping thing, and the little place you could jump down into (YOU SHOULD OFF KEPT THAT) This Def has a chance to win, aesthetics and gameplay, if there were to different judgings.

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