YES. i knew this map needed to be featured, (i screamed for one on the first page of the original post). It is the perfect zombie map. it has every little detail, the burning hog, the pile of junk that zombie/horror games so often use to block routes of travel, the semi truck that blocks of the part of the map soo cool-ly, and it genuinely feels like a level, getting from start to finish, awsomesauce. For smaller parties however, i find the game type is ineffective, and the zombies needed to be kicked up to 75% damage, but i'm sure the default game type works fine for bigger parties. One of the best maps i've ever seen ever. 4098234705946/5 oh, and i love the crap up on the buildings, that falls of when a zombie is aboot to attack, half the time i was staring up, waiting for the hunter (too much left 4 dead) to jump down and attack. LISTEN: this was gonna be my secret weapon for my next infection map, but it would go too good with this map's sequal to pass up, Left-4-Dead style spawning weapons,. Put 16 SMG's in the map, appear at start : no respawn time :never Runtime minimum : 8 just do it for all the weapons, sometimes zombies will have an advantage, sometimes they won't and gameplay will stay original.
This is a great map, I was fairly sure that this would eventually get featured as one of the few infection featured maps. Grindnaut = win
I kind of like infection,it is pretty fun at times,but the map is awesome,great is just an all around good map
Absolutely no surprise here, everybody knew this would get featured as soon as they would play it. I found no complaints for this game whatsoever. This really was planned to perfection. Being both the humans and the zombies both give a really fun time to the players. I loved this map and eager to see the next part. Congrats.
I knew this would get featured. TBH when I posted and saw the coloured names who created it, I thought it had already been featured, I just missed it.
This map pisses excellence. I want to caress it lovingly all day. I'm also glad you finally have a scoring system. I think people like it when they see "Dude I won I am 1337zorz". So many good, but laggy times on this map. You have created the greatest infection map of all time. Can't wait for a sequel.
wow Im looking forward to downloading this. Youve certainly managed to aspire a good number of people to start their own infection maps, one being me. This gametype/map looks phenomenal and original. Congrats on the feature.
Thats because you joined september 08. Infection was the best thing on FH in early days. Now it's all just stupid slayer maps. ANYWAY, this map is so awsome. I actually made my own map for the same gametype(had to change time limit) but it's awsome. 5/5
This is a great map I had a lot of fun playing it with a bunch of friends. Congrats on the well deserved feature! My only complaint is that the game is over too quick. A glitch one of my friends found was that if you take the rocket luncher back to the truck you can blast the barricades underneath away and get out of the map, just thought you should now maybe you can update it I edited the map putting in two teleporters to hold the barricades.
Not to rag on the feature, and before I carry on, congrats chrst & sween, but didn't this have like some serious gameplay flaws in this map? I heard people complaining a lot about the gameplay, and I just want to know, was that ever resolved in a rendition of v1?
I have nothing to say, you two already know my reactions to this since we first tested it. And I'm sure you guys super improved it since that time. Hope to see another one sometime after the new maps come out.
I knew from my first game of Manifest that this was a definite feature. This is one of the only infection variants that enforces tatical, fair gameplay. Congrats on the feature.
This my favourite zombie custom games ever. I just knew this was going to be featured. 11/10 One problem about this if you don't know how the teles work and aren't familar with this map you'll gets lost trying to find the humans but after about 1 and a half matches it wares off. The round should be extended about 2 mins longer because it seemed to end pretty quick. Great job! Kepp up the exelent work.
Someone... else... with... a mind? Can it be? I mean cute thread is cute but it's all about the map and more specifically the map's gameplay.
I'm going to break the unspoken rule of feature threads, and post in my own... I fix'd that sentence for you, though maybe next time you might want to avoid the "...". Unless, of course, you were trying to represent the empty spaces that occupy your head, in which case use to your heart's content. @ Tex Chrst pretty much summed up the complaints, but he forgot (or maybe left out on purpose) the fact that the map is breakable. Yes, it is sorry to see such an issue, but when we made this map we knew it would not please everyone because of it's nature (_aj is a prime example, then again he just appears to hate life in general) so I made the decision that I will not sacrifice other elements of the map to prevent map breakage just so noobs cannot be noobs. The map was several months in the making, we had hit the item limit many times, and I just didnt' want to delay things any longer. @ Everyone else Thanks for the great feedback, this is a great honor to be one of the few featured infection maps, and to have such a crowd of fans already. We assure you, our next project will not disappoint (unless your _aj)
There's an unspoken rule? No worries, chrst's comment on my profile suited me fine. Personally, I have no desire to test the map myself, so really, my opinion is ****.