MLG Phobia

Discussion in 'Halo 3 MLG Maps' started by EleKtRa, Feb 18, 2009.

  1. EleKtRa

    EleKtRa Ancient
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    Map Creator: FIVE STAR BR I
    Recommended Gametypes: MLG Team Slayer, MLG Flag
    Recommended Players: 8

    This map works With all MLG Gametypes and plays incredibly well​

    Mauler x1
    Plasma Grenades x2
    Carbine x1
    Frag Grenades x2
    BR x 4

    Although this is my first MLG map I believe I have done a great job in layout and design. MLG Phobia is a semetrical MLG map with a large open centere and 2 big bases. This map has incredibly smooth gameplay and the layout and scenery go together perfectly making games fun and yet competetive. There are nice tactics in this map using callouts which will be shown in the pictures below by using 'Quotation Marks' to show the Callout. The tactics and set ups come in alot of use in these MLG Gametypes, making this map perfect for objective aswell as slayer.​

    Now for some Pictures:​


    This is the Red base, and where the player is Stood is called the 'Lookout'.
    (Red and Blue base are exactly the same)

    This is at the back of the bases, this shows the 'Flag Spawn' aswell as the players spawn.

    This is the centre of the map aswell as a great tactic in MLG flag, going through the 'Open Box'.

    This Shows a fight from 'Plasma Spawn' to 'Lookout'.

    This is the 'Arch', Mauler spawns underneath the 'Arch'.

    This is 'Open Red' on the Left side of the Base. The entrence at the bottom goes into the 'Cellar'.

    This is in the 'Cellar' (Blue Person is Blind and doesnt see me)

    This shows the stairs down to the 'Cellar' with 1 person in the 'Cellar' and 1 person at 'Open Red'

    This is at 'Plasma Spawn' looking down on the 'Middle Bridge' and the 'Arch'

    This is the 'Middle Bridge' in More Detail

    This is a view of a Fight where the Red team is Using the 'Corner Box' to a Great Advantage.

    The 'Blue Corner' is also very good Cover

    This is The Blue Team at 'Carbine Spawn' (Carbine is on the back of the wall)

    This Is a tactical jump I put in wich is very usleful.

    Map Maker

    And Now, Drum Roll Please... It's not an A sign. It's not a B Sign. ITS A DOOR SIGN! =]

    Thanks to all the People who tested​

    Hope you all like the map, It was a blast to Forge and Test!​

    #1 EleKtRa, Feb 18, 2009
    Last edited: Mar 24, 2009
  2. xxDeeJxx

    xxDeeJxx Ancient
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    hey, pretty spiffy lookin MLG map. I really like the bases, well thought out and forged, the "arch" is pretty cool. But in MLG you have to worry about Line-Of-sight, and amount of cover, and the areas in the middle, on either side, are really open, you can see way too much from plasma Nade spawn., and it would be suicide trying to get anywhere while one or 2 enemies where on nade spawn.
    other than that, really nice map, good interlox, and Love the bases.
    AND the wall, for the ground barrier in Red base, is kind of crooked, 'look at second pic'
  3. nuvnuv123

    nuvnuv123 Ancient
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    hey man looks nice, good merges and interlocking. 4.1/5 for me :D
  4. macpatterson

    macpatterson Ancient
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    i think the open middle serves the map well it keeps the flag carrier from just running down the center of the map (the shortest path) It looks like yellow side provides the most cover and might have game play swinging to that side while others will try to use the door sign side for a nice vantage point. Ill download and try to come back with a more official gameplay review, but from the pics it looks like everything was put together very well, and loos nice.
  5. OrangE BloB

    OrangE BloB Ancient
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    smooth but at some points it's crooked. And the door signs might be annoying... but other than that it is good!
  6. EleKtRa

    EleKtRa Ancient
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    why would they be annoying?
  7. sourdauer

    sourdauer Ancient
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    this really has all the makings of greatness, nice work. i really like the addition of the tactical jumps, and the layout really does justice to the original mlg forge layouts. i think you could add some more cover on top of the cellar and in the middle area between the open road and bases.
  8. WheezyMoney

    WheezyMoney Ancient
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    i like the bases. they are pretty unique. its too bad the middle is too bland and uninspired.
  9. IDave the Rave

    IDave the Rave Ancient
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    The maps looks good but it seems way to open and the parts which arent open seem a bit to closed in.7/10.
  10. M1:K3

    M1:K3 Ancient
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    WOW dude i love it, it so neat.
    ive been play a lot of MLG i really like it
    (i play a H3 MLG tornament w/ my friend and ... lost:/
    but i never played MLG befor) but now im hooked lml_
    im always playing it . and w/ this map it would be sooo much fun
    i reallly like it
    i wanna DL
  11. jujumonster

    jujumonster Ancient
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    The middle isnt interesting at all. The bases look very original but as i said the middle brings the map down into the pit of blandness. btw if yourgoing to geo a box in the crane it would be ideal to mirror it on the other side for balance. 3/5
  12. Reidypeedy

    Reidypeedy Ancient
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    Nice job danny!!!(ima call u that still) haha and yeaq this is really nice a smooth and how come i didnt get to test it with u =( jk but yea this is awsome but i think the center area over all is kinda bare and all but great 5/5... haha il play wit u some time=)
  13. Hyp3roptic

    Hyp3roptic Ancient
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    The map looks awesome, 1 thing i would say is that if your out in the open infrot of the bases your screwed, not really enough cover from the walkways.
  14. Star iz Legiit

    Star iz Legiit Ancient
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    Hey this is a really good map,i love the bases and the tunnels going underneath them,this map makes for great gameplay.And that is the most important thing,and I am trying to teach that to everybody
  15. DoTTii

    DoTTii Ancient
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    ehh, i would like to get some games in on this map but i dont think it would be rather enjoyable to be honest. It looks like that if i play this map, i will have to jump every 2 seconds. That usually doesn't work too well. It appears to me that you weren't really focusing on gameplay which is honestly the most important thing. I would d/l and test, but there is nothing about this map that would make me want to play it more than an MLG map that i already like to play and know has good gameplay. But i am happy that your map is at least up to standards unlike most MLG maps people post nowadays

    please tell me this is considered spam.

    EDIT: I just saw that kid post on 5 maps in less than 5 minutes and they were all like a sentence long. Someone cares alot about their post count
  16. toasted kittuns

    toasted kittuns Ancient
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    why 'mlg phobia'? you shouldn't have a fear of it if ya play this map. looks very clean, nice merging, overall wonderful map. 4/5

    the only thing you should do is add an obstacle or two in the middle. that would make a good feature.
  17. EleKtRa

    EleKtRa Ancient
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    ok im not just saying this because its my map but i play this like 5 times everyday. its so fun! also everyone who plays it with me cant get away from it. so please dont go on and on about gameplay until youve played it. its so fun to play
  18. Huntar

    Huntar Ancient
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    this actually looks pretty good!
    I looks really clean from the photos.
    I like the walkways from the base to the ground.
    i find that preeeettttttty cool :p
    Haha, but this map flows nicely.
    One thing:
    Add more cover.
    Its lacking cover in many places.

    But overall, its good!
  19. xXxI4 shotIxXx

    xXxI4 shotIxXx Ancient
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    The Base's look well balanced, Love the layout of the map as well.Only thing is, in the pic of Red Base it looks like there is a barrier with a barrel on each side of it.Those are not alowed in MLG Maps.
  20. Poyver

    Poyver Ancient
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    Okay. This map looks amazing, but it looks a little unfinished. After a play-through I noticed that the huge open areas on either side of the middle bridge took away a lot from the gameplay. It was almost no challenge to stop the flag carrier after he got past the middle bridge. With that being said, the bases look sick, as well as Top A and B. Put some creative cover in that open spot and I would really not be surprised to see this map get tons of 5's or even perhaps a feature. 4.5/5

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