Sethiroth over at MLGpro used the videos and screenshots of the grid to get some scaled Sandbox sketchup components. Most of the good stuff is there; walls, blocks, half blocks, ramps, half ramps, pyramid corners etc. He counted squares for a scale crypt layout. He clearly doesn't have everything modeled, but the half blocks, half ramps, and pyramids are nice to have. If you've got an account there, go +rep Seth.(There's a minimum post count for your rep to do anything, so only try to give rep if you already can) So there's that, have at it guys. Design your crypt maps all you like, or go outside the barriers of the crypt to plan out your sky bubble structures. This is a thread for posting your Sandbox sketchups, collecting ideas, and getting critique before you build, the primary Sandbox discussion is still the one stickied in the Halo forum.
Signing up is easy, but if you're doing it on my suggestion to +rep seth, I wouldn't bother because there's a minimum post count before you can give rep that actually has an effect.
these look good, but my sketchup is really slow lately and when i choose a tool 1,000 of them show up =(