Debate God

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Nitrous, Dec 17, 2008.

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  1. Nitrous

    Nitrous Ancient
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    Psychology 101, it costs about 400$ (books n' all) to take a course at the community college. Most high schools offer it at a discount for about 150$ (how much mine cost). I tell you this because you can learn much more from a psych. class than you can from me.

    Phych. 101 - The Unconscious mind.

    The id has a reservoir of unconscious psychic energy constantly striving to satisfy basic drives to survive, reproduce, and aggress. The id operates on the pleasure principle: if not constrained by reality, it seeks immediate gratification. Think of newborn infants. Governed by the id, they cry out for satisfaction the moment they feel a need, caring nothing for the outside world's conditions and demands. Or think of people with a present rather than future time perspective-those who would sooner party now than sacrifice today's pleasures for future success and happiness. Such people more often use tobacco, alcohol, and other drugs.

    As the ego develops, the young child learns to cope with thre real world. The ego, operating on the reality principle, seeks to gratifiy the id's impulses in realistic ways that will bring long-term pleasure rahter than pauin or destruction. The ego contains our partly conscious perceptions, thoughts, judgements, and memories.

    Beginning around age 4-5, Freud theorized, a child's ego recognizes the demands for the newly emerging superego, the voice of conscience that forces the ego to consider not only the real but the ideal, and that focuses solely on how one ought to behave. The superego strives for perfection, judging actions and producing positive feelings of pride or negative feelings of guilt. Someone with an exceptionally strong superego may be virtuous yet, ironically, guilt-ridden; another with a weak superego may be wantonly self-indulgent and remorseless.

    Because the superego's demands often oppose the id's, the ego struggles to reconcile the two. It is the personality "executive," mediating the impulsive demands of the id, the restrainging demands of the superego, and the real-life demands of the world. The chaste student who is sexually attracted to someone may staify both id and superego by joining a volunteer organization to which the desired person belongs.

    Physch 101 OUT! *taken from my notes 2 years ago (yes I keep them)*
  2. PandaMan

    PandaMan Ancient
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    I have one argument that will prove a point. There is no proof that there is a God, and that there is no God. I challenge anybody to prove me wrong, and I will accept it willfully.
  3. chromebandit

    chromebandit Ancient
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    Then how was everything created? Back WAY before the Big Bang, before all of that. Don't get me wrong, I'm agnostic, but there's no way to prove that something didn't create the universe.
  4. PandaMan

    PandaMan Ancient
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    But, there is no way to prove how it was created, so we do not know whether it was God, some scientific way or something else. The question of how the Universe was created it similar to the fabled question, "Which came first: the chicken or the egg?"
  5. chromebandit

    chromebandit Ancient
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    Obviously we need somebody who believes in God to show some perspective, all these atheists are winning. :)
  6. PandaMan

    PandaMan Ancient
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    Well... I do believe in God, I am Catholic, but I am trying to be a nuetral in this argument, (not taking sides.) I would say, that people's faith cannot be proved or disproved.
  7. Norlinsky

    Norlinsky Guest

    Oh, it can be disproven. With facts.
  8. PandaMan

    PandaMan Ancient
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    Well then, what facts do you speak of, the Bible, Koran, Torah, other religious books, scientific fact, but no matter what you say, you cannot know for sure how the Universe was created.
  9. Norlinsky

    Norlinsky Guest

    Well, your faith can vary. I'm saying in some cases, it can be disproven.
  10. EonsAgo

    EonsAgo Ancient
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    If you refer back to buddhacrane's post (like the page before this) he makes a good point. Whatever started things needs something else to start it, leading to an infinite chain of causes and effects. One way to alleviate this situation would be the "Big Crunch" (or something) which says that once the universe expands too much, it collapses back in on itself and makes another Big Bang.

    That is how animals work as well, right? Their actions have consequences as well as ours. The only difference is, we put more constraints on ourselves through rules and other stuff (besides sorta instinctual things like "don't kill your friends - they help you"). Essentially though, it is the same. We are all just following the rules of the higher-ups in our society, just like animals do.

    The only thing that is odd to me about life is that only humans have this capacity to think about things other than survival.
    (Well, animals can think about other things too, but not as much or as extensively, right?)

    FR0ZEN FEARS Ancient
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    TBH, you can't base your beliefs only on faith, or there would be nothing to separate us from any other religion.

    FR0ZEN FEARS Ancient
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    The Dead Sea Scrolls, or reeeeeely old manuscripts are dated back to before Jesus was born. They included this prophecy BEFORE Jesus even existed. By the way, A man named Jesus, born in Bethlehem, was crucified for speaking up against the government is in Roman Records.
  13. Banana Peel

    Banana Peel Ancient
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    Is that a fact? if so id like to see were you found that, and the bible doesnt count
  14. G043R

    G043R Ancient
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    So... Hitler didn't exist? ... your History book does not count...

    I mean look at the facts your saying you haven't seen...its one thing not to know and not to look.
  15. Draw the Line

    Draw the Line Ancient
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    He was just asking for proof outside of the Bible. You can't prove the Bible to be true by saying it is. There needs to be outside evidence supporting the stories in the Bible, otherwise the stories could have been simply made up.
  16. G043R

    G043R Ancient
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    I just feel that something like this is small ...I mean dead sea Scrolls and other Historic documents support the claim there was A Jesus ...

    There was a book written comparing Jesus having more evidence of existing then Hitler...

    (BTW the Russians attacking Germany never Found Hitler when they took the city...)

    So comparably ... it seems like feel like some people should just take a look at some things are just needing some research on there own or trust others ...but whats the point of debating facts?
  17. Draw the Line

    Draw the Line Ancient
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    The problem is deciphering between fact and fiction. There is evidence that a person named Jesus existed, but there isn't much available beyond that.

    The Bible could just be an embellished story that eventually grew into a religion. Look at how much modern day information is manipulated through the media. It wouldn't be that big of a stretch to assume that the same has occurred in the past.

    I personally don't have much faith in human integrity, which is why I don't believe the Bible is factual.
  18. J A Y

    J A Y Ancient
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    Jesus was born 2009 years ago, where as Hitler was born 120 years ago. I'm sure there has been some information that got lost between now and when Jesus was born.

    Every now and then people find new scrolls that date back before Jesus was born. Most of them are written in Hebrew.

    I respect you for that answer, even though I think otherwise, you actually give a logical explanation as to why you don't believe it's factual. Most people just laugh and call it a myth.
  19. PandaMan

    PandaMan Ancient
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    Yes, but sometimes said facts can be wrong or assumed. And facts won't stop people from believing things.
  20. buddhacrane

    buddhacrane Ancient
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    I thought that once but it's just side stepping the issue. If you believe in the Big Crunch universe expanding collapsing thing then you're implying circularity - That the universe is on a loop.

    I had two observations on this. One is that, even if it is circular and repeating there still had to be an initiation. Something had to get that cycle going, something must've triggered that first bang. When you realise that then it's completely redundant as to whether there was a big crunch and billions upon trillions of universes before our own that forever repeat a cycle of birth and death, because it all still pins down to that "Catalyst" that started the ball rolling - The catalyst that can't exist because of that infinite cascade of cause and effect. So does that mean there even can be a beginning? *head explodes*

    Or, another way to look at it. The nature of a circle is that there is no beginning or end, it is a loop. So that means there never was a beginning, the universe, or it's cycle of birth and death never started anywhere, it is the very definition of infinite. The universe has no beginning and it has no end. But then what of time? If the universe's existence in time is infinite then that means time itself must be infinite, because it exists while the universe exists, so there is no "beginning" of time either, nor an end. Of course "time" is just a concept to we needn't delve too far into that, it's just a mind-bender in our current outlook of the universe.

    To be honest I don't know which of those two possibilities are more mind-boggling. Either way you're dealing with the infinite, which is just a crazy concept to try and grasp when dealing with time and the universe.

    My personal conclusion. There's no such thing as the beginning of the universe, at least not in any concept we can currently comprehend. I think our definition of "time" is flawed where the universe is concerned, which also makes our definition of "beginning" flawed.

    Anyway, I think I've delved off-topic here...
    #480 buddhacrane, Feb 18, 2009
    Last edited: Feb 18, 2009
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