made by Vorpal Saint DOWNLOAD HERE Map Briefing: I started working on Puruku nearly a month ago. I hammered down and started forging random stuff at first. I had a few epicly odd geos going on, but then I started to invision a map. Go in behold I had a basic layout done within eight hours. Now, I didn't get the actual map done for a long while since I am a slow forger and what not. I also was testing the gameplay while still working on the map (like I said, I had the basic layout down, but I threw down a make-shift wall). When I was building puruku I was aiming for map that had a feeling of a mine. You know, a place in a side of a mountain where people get coal and what not? Yeah, one of those. Anywho... it didn't turn out fully like one, but it does have some of the feel of one. It's a small asymmetrical map that is best played with 2v2 any more or less may be bad. It's also only set up for 2v2 Team Slayer, 2v2 Oddball, and 2v2 Team King (their download links will be given later in this post). So yeah, moving on... Weapons on Puruku: x6 Battle Rifle (20 sec./2 clips) x1 Sniper Rifle (120 sec./1 clip) x4 SMG (20 sec./2 clips) x2 Magnum (20 sec./2 clips) x1 Rocket (120 sec./0 clips) x1 Mauler (90 sec./0 clips) x2 Frags (10 sec.) x4 Spikes (30 sec.) x1 Flare (45 sec.) Gametypes: Team Slayer 2v2 Oddball 2v2 Team King 2v2 *note* If you play anything other than those three gametypes, then I'm 98% sure the spawns/gameplay wont be as good. SO BE SURE TO DOWNLOAD THOSE AS WELL! Alrighty, now for the part that shows off the map with some screenshots. Layout Shots: Overview-ish Shot Attackers Upper-Side Area Rocket Area Defenders Area Attackers Spawn Area Attackers Pathway Defenders Side Area Sniper Spawn Neutral Room Tunnel leading to Defenders Area Action Shots: The Flare can come in hand... sometimes... <3 Sneaky, Sneaky Ninja! Fighting for the First Hill This hill can be tricky... Ok, well, that's all for this map. I would like to thank Devinish for helping with the spawn areas, I truly couldn't have made them work as they do with out you. Thanks. I would also like to thank Phreakie for spending around three hours in forge with me while I made this... also for some testing here and there. SweenyTodd (screw your name) --thanks for the heading shot, your photo editing skillz0rz are win. Lastly, I would like to thank all who helped tested this map. With out you it wouldn't be as good as it is now. So yeah, thanks a bunch guys.
This is a really good map... theres neat geomerges and what looks to be amazing gameplay i hope u get a feature for this one congrats on the post.
Is there a way for me to say I Love You without it sounding gay (not trying to offend anyone, I swear :X) Anyway, the interlocking is fantistical-sauce; same as the geomerging... Gameplay looks epic, very well balanced, and I tend to forge like that.. Start with random things then make a map around it.... Once again, anyway EPIC Journey, 4.99999/5 due to spike grenades... Eeeeew.. hhahaha
The interlocking and merging is really good,but above all,the gameplay is great.And that is the main thing that makes a map good.Good job,you pulled off a great map
wow, this is def. one of the better Asymmetrical, competitive maps i've seen in a while. you can tell it started with random structures, but that is how most of my maps start too, because the random ones are Cool. what else to say, excellent merging, nifty layout, (looks like) balanced game play, 5/5 Dling and givin better review l8er.
im in awe, this map looks amazing! I love the little bunker/underground walkway. that just sealed the deal for me! And the merging, looks very clean and smooth. Hopefully the spawns are just as good as the map, lol. But again, this map looks amazing! I love the aesthetics. 4.9/5
Dude I have to DL this map. The geomerging is great but that back box wall looks like it should be interlocked but still great interlocking 4.75/5. Question: was this based off of LunaSol, that one map mentioned in your blog?
Thanks for the replies so far guys, I hope you can get some good games on it and get back to me. Oh, and I started this out with random stuff, though, once I was done with my first area (which is the geomerged slanted box, the box it goes up to, the wall interlocked in it, the double box, and the wall that holds the sniper) that's when I started to throw together stuff that actually flowed with the other areas in the map. example being the bridge tunnels. No, Puruku is one of the maps I kept hidden from my blog. Lunasol is in the works though and I'm working on that with another forger.
The Good - I like the window panel bridge - Game play looks really interesting - Original layout. The Not So Good - Interlock those double boxes which serves as walls because it really ruins the aesthetics. - You could have merged the box at the rocket spawn. I'm really eager to get a game on this. Nice job.
very nice map. i like the feel of the map. and the way it is forged. nice geo merging. my only complaint is that it might be a smaller area than one thinks.
Very nice map the geomerging is excelent I don't have enough patients to even try to geomerge like every single object lol. I would like to play a game on this with you just invite me sometime lol. I'm free basically today other than a dentist appointment right after school =(. But this is an amazing map 5/5!
Hey man this is a really nice map I would like to get a game on it so just invite me sometime after school today =). This map has amazing geomerging 5/5!
Those would both be pointless for gameplay, no offense. The map is supposed to look like a mine, so it's not meant to look perfect. If you look at the map, some of the boxes are crooked on purpose to make it look a little messy, kind of like Moon Waffle.
I really liked the unique feel of this map when you showed it to me, the geo-merges are clean and it seems as though the gameplay would be pretty good aswell. Nice map!
Amazing, this has to be your best map to date. I always liked smaller maps they feel more cozy =). Slayer, Oddball and KoTH were all amazing on these but I think I liked Slayer the most just because I like shooting everyone with the rocket n sniper . Its neat good layer great spawns and nice Aesthetics everything needed for a great map Congrats good sir.
i like the underground area that goes into the base the window panel bridge is cool i like the bridge tunnels the map is cool as a whole the only problem is a couple things are crooked, but that's not a big deal i would download but my content has reached 100 this map looks really good -dangerbeck-
I played this yesterday with you I think, it was awesome even though me and insane got beat, I especially loved the corridors, and the weapon placement was awesome, this is probably the first map ive seen that uses a flare well. Anyway overall it's a awesome 2v2 map I think you achieved the feel you were going for, as best you can with foundry items anyway. 5/5 based on last nights 2v2.
While yes, this map does looks phenomenal, there are about 2 places in each picture (very small places) where I feel you messed up a bit. Just a whole bunch of small things added up, and they give off a feel. For example, in the last picture I dont understand why there is three interlocked fence walls when you couldave stuck with 2. Annyways, a good map is a good map.
*my replies in red in your quote* Like all any small map, it's going to feel like that. That's why I say 2v2's are best. I tried a 1v1 but it didn't feel all that great. If you're thinking there may be some spawn problems then don't fret. Devinish (which is the best for working out an awesome spawn system) did the jist of the spawn areas. Thanks Mini Waz... I wish I could have got you in on a few testing sessions, but since we're not actual friends on xbl it's kind of hard to keep track of when you're on. =\ --anywho, glad you like the map. I agree. Puruku is a nice cozy map since there's just so much going on in it. --Thank you too good sir. The reason for those couple of things are crooked is to give it a natural mine feel. I'm must say you have a good eye because I can hardly tell that from the pics. lawlz. Anywho, that sucks that you've reached 100 (I'm almost at that limit too) maybe you could clean out some stuff? (that's what I do sometimes) The only other two maps that I think the flare was used good in are other small maps. But yeah, the flare does work pretty good on this map. I guess that's also because it's the only equipment on the map... but yeah... it's cool. Thanks for the good review. I had to use three because if I used two you would bump your head on it when going up the wall-walk-up. With three you can and you can still smoothly walk on the top part. The only thing I say I "messed up" was the fact that there's one double box I forgot to merge, I was too lazy to remerge one wall over a little and a bit lower, and I could have merged the stairs and a B-sign but that would have been a pain so meh. But it's nothing too big, and it doesn't massively effect gameplay so it should be ok IMO.
This is quite a good little map. I honestly have to agree with adyless I think it is your best to date. You know why? Because you have a real layout Nothing random, every piece has a purpose and the map honestly feels like a map. I was surprised at gameplay, it was quite fun for a 2v2 map. It has a pretty interesting weapon layout, and due to its small size, things like the sniper rifle aren't overpowering. The one main area is quite open, but with all the separation of the surrounding areas, this isn't a bad thing at all. Gameplay does flow in a circle a bit, but can easily be reversed and is the key to turning the tides on your opponents. I agree the aesthetics could be upped a notch, but they don't hurt gameplay so it honestly doesn't matter. I hope to see your style continue to evolve like this. This is the style of map I always wanted to see from you.