Debate Abortion - right or wrong?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Plasma Napkin, Sep 30, 2008.


    BASED GOD Ancient

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    Killing is seen as wrong because others may have affection for that person (siblings, lovers etc), or that person is essential to finances or other things.

    Otherwise, death isn't as bad as some make it out to be.
  2. Playerhata27

    Playerhata27 Ancient
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    Its seen as wrong for no one has the authority to decide another life. We were all created equal, being it from a supreme ruler, or simple evolution. As life is a right we all have, and which we obviously utilize every day.

    As for death, well that can be explained in multiple variations, far to complex for my simple understanding.

    @Predicide: I also agree. Do we a humans know what right and wrong morally is? We can choose between the two from many situations in life, but it is a tangible theory. I feel we associate pain to wrong, and love to right. Now even that leaves many unanswered questions, and closed doors.

    BASED GOD Ancient

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    That does not make life good.
    You seem to think that death is the most horrible thing that can ever happen, well it isn't.
  4. Playerhata27

    Playerhata27 Ancient
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    Then tell me, what is the most horrible thing that can ever happen?

    BASED GOD Ancient

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    Extreme pain. Do you think it hurts an unconscious blob of cells if it dies?
  6. Playerhata27

    Playerhata27 Ancient
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    Well to my current knowledge, probably not. Depending on the length of the pregnancy that is.

    Though I'm pro-abortion, so I would find it quite redundant to debate it with you.

    Though, on the extreme pain matter. Obviously you must be living to experience extreme pain. While methods of torture lead the 'patient' praying for death, it is all enclosed in their life. Many horrible occurrences can happen in life. You could be crippled, diagnosed with a rare disease, etc. But in all reality, extreme pain can lead to death, which ends up being the most tragic thing possible in someones life. If I were experiencing extreme pain, I'd have to options in my head. A: Receive medical attention/hope for the best. B: Die. Pain most certainly accompanies Death.
  7. HaloGoddess

    HaloGoddess Ancient
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    I am in between on this matter. I'm not saying that abortion is the best thing, but I am not saying that it is the worst thing either.

    I believe that a woman has her right to her own body and to do with it what she wishes. I'll be damned if anyone ever tells me what I can and can't do with my body and what choices I can and can't make with my body. It would almost be like someone telling me that I can't get a tattoo. It's MY body........I'M the one that will have to live with it, not the person who objects to it. THEY might not like it, but though.

    And if a woman feels that she should get an abortion and feels that it is the right decision for HER, then I say follow your heart.......not somebody's else's decision. ESPECIALLY if it was brought upon by rape. I do not think that a single woman should have to go through with a pregnancy that was not planned, not wanted and was forced upon her. Some people disagree with this and I say, "so you mean to tell me that if a 16 year old girl was raped and became pregnant, she should keep it?" Someone that young should NOT be having kids when they are still a kid themselves.

    But personally, I don't even like kids. I will never have any. I said this when I was 16 and now I am 26 and I still say the same thing! haha A child is too big of a responsibility for me to endure. I am also not mentally fit to take care of another life.
  8. PandaMan

    PandaMan Ancient
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    I think that Abortion should be legal, but a doctor can have to right to refuse such treatments; for example say that said woman goes into a Catholic Hospital and demands an abortion. The hospital shouldn't have to give her the abortion, but there should be the option at other hospitals.
  9. Bootsie 22

    Bootsie 22 Ancient
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    Honestly, how could you make such a bold statement when you're alive because you weren't aborted.

    BASED GOD Ancient

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    Say that to a kid that has parents that are addicted to drugs and beat the kid.

    Let me say again: Death=/=Bad
  11. Bootsie 22

    Bootsie 22 Ancient
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    I didn't say death is bad, but that's a different debate thread...

    And i'm sorry if that's the case, but there is always something good in the depths of the bad. You just have to choose to look. Sometimes it may even require a hard look. It's easy for you to make a comment like that because your alive. All of those aborted children would have given anything to actually have a chance to live. There will always be something bad in this world, but the adventures that life has to offer is not something one person should be able to take away.
  12. Ladnil

    Ladnil Ancient
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    Eh, I'm pro-choice myself. I really hate the term pro-abortion, because that makes it sound like I want as many abortions as possible, because I love them so much when really the opposite is true, I want the option available to everyone, but I don't want it to be common.

    I have to agree with Nitrous on this one, stating that you're against abortion because you're ending a potential life is inexcusably hypocritical. If you hold to the potential life argument, like he said, if you aren't doing everything you can to make as many people as possible then you're destroying potential human lives. That time you just spent reading this? You could've been either having sex, or better yet, donating to an in-vitro clinic to hopefully produce more octuplets! And if you're a woman and you aren't pregnant, get with the ****ing already! You're wasting potential human lives. Actually, go with the guy above to the clinic so you can be the next octomom, that way you're wasting as few potential lives as possible!

    And just so I add something new and hopefully interesting to this discussion, I have a scenario for "pro-life" readers.

    Hypothetically, lets say abortion becomes illegal next week.

    What do you think the penalty should be for a woman who gets an illegal abortion?

    What should the punishment be for the doctor performing them?

    Do you think the adoption system in your home country is capable of supporting the extra children it will undoubtedly receive from unwanted pregnancies?
  13. georgieporgie

    georgieporgie Ancient
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    This is a hypothetical question:

    In cases like Octo-Mom, when is it appropriate for the state to intervene and force abortions?

    I know most people either believe in no abortion (citing it's moral wrongness) or a woman's choice (her body, her decision), but isn't there a third option to the other extreme?

    If a mother has an affliction that could pass to her child (HIV/AIDS, a crack addiction) and yet wants to keep the child, is it still her choice or should the state have a say? A woman can be incapable of raising a child, and then it will just become the state's dependent. Is it so wrong to circumvent that problem?

    BASED GOD Ancient

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    They put it up for adoption. No need to kill it.
  15. shiruken

    shiruken Ancient
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    Would you really want to put your child up for adoption in a system that is notoriously ineffective and leave them statistically more likely to commit crimes and serve a prison sentence?
  16. Zanitor

    Zanitor Ancient
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    I wish think rape victims should be able too, or people who actually can't have the baby.
    Other than that, I wish no, but nothing I can do, it can only b up to congress, which is dumb...

    BASED GOD Ancient

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    I'm sick of people that say this and things like "Obama kills babies!". It is ultimately up to the mother to kill it, don't blame a law because of it.
  18. Zanitor

    Zanitor Ancient
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    No I don't think Obama does, I mean its mothers choice yes, but I disagree, it happens no matter what I say, so it's okay, it is just my opinion I don't understand why people want to all the time, but I just feel they should have to have some kind of reason why.
  19. shiruken

    shiruken Ancient
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    People don't go around becoming impregnated so they can have abortions. The emotional loss from losing a fetus is quite heavy on women, especially in the later two trimesters. Every abortion is had for a reason. Those reasons can vary quite widely though and that is why a lot of people feel like there should be stricter laws controlling what circumstances allow for the procedure.
  20. Zanitor

    Zanitor Ancient
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    Well I guess mine is just a personal reason, its happened to my family, she just made up reasons to get the abortion, but she plainly did not want it cause it might of been black. That's pretty much it, it's dumb for that reason I think, but...

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