Sandbox Discussion - Watch your spam.. (Interview links in OP)

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Something., Jan 16, 2009.

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  1. EpicFishFingers

    EpicFishFingers Ancient
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    I watched the video of The Crypt. That tunnel is too long for my idea of "Escape the Crypt" to work without teleporters. And I'm sure there will be lots of "Escape into the Crypt" maps too, where the noob designer gave the humans infinite ammo and a big pile of power weapons and the zombies 10% damage resistance and no shields. The noobs will adore the fact that there is only one entrance to the Crypt...
  2. dangerbyrnes

    dangerbyrnes Ancient
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    if tons of people do make canvases i want 3 different versions
    1 with all the stuff in the skybubble
    1 with all the stuff in the crypt
    1 with all the stuff in the middle

    that way i wont have to keep going through teleporters

    you know what ill just make the versions since im getting sandbox early
  3. Love Slice

    Love Slice Ancient
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    That's a really good idea. Make sure to post the canvases on ForgeHub as soon as you make them.
  4. RightSideTheory

    RightSideTheory Legendary
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    All the placed objects are in the middle. The only way up top is through a teleporter, the only way down is through a tiny hole. I don't really know if you could pull the objects to the top layer or the bottom layer.
  5. The Nasal Abyss x

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    Remember, when you got through a teleporter with an object, it comes too? You can just place a regualar teleporter down in the crypt and bring them down there.
  6. dangerbyrnes

    dangerbyrnes Ancient
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    ok i will, but we still have to wait till sandbox comes out =(
  7. Ray Benefield

    Ray Benefield Godly Perfection
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    While you guys are here, I'm going to go analyze videos and comeback with as much info about Sandbox as I can... I will hit you guys up with eveyrthing I find out later...
  8. DoTTii

    DoTTii Ancient
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    im hoping the Aussie's make us some pretty nice canvasas since they are getting the game a few days early
  9. Maxzy

    Maxzy Ancient
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    Does anyone know if the videos are on youtube yet?

    The videos from ign wont load on my computer.
  10. Jimbodawg

    Jimbodawg Ancient
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    I've been wondering if Halo Wars gives a digital download of Mythic Map Pack..
    Maybe the map pack has a designated release date globally, just because you have Halo Wars first, doesn't necessarily mean you're able to download the Mythic Map Pack first.
    You never know though.. =/
  11. xxDeeJxx

    xxDeeJxx Ancient
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    it'll be cool, in Skybubble you can built death pits that sink below the death barrier, then fill it with teleporter nodes, faced upwards, and it'll be a better version of the death spike pits from foundry, where you teleported to your death, now you just die when you hit the spikes (fall barier)
  12. arrrghSAM

    arrrghSAM Ancient
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    It's already been said on Bnet that people in Europe and Australia etc have the Mythic Playlist as soon as they download the maps with Halo Wars, and then the US will have it some time after when it comes out for them.
  13. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
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    Do I dare assume that you've forgotten about another, somewhat smaller island that's also getting the maps a few days early? Surely not...

    I think the first thing I'm gonna be doing is whipping up my 3 non glitched canvases (as I'm with those who say it sounds like budget glitching isn't that worth it if you work the default OLN objects right), standard Sky Bubble/Outdoor/Crypt set up, one with all the items on each one. Shouldn't take too long since the default layout doesn't look to have too many objects.

    On that note, has any one taken the time to try and calculate exactly how many objects there are on the default layout? Sounds like a mission, but it'd be interesting to know.
  14. xxDeeJxx

    xxDeeJxx Ancient
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    a canvas saving just all of the spawn/start/objective points will do wonders in and of itself.
  15. rusty eagle

    rusty eagle Ancient
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    I'm sure we'll know soon enough, no use trying to guess from pictures.

    I've already done a couple sketchups for the skybubble and I have a map I can ressurect from the dead for the crypt. There is going to be a forgeplosion of maps. There aren't any limits except forge itself and peoples' creativity.

    I wonder if the 'gazer' beams penetrate through bubble shields, shield doors, or walls. Could make an interesting mini-game if they don't, or make for some neat cinema with a continuous beam.
  16. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
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    Indeed. I'm wondering where to put those actually, since they can't be seen in all gametypes (the objective spawns/returns anyway). With the other objects makes sense I guess, but that in itself is a question I'm pondering. If people use all the regular objects then have to start with the objective stuff, it'd be nice to have it in a logical and easy to remember place, kind of a problem in the sky bubble. Possibly below the tele that gets you there? Idk, any thoughts would be appreciated.

    I'm also gonna go on a hunt for all the default embedded spawns, the ones ingrained within the map that you can't see even in Forge. I found them all on Foundry and successfully saved a canvas version that you could never start a game on. Score, I think you'll agree....
    I'm interested to try it again on Sandbox, I'm just hoping that all of these pure default spawn points are on the middle level, locating and blocking them in the sky bubble would be a nightmare.

    EDIT: @ rusty: I know nothing of these 'gazer' beams of which you speak, have I missed something? They sound kewl.
  17. rusty eagle

    rusty eagle Ancient
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    Peg, you've inadvertently stumbled onto something. Now I doubt there are default spawns in the skybubble. But, if there are some then that would be useful is you accidently deleted the teleporters.

    As for your query, the towers of light shoot beams of light not too unlike a sentinal beams. I guess you could call them sentinal towers.
  18. SargeantSarcasm

    SargeantSarcasm In Loving Memory
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  19. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
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    Hmm, you may well be bang on there, I just wish it had had such a practical point when I did it on Foundry, other than teh lols of course :p. I'd hope that Bungie would make the transitional tele a non-deleteable object. I was hoping to see on the video, but they just missed going over the top or bottom panels of the tele so I could see whether the reticle turned green or not. So close, yet so far.

    Now that is kewl, and I echo your question, they could have some somewhat novel but definitely cool applications if so.
  20. xxDeeJxx

    xxDeeJxx Ancient
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    for the default middle, a canvas that saves all of the default pieces, you could just put all the stuff on one of the dunes, out of the way, but accessible, with all spawn points etc. on one piece, for the sky bubble, just hover one peice off on the edge somewhere with all of the default spawns on it.. ps. i'm confident that if you grab something in forge mode in the middle, the go through the porter to skybubble, the object could find its way to you.

    i think they said somewhere you could spawn a teleporter that would automatically take you to teh sky bubble. i'm pretty sure they decided to play it safe and idiot proof the thing.
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