What will the next Xbox be?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Grif, Feb 16, 2009.

  1. Grif

    Grif Na'vi Tits
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    What will the next Xbox bring?

    No I don't mean names, I mean features.

    I think that the next Xbox will use 3D technology (like NVIDIA has just started to work with on the PC now). Of course you would need special glasses (not the red blue kind) and a 3D ready tv (which I have, LOL). For more 3D info go here:
    3D Vision

    Also I think that digital distribution will be bigger. Maybe we will start seeing full games being downloaded.

    And a much bigger hard drive.

    What else?
    #1 Grif, Feb 16, 2009
    Last edited: Feb 16, 2009
  2. buddhacrane

    buddhacrane Ancient
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    Yeah I hear 3D is becoming the new "in" thing and I can believe that the new games consoles will try to make it a part of the gaming experience.

    I suppose it's a logical enough transition really. I believe Sony were doing some Tech Demo stuff showing off the potential of 3D gaming recently.

    They may get more into the "Motion Sensor" stuff too. Like the Wii, but better (and with graphics, lolololol)

    I suppose they'd all need High Def media too like Blu-Ray. They could just have big F-Off hard drive and do digital distributions but I dunno. The files would be HUGE and not everyone has unlimited bandwidth internet, or patience...

    Oh and speaking of 3D!


  3. LOCK.xcf

    LOCK.xcf Ancient
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    3-D would be awesome, i would love to see a Survival horror game such as Dead Space, Condemned, or RE in 3-D. Also, i think they should copy sony and put in an internet browser. I guess motion censor would be cool, but to tell you the truth, i always turn it off on the PS3.

    Hopefully graphics will be better, which is kind of a given, also longer games, so they would have to adopt a disk technology similar to the blu-ray, because the disk would need ALOT more space. More emphasis on digital distribution.

    And finally, some kind of crazy new feature to online that will blow peoples mind.
  4. Jimbodawg

    Jimbodawg Ancient
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    VR to be honest. Not just visual VR either, one that affects multiple senses, and enhances the usage of them. A good example of this would be peripheral vision. I'd personally like to be able to 'feel' the game, but not have to use a dire amount of movement/energy. That's where implementing the human brain comes into play. How this works, and how much it costs, would not matter to me. It'd be revolutuonary.
  5. makisupa007

    makisupa007 Ancient
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    Mind Control

    3D is going to be great but it's been around for decades. The next huge leap forward in gaming and entertainment in general will be mind powered controllers.

    This one by Emotiv is in production now:

    and the Nintendo Wii may not be far behind:
  6. E93

    E93 Guest

    It'll be scary if one day we are the ones in the actual game.
    And we have to wear some sort of clothing to ''feel'' the bullets, etc.

    I probably won't buy whatever the next one is.
    Gotta focus on college, and what not.
  7. Willmatic

    Willmatic Ancient
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    I heard that it will have forward compatibility - Makes old games running on it better, graphic wise and more (Could be anything)

    I hope for a faster xbox guide (Like friends list opening up, ect.)
  8. X5

    X5 Ancient
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    That **** will **** up my hair...

    Honestly, I don't know what to say about 3d and other forms of advancement. The further and further we get on innovation and ****, the worse the games seem to get. I mean, look at the Wii. While the concept is cool, can't games just be games? With all this other ****, what will happen to just picking up a controller and playing? What will happen to "Hey dude, wanna play some games?" "Hell ya."

    3D will need the assistance of glasses, taking people further out of real life and immersing them more in games. Not to mention that is just 1 more thing to keep track of, to buy, and replace. And then this mind control stuff? I mean, that may be cool but it won't necessarily be all that great. You sit there, and think. Gaming for me is about reflex, and just subconsciously doing. If I had to start thinking out my actions, that will just remove me from it all.

    Now I know this is all kinda narrow minded and stuff, and I am not delving in deep cause I don't feel like it at the moment unless people persist, but I say perfect gaming as it is. We don't need innovation every 5 years, just things making gaming all around better, such as graphics, processing, size, etc. etc.
  9. RomanSparky

    RomanSparky Ancient
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    Personally, i think 3d is a bad idea. right now, everything that i see that is 3d is pretty crappy looking, and most of the time hardly works anyways. Games are fine as they are; the only thing they need to improve on are possibly graphics, dedicating more into the actual gameplay and making a not only unique experience, but actually FUN as well. Advancements are fine, as long as they focus on the actual fun factor. I feel that 3d isn't really focusing on fun, and more on realism. I'd rather stick with the regular consoles until they finally perfect 3d technology and brain wave technology, instead of having to buy new consoles every few years with less advancement in technology, or else it would most likely take away from the experience. besides, i hate those stupid goggles anyways.
  10. overthehodge

    overthehodge Ancient
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    it will need to have the efficiency of a german car.
    never break for years!!!
    basically the next xbox should only come out when it is foolproof and very reliable.
    i saw that sony were experimenting with 3-D, but as far as im concerned i would not want a new console from microsoft or sony for at least another 4 years.

    BASED GOD Ancient

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    Xbox useless technology and flimsier hardware.

    This is the way all consoles seem to be going.
  12. Willmatic

    Willmatic Ancient
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    I just hope they can raise the multiplayer limit from 16 to 20 or a little higher.

    And have most game's debris stay there like halo 3's, without the lag.
  13. EpicFishFingers

    EpicFishFingers Ancient
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    The 360 is near perfect as it is. They could always just make a new 360 with a blu-ray player built in (and also make a separate blu-ray player if you want to have a blu-ray player without buying the new xbox 360) that is made well so that it doesn't break (even if it means making it bigger for the heatsink) and costs around £250.

    They could call it the Xbox 360 Legend
  14. desert elite

    desert elite Ancient
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    I say that eventually gaming should use sensor suits,virtual helmets and virtual reality domes to trick the mind into that we are actually in the game to make us feel to be like were in that universe not just looking at a screen and use all body movements to control everything.And it wouldnt be like wii you would actually be in the game world it would be similar to real life.

    And use the sensor suit should be able to stimulate the senses like if you get sprayed by a flamethrower it gets warm,if you get shot it vibrates or if you fall in cold water it gets cold or if you get get blown up it vibrates and gets really hot for a second.

    BASED GOD Ancient

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    Obviously you haven't played Battlefield: Bad Company (24 players, destructibility, no lag).

    And maybe one that doesn't break.
  16. Huntar

    Huntar Ancient
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    i hope the new xbox will be cool.
    I hope it will come in an elite purple/black.
    I hope it plays video games.
    I hope its quite.
    I hope it has a hard drive
    I hope it has motherboardz teknoligyz.

    Naw, i hope its sleek
    and roughly the same size as the 360.
    they should change the name to the 540 :D
    ahaha, i crack myself up. lol
    but yeh, i hopezorz it coolzorz

    Uhhh, hands down best game.
    I heard they be coming out with BF: BC2!
  17. Willmatic

    Willmatic Ancient
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    Meant like as a standard for games not like the selling point.
  18. wiggums

    wiggums Guest

    Interesting Fact, My friends ex-girlfriends parent was the original creator of the xbox, maybe I can ask him to get a little peaky for us?

    Also, I heard that the Handheld Xbox will come out around 2012.


  19. Huntar

    Huntar Ancient
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    epic lol fail :p
    BUt that would be rad if they had a hand held ecks bocks.
    So i could play wif mai homies on teh goz, you know mayne?
  20. Jimbodawg

    Jimbodawg Ancient
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    The Matrix - Nuff said.
    No, I'm being completely serious.
    Except without the hole in the back of the head.

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