well... my personal opinion would be for you first of all to get a start-up job, pretty much something to bring in enough cash for food, rent (unless you have ur own house [somehow]), or try to get some cash out of your parents, friends, or family. Also, (bad option for high risk) become a scammer, and pretty much steal money from innocent people. I would go with number 1 or 2. preferibbly number 1 since there is less of a chance of being rejected.
Do you have any hobbies that could possibly become a job? Like for me, I'm an artist and I love to play video games so I am going to school to get my bachelors degree in video game design. I want to be a concept artist. If you like buildings, become an architect. If you are good at designing, become a graphic designer or something. Maybe just think of something you enjoy doing and see if there is a possible job that fits what you enjoy doing.
Finnaly, someone else who wants to do something in art. I want to be an art teacher for high school... I dunno, I like drawing and such, and iv'e always thought about teaching.
i think your dreams are set high. well i would say if you want a good job that can support a family you should try out some computer work. computers are on the rise and there are jobs that are not that challenging that have good pay.
If your big on working maybe some construction work? plenty of those jobs and nice paying...Though me? I may be thinking about doing something with computers...who knows what i'll end up doing though.