I'm astonished that sandbox is equipped with tower lasers. I can only imagine how many different maps of 3scap3 the lazers!!111 we are going to see. Provided we can escape the lasers with speed.
The thought of a flood of maps like that makes part of my soul die. And Fallen Hero, I noticed the same thing. As soon as the pics went up, posts were popping up like crazy. I guess word travels quickly these days in the Halo world. (I just accidentally went waaaaay off topic. Sorry)
heh...heh...heh... all jokes aside....I have a zombie map to end all zombie maps. redesign of the one you fixed Nemi.
Oh, like that one on Foundry? Did you ever publish that? I'm still going to do my Paratroopers map. Except now it's going to be outside the map, in the death-ray zone.
nah, ran into a few switch-problems... but since the skybox is so big and sandbox has so many items, I can make the map without using any switches...which is like 202135x more immersive.
Those were the best. Everybody got into a vehicle and ran around the minefield while the Zombies chased them. Good times.
The only time I have ever enjoyed crap like that was before I had Halo. It was probably one of the funnest Halo playing experiences I have ever had. I look back on those days... It's sad that I am no longer amused by such things. I sometimes wish I could go back to the days when Halo was still new and fresh. Don't get me wrong, I still love Halo, it's just a different game once you become a 50 and have played a ton of games
I'm pretty sure no one's posted this yet so: Found on someone's file share on bungie.net Halo 3 Screenshots OMGWTFBBQ Looks like we can HOLD the golf clubs? The golf balls are also the size of soccer balls which is good. I didn't see anything on the item list about a hole though.
What, you didn't like those? The lasers don't really excite me that much. I would have been happy with the mines. But the crypt is really starting to make me anxious. It alone is possibly a foundry.
Lol, a bit late? On Topic: It's really sad that these pictures are already on peoples' file shares. In the world of technology and the internet, news sure travels fast.
wow 6 posts in less than 1 minute on this thread. On topic: the rays are cool but idk if i really like them. Im still very undecided, mainly because we dont have any idea how they work and how efficient they are, just that they are intended to kill people
I'm cool with you guys being all, w/e with the death rays. I'm really pumped up for the skybox. A theory with the gridlines. Do you think they snap to objects? That'd make it a hella lot easier to work with.