I do not know if you remember xI eLuSiv Ix but he has posted a few things on here. I thought I would post this for him since he doesn't come on a lot. Well, as said in the title, one of his screenshots was chosen to be featured on the front of B.net. The thread was for Facility B5D. They never told him that they chose it but we noticed, and compared the two to find that it was his. I have talked to Urk, Yoozel, and Foman123 and they have all confirmed that it was his which I think is pretty sweet. This is the Facility B5D featured link :: Facility B5D This is my friend's fileshare :: xI eLuSiv Ix's Fileshare I just feel he deserves a little recognition for his work so I thought I would post it here and see what you guys have to say for responses.
That's very cool IMO. It's awesome to be featured on b.net even though they didn't say whose it was But, they will probably look at his pics in the future also.
Yea, I thought it was pretty cool myself. He got invited to join TSL. Which is a screenshot team with some of the best. TSL stands for The Screenshot Legends btw.
Pretty sweet? So does your friend have recon or did he have someone stage for him? PS: I'm not some recon freak..just curious lol.
I saw this pic a couple days ago. It's teh epicness! Your friend sure has a lot of talent with the screenies. I hope he comes out with more.
eh i guess it deserves to be featured but i dont get why bungie doesnt feature pictures that deserve to get featured. I mean has bungie even seen the great pictures that get posted on forgehub everyday. They are way better than i see bungie post
agreed, they only look at the peoples screenshots who have already been on bungie favourites, or who are friends of them, (Not trying to be mean)
He had someone to help him, he does not have recon. I talked to some of the forum moderators on B.net and they told me that Urk looks through random fileshares to find a picture that suits the post that is being featured. You could be right. eLuSiv has actually been adding a bunch of pro screenshot takers to his friend's list so maybe Urk went through and found it that way.
well... not tryin to burst yalls bubble, but most of the time Bungie chooses another group to pick their "Favorite's" so its not rly bungie's fault that the system is broken.
This is very well deserved. This screenshot is really nice. I like it fades left to right into blackness.
Only once in a while. Usually they let the Community Spotlight poeple decide on bungie faves. every week or so. Like last bungie faves, OSDT 4th Battalion picked the faves and now Faculty B5D chose them. IDK who picks the pictures for the news on the front page though. Maybe it is Urk & your right.
I am guessing he does because when I talked to Yoozel and Foman123 they both told me to go talk to Urk because it was his job.
I remember seeing the thread about this on b.net. I even posted in it. I said something along the lines of that I think Bungie should maybe put in small letters under the pic who's fileshare it came from so that maybe other people who see what ever picture is there, they can look to see if there are anymore neat looking screenshots by that person.
Yea, I would agree. Elusiv only has like 100 downloads on that screenshot lol which is so small. You would think it would be getting a bunch but no one knows who it is from.
Yeah, I talked to Elusiv ysterday, and he was pretty excited about it. Also Crooked, you should send me a FR, we can discuss screenshots if you like GT-iVelo