Debate God

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Nitrous, Dec 17, 2008.

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  1. Nitrous

    Nitrous Ancient
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    So your arguement is I take the preconceived notion that god exists and attribute my existence to god and after doing that I observe what god has created and then thank him for it and for making himself so evident. What I don't understand is why when you start without that preconceived notion you come to a diametrically opposite conclusion because without this preconceived notion you can not find any reason to believe a magically sky daddy was involved in any way shape or form. It is only through the personal bias of the person that you reach the conclusions, though, if personal bias were to be trusted then all religions must be true and all crimes must be moral because someone, somewhere has that preconceived notion that must, by your definition, make reality conform around it.

    Science is necessarily rational and unbiased and therefore always yields answers that more accurately conform to reality than any bias ever could, that's why science always wins an intellectual debate but not so much an emotional debate (because people are stupid and can commit rash acts when it conflicts with personal bias).

    You're stupid. I didn't there had to be, first of all. And it does, Abraham and Issac, big man.

    If a scientist "PROVED" that we would then yes. Because PROOF implies what pray-tell? Now if a scientist just told me I would be skeptical because the idea that we will be superheroes someday makes no rational sense.

    The Big Bang. Your idea of it was a bastardization.

    The last bits were. Offending or anything of the such does not matter. I was not offended that you mischaracterized science. I was stating a fact that you bastardized it.

    The flood is a myth and its not a bastardization of religion to say it is, just like its not a bastardization of science to say the big bang never happened. Its a bastardization if I say dinosaur tears caused the earth to flood and god was watching cops so he didn't intervene. You can not defend your beliefs, however, with bastardizations. You have to defend it against the real thing.
  2. J A Y

    J A Y Ancient
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    Here is a personal question. Three years ago what christian religion were you attending? And why did you leave to accept evolution?

    When you are believing in God you can't think that Evolution is real too, because both have completely different beginnings. In my religion, we believe that Evolution is the act of satan and his demons. In the bible it quotes "there will come a time when another form of false religion will come and lots of people will turn to it". Now if your me you can understand what this says.

    here is another link that can defend my religion The Awesome Universe--What the Big Bang Explains--What It Doesn't - Jehovah's Witnesses: Watchtower Society Official Web Site. It's about what the big bang is leaving out.

    "You're stupid. I didn't there had to be, first of all. And it does, Abraham and Issac, big man." First of all I'm not stupid and I would rather you not call me that. Second of all the Bible isn't gods words, he has guided people to help them with their lives. But their is Satan and he has been known to change peoples ways(eg. Eve and the forbidden fruit).
  3. rusty eagle

    rusty eagle Ancient
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    Whoa, whoa, whoa Jay are you a Jehova's Witness?

    Besides that, Evolution in terms of micro evolution is perfectly acceptable for a Christian, macro on the hand...
  4. J A Y

    J A Y Ancient
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    Animals and people do adapt to todays climates, but they do not evolve into other things over time. I just can't accept that.

    And yes I am a Jehovah's witness. But just to get things straight I'm not one of those crazy religious guys, I base my life by Gods word but I'm not one of those crazy religious freaks. REPENT you know what I'm talking about.
  5. Nitrous

    Nitrous Ancient
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    I can safely say I've never been a creationist. I grew up fascinated by discovery and animal planet. So when the scientist said 65 million years I believed it (I've since outgrown just accepting everything im told). Of course when I went to my Church Of Christ private school they fed me creationism so it was conflicting time but I always believed evolution I think because dinosaurs were always so much more fascinating to me than boring old people. Though, I seemed to believe in the garden of eden as a child so my understanding of science and religion was seriously flawed but I don't think any young child's is very complete. When I was 15 I fully understood creationism was a crock but I was still a Christian and I did not believe in the big bang, in fact, I didn't believe the big bang until a few months after I became an atheist.

    So I never left any religion to accept science, I left religion because of religion and accept science because I have a fascination of it. I love it.

    There is such a thing as old-earth creationism and there are many Christians that believe in evolution (about 30% of Christian in America, as high as 70% in other countries).

    If you believe that anything that may contradict your religion is an act of Satan you need to examine yourself in a mirror. I contradict your religion, am I an act of Satan? You are a radical fundamentalist and a dangerous individual if you believe Satan is given free roam in the world to meddle in the affairs of mortals as he pleases. Sorry if you don't like that, it is an honest assessment. Veritas Vos Liberabit!

    Your link does not have a math problem or a shred evidence, so they have hold no weight. Besides if they were so powerful they would have been peer-reviewed, which they haven't. Which tells me that they don't want their ideology completely destoryed by some ruthless scientist.

    You just said the bible is flawed. I believe Rusty would have something to say about that.

    In fairness to evolution you've never really tried.
  6. Norlinsky

    Norlinsky Guest

    Humans were created with flaws. That's why there are commandments. And if we give in to temptation...that's the devil? One commandment is against adultery. That is a temptation. So why, if Satan controls our temptation, would God issue a commandment over something we did not control?

    You may be saying, "but we can control our temptations and fight off Satan's evil thoughts!", but if we can easily defeat Satan's evil, why is he even there?

    So if we mess up, that isn't Satan. It's our intuition.
  7. rusty eagle

    rusty eagle Ancient
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    Jay, I'm just going to lay this out there, if you want to argue points about the Bible, don't.
  8. J A Y

    J A Y Ancient
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    I've tried.... Many times. Yes Religion has a mouth full of information that doesn't make sense to people that don't know much about it.

    Nitrous, I would be in your exact same situation if I went to a school like that. I really hate those schools, the religion they are teaching doesn't have answers, it's merely comforting. And having it shoved down your throat isn't something I would want either. My parents have never made me go to the kingdom hall(thats what my religion calls it), but I've grown up having a choice to go, sometimes I want to go and sometimes I don't. My faith isn't as strong as some and I have done lots of False practices, which I regret.

    But to end my time here, there is NO way of proving god.
  9. Nitrous

    Nitrous Ancient
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    Exactly! We impose our own proof and our own evidences through bias. You can't prove he exists, so why do we believe? For the same reason we believe in homeopathy, astrology, and other pseudosciences.
  10. J A Y

    J A Y Ancient
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    Just because you can't prove him, doesn't mean that he isn't there. What happens if god isn't suppose to be proven, what if he wants his appearance to be kept secret. Religion is complicated, and like I have said before, I'm not really That religious. You could simply say that I prefer what religion has to offer than Science.

    And when you said "since I contradict your religion, does that make me apart of satan." Your not apart of Satan, your a person like me, I do things that Satan likes. So I guess I'm just like you.
  11. TheYavimayan

    TheYavimayan Ancient
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    Hmmm, I have been gone for a long time, but I thought we agreed many moons ago that this was a poor choice. Apparently some people just can not take a hint that it is all based on faith. No, proof is impossible to find, it is all based on some people's belief that there is something beyond our comprehension, but some people believe that everything has to be comprehensible. We have not proved what life is, and at least religion offers an explanation granted a bit farfetched for the logic based. I will not put myself on either side because either way, we are all gonna die, and we will see where that takes us. Then we will get our last laughs.
  12. Norlinsky

    Norlinsky Guest

    You're religious because of some form of insecurity, right Jay? For example, what happens to you once you pass on?
  13. Nitrous

    Nitrous Ancient
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    If he wants his appearance so secret why does he make his will so apparent to some to the point they write a holy book about him. It seems like hes not doing a very good job of keeping his will hidden but hes doing a fantastic job of keeping his appearance secret. Guess which one is subjective and which is objective. That's right his will is up for creation, edition, interpretation, and deletion of the human mind, while his appearance would be empirical and objectively proven. If there is a god and he is keeping himself secret, he probably keeps his will secret as well.

    I need to write a book...
  14. rusty eagle

    rusty eagle Ancient
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    Wow, no offense, but you're starting to border on loony. I can see your arguments are getting less and less rational and more passionate. Don't put yourself in this situation, you don't have to reply.

    I don't quite understand what you mean by 'prefering religion to science'. If you choose something simply because you like it over something else is an incredibly bad reason. Choose truth.

    Science is a tool to explore and understand the world around us, it doesn't require a belief. (although some theories do require faith) It simply there to explain the why and the how behind the what we see.
  15. Nitrous

    Nitrous Ancient
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    Made me giggle.
  16. J A Y

    J A Y Ancient
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    No actually, I believe when we die, we die and we feel nothing. The whole heaven hell thing is false.

    Yavi, I am currently leading that life right now, not in between but slightly towards god.

    I actually didn't mean to sound looney or passionate, the way I have worded somethings have made it sound that way. If you ask linu he knows me in life and he know that I'm not a weird person.
  17. Norlinsky

    Norlinsky Guest

    Hm. Weird. Most religions involve some form of afterlife.
  18. rusty eagle

    rusty eagle Ancient
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    So you're not even a Christian? Look I'm not enforcing my beliefs upon you, but you say you follow God's word then you say that you're not even religious. If you believe the Bible to be false on account of heaven and hell then you believe God is fallable.

    Exactly where on the map are you. Don't reply emotionally, take a minute and a deep breath and figure out where you are. I, for one, wouldn't come into a debate if I wasn't sure of where I was at.
  19. Nitrous

    Nitrous Ancient
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    "Newer" religions do. The old testament didn't have a heaven or hell. That came with Jesus package.
  20. TheYavimayan

    TheYavimayan Ancient
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    My favorite explanation (sorry I don't have a source) is that society and humans move from three stages. The first is myths to explain the world, this is refined into religion, and finally, humanity moves towards science to explain all the happenings in the world. I really want to remember which philosopher, I don't think it was Jung or Freud, that said this.
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