Made by DeltaKiller352(kaboomkunav is my second account) This map is completley symmetrical. It can be used for KOTH, CTF, Assault, and Slayer. I was playing Halo 2 one day and was playing beaver creek and decided to make a map that is sort of like it. Its the two base idea like beaver creek, and you can jump onto the top of the bases by using the objects around it or you could use the man cannon inside of the base. There is a bridge in the middle of the map that you can use the geomerged grav lifts to get up on for the rockets, or you could go underneath for the shotgun. Then there are two little towers that have the sniper on it and when you jump down you can get the brute shot. across from the towers there is another little tower that leads up to a platform above each base. Off to the sides are little structures with doors on them that you can walk through to get to the other side. On the structures are 2 brute grenades and an equipment. Inside of the hallway is a grav hammer The overview of blue base Overview of red base This is the bridge with the rocket on top, and the shotgun is underneath it. I geomerged the grav lift, and it takes you up to the bridge. The small tower on the right has a needler on it, and there are floating platforms that you jump on to to get to the platform above the base. this is what the sniper tower looks like, and you walk into the open single box at the bottom right and it takes you to the top of the tower. Inside of what a base is, there are multiple entrances to each base. Also inside base, and place were flag and bomb spawn. Mancannon that takes you up to the top of the base. You can walk through the door and it takes you to the opposite side. This is the platform above the base, with the two battle rifles. Grav hammer spawn. Carbine Mauler spawn. Action pictures: Weapons: Carbinesx4 BRsx8 Rocketx1(no spare clips 90 sec respawn) Shottyx1(no spare clips 60 sec respawn) Sniperx2(no spare clips 45 sec respawn) Brute Shotx2 Maulerx2(45 sec respawn) Machine Gun turretx2(respawns every 90 sec) Grav hammerx1(respawn every 90 sec) Needlerx2 Plasma Grenadex4 Fragx4 Brute Grenadex4 Trip Minex1 Power Drainx1 Flarex2 Ghostx2 Mongoosex2 Ive tested this map multiple times, it plays well with the weapon placement. downloadhere
This seems like a pretty cool concept for a map. It does kinda seem like Beaver Creek, in a sort of way. It seems like it's a bit open in places, but maybe the vehicles would make up for it. I'll consider a forge-through later and try to get back to you.
I feel like this map has some potential to it. However, the gravlifts and mancannons I feel are overused. It leaves the map open and does not seem to give maps a great gameplay to it.
ya, instead of the gravlifts leading to the bridge i was going to geomerge a double box tilted so you could just walk up on it, but i dont know how because the pipes are in the way, but i did try.
Hey this map is really kool and does kind of look like beaver creek.I think it is really kool when people make remakes of maps that were on previous games. The only thing that I really have to say is that if your going to make a remake of beaver creek,try and do it on a map a little bigger because on foudry it doesn't really give you the full feel of beaver creek,no recommendations on a map as of right now but when the new ones come out,maybe their will be some maps to make a remake of beaver creek on one of them. I wish you the best of luck on this map. Good post
Thanks for the positive feed back guys, and star of knights, i wasnt trying to make a remake, i was just trying to make it like beaver creek, with like two bases right across from each other and stuff.
I am sure you still have some money left just from looking at how much is placed on it. So i would suggest creating a v2 or something. You might be able to get in stairs or something for the main structure instead of the grav lifts. I think the bases need a little something more appealing to them Maybe some different varieties of cover. I would try to put some stuff throughout the map to cover up the open spaces as well. If you make this into a v2 it could turn into a great map. Keep up the good work!
THis map has potential, however in order for it to be taken more seriously I would suggest making a V2. Try making it look neater and maybe make some pathways between the bases
This map confuses me. On one hand, I really like your structures and smooth interlocking; on the other hand this map looks way too open, even for a vehicle map. I will give it a dl and see if the gameplay is any good...
Alright, do you mean instead of the grav lift going to the bridge its a stair case geomerged? Cuz i think i could do that and it would work. i like the idea of making pathways between the two bases, but then there wouldnt be nearly enough space for vehicles. But i might make a floating pathway or something. Ya i left it more open because it is a vehicle map, and i cant really think of more ideas to fill it in, leaving enough open space for vehicles