Crosswise Supported Gametypes: Conquest v3 Description: Crosswise is a 7 territory conquest map that takes place in the back area of Foundry. Throughout the map there are windows so you can locate your enemies and their progression. You can also use the windows to stall the opposing team from reaching farther territories. If you've ever played conquest on maps such as Faction, The Waterworks, or Traction, you probably know what a tele-box is. These windows serve the same purpose as a tele-box, but are much more useful. A Sniper spawns near the first window for each team so they can delay the other team from reaching the middle territory at the beginning of the game. The Sniper has a respawn time of 90 seconds and one spare clip. So you get to use the Sniper twice a round and you get 8 shots per round. Use it wisely. The other windows in the game overlook each team's first territory from their 3rd territory. These windows allow you to weaken the opposing team as they enter their second territory where they could either be ambushed by a team entering their territory, or BRed from the window in the back hallway. You can also use the overlooking window to throw spike grenades to the middle territory from your first territory. It's a long shot that you'll actually stick someone, but it is likely that you'll weaken your oppenents while the rest of your team finishes them off. There is also a 2 windows facing each other in between the 1st and 2nd territory, and the 2nd and 3rd territory. These windows aren't used often, but when a team is pushed back to it's 2nd or first territory, these windows do become very useful. Weapons on Map: 4 Spikers, 30 second respawn 2 BRs, 45 second respawn 8 Plasma Rifles, 30 second respawn 6 SMGs, 30 second respawn 2 Snipers, 90 second respawn, 1 spare clip 2 Brute Shots, 60 second respawn, 1 spare clip 2 Needlers, Place at Start: No, 45 second respawn, 1 spare clip 4 Magnums, 30 second respawn 2 Plasma Pistols, 30 second respawn 2 Custom Power-Ups, Place at Start: No, 90 second respawn 8 Spike Grenades, 20 second respawn 2 Frag Grenades, 45 second respawn The Custom Power-Up It doesn't spawn at start and respawns every 90 seconds. It's placed in between each team's 2nd and 3rd territory where it can reach the middle territory to battle. It wares of seconds after you reach the opposing teams 3rd territory. Layout Pictures: 1st Territory 2nd Territory 3rd Territory Middle Territory Action Shots: Extra Shots: Download Crosswise Download Conquest v3 Special Thanks to: Vorpal Saint, for giving me a helping hand early in testing stages and some suggestions. Adelyss, for some suggestions and testing. Also letting me be the killer in clue. HLG Viper and Thotsy for showing me a break in the map, and extensive testing. Buddhacrane and Mental, for showing me another break in the map. Bartoge for extensive testing through the whole testing stage. pvilleplaya for looking over the videos to see if there was any problems. Any of my other testers, thank you.
i like the look of this alot as it adds more width to conquest. I hate conquest maps with very skinny passage ways where it just turns into a nade fest. this looks like you actually might want to use a BR...
well evan since I tested this map that entitles me to comment upon its awesomeness. Ok so as stated earlier i tested this map and to be completely honest I didnt think I was even on the foundry map varient anymore. For those of you who cannot figure it out the bruteshot is the tool of the comeback. The bruteshot is godlike for clearing out the territories that are under the bridge arch. When playing this map grenades are a must. If you don't have any grenades you had better find some and quick or you will have no chance. Gameplay: 9/10 Aesthetics: 10/10(I mean just look at the bridge arches they are sweet!) Overall: 9.5/10 Congrats evan, on another great map!
another awsome map (there's been a lot of them recently). looks smooth, innovative, and i suspect it has great gameplay. i might have to make room on my hardrive just so i can dl this.
Well, well, well... I see you posted it finally, ad it has a name now {ohhh}. Anyway, from the start when you had a good layout ad decent weapons/spawns I saw that it was going to be a real good conquest map. After say 15 tests with different amounts of people I have come to a conclusion that it lived up to my expectations. The interlocking and geomerging are nearly flawless, and there are several aesthetic touches that really give it an extra "umph". The sniper at first was in a pretty bad spot, and the window panels were rarely used. However after moving it to the second territory it opened up so many possibilities. The changes with teh Custom Power Up were only for the better, and is now in a perfect spot. You added some needed grenades and that helped, and there aer enough BRs to just get by. All the other weapons were well placed and an asset to the map. My only complaints were 1.) I kept getting assassinated from corners, but there really isn't much you can do about that. 2.) I liked the spawn placement of the first one where there was two spawns in Territory 2. You didn't really have to walk as far then, and you could get back into the game and get defending your territories more easily. However, Im glad that you took some advice from me and changed the spawns to face with the flow of traffic instead of against. Overall: 9.8/10. Those two things affected gameplay and not in a good way. But dont get me wrong, its a great map, and I was pleased that I could help you so much and could really see the map grow.
great map; i like the sniper posts and the curved roofs; great fusing; but my favorite thing was the barrels with weapon holders to create barriers; ive never seen that b4 good job 4/5
I tried to keep the traditional conquest feel while adding my own little spin on it. Although there are some narrow hallways, the BR becomes useful when used with the back hallway window when the sniper isn't there. Oh, that's right, you tested a while back. It's changed quite a bit since then actually. Grenades aren't necessarily a must since I dramatically lowered the amount of grenades on the map, but they are extremely useful when you have to clear people out of corners. The brute shot does wonders like you said, but can be taken down easily with a needler, spike grenade, or custom power-up. It was amazing how much lead changes there were when testing in later test stages. Leads would change from 6-1, to 2-5 like that. I'm really proud of how balanced and fun the map turned out. Thanks for testing Ace. Thanks, I never mind a little feedback after forging or playing either, so it would be great if you came back with some. First off Bartoge, I would like to thank you so much for the testing and this review. You were there pretty much everytime I tested. Anyway, about those spawns, it does kinda suck how it takes longer to get into the battle, but having the spawns at the base allows the other team to advance while one team catches up to them. Before I got rid of those spawns in the hallway, people would always end up meeting at the middle territory and teams would rarely advance, causing some boring gameplay in my opinion. When the battle carries to various places on the map, gameplay becomes more interesting. Thanks again for testing and the review. actually barrels have been used as cover in previous conquest. I actually got the idea from Vicous Vice's conquest map: Traction
this map is really really fun and has awesome technique to it. Great interlocking and merging.Thisn post could have a little more pictures of the ma showing everybody what it looks like and less picture of the gameplay.Great map
This map was absolutely awesome to test, but if you look at the first pic, me and my mate managed to get above the bridges and break the map. 4/5. Dave the Rave52
the map looks great and i like how you can look down at the territory. the forging looks great and the narrow passages look fun to fight in. nice map.
I like this map a lot especially the cleanliness and all the unique structures. This also seems to be the best conquest contest map SO FAR. I really would love to see soon how this map plays. I bet it would deliver. Why so many Plasma Rifles?
I ran through this yesterday(I didn't have enough people to do a full game) and I have to say, this is a very cool map! I love how well you interlocked, and it actually seemed kind of like a bunker. This is a very clean map, and I hope I can get enough people today for a full game.
I remember playing this like almost a month ago. It was a very early version of the map, and boy, did you change things. But it does look really good. I see that you kept the Sniper, I remember pwning hardcore with that thing on this map. Good times, Downloading.
Finally this is posted. I remeber testing this map with you a couple times. First of the thing that catches my eye about this map is the two dome bases with bridge roofs. I also like the use of the back hallway. When I tested this map with you it played really great. Overall, 5/5 hope dis get feature lol.
Hey lol I just realized that I actually tested this map like a week ago with Vorpal lol. It is a really nice map it was fun to play on and the middle flag was constantly contested. It was really fast paced and I like the barrels you decided to add. The spawn system works really well too. overall like a 9/10!
I tried my best to show the overall layout of the map, but I'll try to get a pic of the whole map's layout in a paint diagram or something. thanks. There's actually not too much plasma rifles if you consider where 4 of them are placed. They're placed in an area where A.) you can barely see them, and B.) nobody takes the time to go off their path for a few seconds just to get them. thanks, a review would be great once you get a chance. Or at least let me know how it played. I've been testing forever, and I'm so proud to see how far the map has gone and how much it's improved over time. being patient sucks, but it pays off big time in the long run. The sniper does add a nice twist on the map I think. Especially with that back hallway window. Thanks for testing way back then by the way. For some reasons people loved curved structures in forge don't they? lol, thanks for the comment guy. Ah, I believe you were also a tester in the non-barrel version. The map's gone a long way from then and it's a lot better. Believe me, more than just barrels were added/changed since then. Thanks for testing and the comment.
Well this is for sure, one of the better looking conquest maps I have seen. I have seen a few that looked sloppy but yours definitly looks great. I really like the layout style you have here, and your merging was excellent. I would really like to get a game on here and let you know a little more about how I feel about this map. Good Job.
yep, I remember test5ing this, and it was great fun. It is a nice usage of foundrys layout, merging is neat, and the overall map is well thought and creative. My only but: The "door" to the territory in the middle can be camped too easy, I got a triple kill by assassinations. Adding something like a fence wall would help. Spawn points are nice, you never really have to wait for an enemy. This map almost never gets boring.
Thanks, the map's gone a loong way, so I appreciate your comment on the neatness. I spent a lot of time getting these boxes as even as possible. There will probably be a few tiny bumps here and there, but what map doesn't have those tiny bumps? anyway, I hope to hear some gameplay feedback from you soon. Assassinations our bound to happen from campers on any map. It is a problem at the beginning of every game, but once you get assassinated once, you start looking behind every corner. The assassinations were easily prevented by a teammate either yelling out where the enemy is, or a spike grenade right at the corner. In my opinion it's not a big problem, just takes teamwork to fight it. I might experiment with some things to prevent it completely though. Thanks for the feedback, it's always great to get feedback from testers, positive or negative.
This looks like a really good map. I see good forging and it looks like there is great gameplay. But, what exactly does the Custom power up do?