Sandbox Discussion - Watch your spam.. (Interview links in OP)

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Something., Jan 16, 2009.

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  1. EpicFishFingers

    EpicFishFingers Ancient
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    Ah, I see it now! So how big is this hole? will a warthog be able to fit down it? What about a Scorpion? I want to make an "Escape the Crypt" map (that name is patented by me now GRRRRR!), but if you can't get through the hole easily, it'll ruin the map. I don't want to have to use teleporters or multiple grav lifts to get people out into the main map area...
  2. ForgeGod117

    ForgeGod117 Ancient
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    LOL. Indiana Jones on escape the crypt. A warthog could probably fit in but I doubt angles would allow one to fit up. Try a gravity lift though. EPIC idea.

    I have plans for a map depending on how many immovable objects there are.
  3. redearth

    redearth Ancient
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    I'm sure as a last case scenario a mongoose would fit without doubt. Is the warthog a required vehicle?
  4. EpicFishFingers

    EpicFishFingers Ancient
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    No, I just want to get an idea of the girth of said hole. I would like to make a sort of spiral staircase, and have the stopper block that plugs the hole spawn after 3 minutes so if you don't escape after 3 minutes, you're dead.

    My map would be Infection, obviously, and the zombies would spawn on the floor and climb a structure that the humans already spawn on. The weapons in the crypt will be very limited so escaping the crypt is essential to survival. Some traps would be cool too!
  5. zeppelinboy777

    zeppelinboy777 Ancient
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    A mongoose would definitely fit. I am pretty positive that the square will be a bit larger than 1/4 the size of a Foundry box. It is slightly larger than size of one grid square on Sandbox and four grid squares makes up a Sandbox box.
  6. redearth

    redearth Ancient
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    I have an idea. Why don't you spawn zombies in a box on the top tier, to save space, and have two teleporters. One leads to outside the crypt, but is blocked for three minutes, other leads to several teleporters inside of the crypt, allowing to prevent telecamping. When humans escape zombies can still attack, just give human's a structure with a turret or something.
  7. diger44

    diger44 Ancient
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    Cool Idea, but I think that the zomnies should spawn in an enclosed room in the sky bubble, and should have teles linking to different areas around the structure in the crypt to prevent tele-camping. And once the humans make it out, the would have to turn a switch or somthing, maybe even make it a vip gametype, but one sided, and have the team that doesnt have a vip, give them zombie traits, and have a go -to point on the other side of the hole to the crypt. There.
  8. redearth

    redearth Ancient
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    YOU JUST SAID WHAT I SAID WITH DIFFERENT WORDING! And a slightly different idea on doing it. And Ohaithar. I don't think that's what he was getting at. I think it's supposed to be infection, but anyone who doesn't get out in three minutes is instantly doomed.
  9. RightSideTheory

    RightSideTheory Legendary
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    Thats were it turns bad. You always have a problem with camping, but I don't think it should be instant doom... maybe make it were there are like 3 escape pods (mongoose's) so only 6 people can get out. That way nobody will camp, and everyone can get a chance to get out.
  10. zeppelinboy777

    zeppelinboy777 Ancient
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    That's how zombeez works. People hoard up weapons and they camp. Unless you specifically design a map to promote movement when you are a human, people are just going to camp. The only real way to prevent this is if you gave them no place to camp, which is close to impossible.
  11. RightSideTheory

    RightSideTheory Legendary
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    I know people camp in zombies, Hence the "Get on the damn mongoose or DIE" rule. That would help solve the problem :D

    I was trying to prevent camping with my suggestion. He said something about 1 way out, and I said people will just camp because it would be unlikely they would get out. With 3 or 4 escape pods six or eight people could get out, and there would be less camping because everyone would want to try for it.
  12. EpicFishFingers

    EpicFishFingers Ancient
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    Don't worry guys, I'm an expert at preventing camping. I'll work something out, and I'm gonna avoid teleporters for the humans completely.
  13. redearth

    redearth Ancient
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    I think I'll make that my second challenge. Make a zombie map that promotes movement. I think I'll also follow the latest book I've read, Zombie Survival Guide. It's a good book, you guys should read it. Anyway it basically makes humans and zombies equal, but zombies have better senses and human have, well, guns! I think I know how to balance it though. Anyway I was thinking along the lines of several house, each with a very limited supply of ammo that only respawns once every 3 minutes, and you run out of ammo in 1 minute. Three houses. You have to move in a circle, and plan with each other to prevent ammo loss and total death chance.
  14. kevinb1231996

    kevinb1231996 Ancient
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    can someone please link me to the monumentos scene of the discovery of "pancake theory" i cant find it
  15. zeppelinboy777

    zeppelinboy777 Ancient
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    Lmao my friend had that book at school once. That kid reads strange books...

    But on your idea, that sounds too complicated. To make an infection map, you must make it a simple premise. There is a simple goal, and simple means to do it. However, the variety and combination of what you do is what makes it complex. Look at Township, a very simple map. Your goal is to find a weapon, find other survivors, find a house, blockade the house, and defend. Simple, but the variety is what makes it fun. It's easy enough for anyone to understand, but yet someone skilled at the map can find the best weapons and the best hiding spots, and the variety keeps it interesting. I like your idea, but "maximizing the ammo count" is not going to promote movement. People will still just sit in there house, and not even care about ammo count. I think houses are the essence of camping. When I think of an awesome zombie map where you have to always be moving, I just think of Gridlocked for some reason. Maybe Gridlocked 2: Revenge of the Morning Traffic Goers or something. There's nowhere to camp. People could come from any direction. If you're at an intersection, you can see the whole map, but yet, you can only see a small portion. That would make an epic zombie map. No camping.
  16. EpicFishFingers

    EpicFishFingers Ancient
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    It's amazing how wrong you can be.

    I have a few questions about sandbox though:

    - Do you always survive a fall from a forged sky map to the main map with the absence of killballs? It'd be a shame if you do...
    - Is there still a minefield like Sandtrap, because I'm still seeing little mine border marker lights near the outskirts of the map...
    - Can you edit the lights on the towers or the sun's directions?
    - Is the main map's base completely flat?
  17. RightSideTheory

    RightSideTheory Legendary
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    In order:

    - Yes, but if you're in the sky bubble you die when you fall.
    - Yes there appeares to be a mine field, it has the same mine markers as SandTrap.
    - Nobody really knows but I doubt it. You can add the blue and red effects lights though, that could possibly work.
    - Yes its completely flat until you hit the sanddunes, and it curves up.
  18. zeppelinboy777

    zeppelinboy777 Ancient
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    It's amazing how wrong you can be (jk). I forgot that I was the first to reply to this thread.

    -No!!!!!! Of course not. What would be the point of the Skybubble if you fell off of the map, and then lived?
    -We believe so. Nothing has been confirmed but it's probably a 90% chance that there is a minefield.
    -No, the lights on the towers are illuminating the main part of Sandbox. There are six of them. The sun's direction you cannot alter either. In a few pictures, the sunset is lighting up the sky bubble, and it is actually very bright. However, there are the placeable light sources which are red and blue that emit light, but I'm sure you know about hose.
    -Yes, the center part of Sandbox is flat, as well as the entire Skybubble and the entire bottom of the Crypt. It is a forge map after all.

    I always get beat to it...
  19. EpicFishFingers

    EpicFishFingers Ancient
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    You didn't get beaten to first post! Thanks for the help, both of you. You can also clearly see the hole leading to the Crypt in the Snadbox heat map pic. It's right in the centre.

    I want more than one entrance to the Crypt now...
  20. zeppelinboy777

    zeppelinboy777 Ancient
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    They are called los teleportos. They don't have to be on the ground. You could stick them on the ceiling of the Crypt and have the zombz "fall in" to the Crypt from above.
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