Good find we forgot about Elites. For now I guess we have to put an honor rule up, just change everyone into Spartans before the game. Thanks, for not being impossible about it and presenting it in a friendly way. (^_^)
I played this a couple times in the past, when the BR box was in the sky and when it was on the ground. I will say, it is better on the ground. Unfortunately for me though, I don't find this game overly enjoyable. If you took Teamwerks and replaced the PP with a needler and put up a wall in the middle you have this game. Except you open the possibility of a Sapphire-esque lag fest with a bigger party. Don't get me wrong, you guys did a good job of putting it all together, but if I had to choose between this and Teamwerks I would take Teamwerks 9 times out of 10. I'll give it a 7.5/10 overall.
Actually you wouldn't because it's KoTH, not slayer. Although I do understand where you are coming from, the idea of turning this concept into a KoTH variant ventures far enough away from the game play of Teamwerks that I won't mind playing both. In my opinion coming up with clever ways to use different gametypes is basically the hardest aspect of minigame forging and it should be commended. If you think about it only 2 people are doing something similar to what they would be doing in teamwerks and that's the BR guy. Playing the other teammates is about as different as playing paintball and purple monsters. The only problems I can see, as I told death, is the 'down-low' hill reaches part way into the box so the BR guys can score points while it is active. All that has to be done is changing that hill from 17.5 to 16 width.
I definitely didn't mean that comment in a demeaning way. The KOTH aspect does change the overall feeling of the game slightly, which does make it stand out in it's own way. Adding new aspects to older games is always fun and helps refresh things that haven't been played as much recently. I do like this game, but I don't see it as an improvement on Teamwerks, I see it as more of an alternative.
I am not sure if it was testing but I played this map with Deathtoll, Vorpal, Vicious, and some other people I forgot. I was playing this game one day with people who didnt understand it at all so they kept trying to kill the BR guy (me) and they managed to assasinate me. The mancannons dont work completley. The BR guy box should be floating so he cant be killed. Also I can agree with everything creeping Death said.
I don't usually like mini-game maps. But this is cool. It has a very unique looking gameplay to it. I like the way you arranged the hills in strange and contorted ways, especially where you have to jump to stay in it. 5/5 Excellent Map. Keep Forging.
Woah, this was posted? Great mini-game, guys. I really liked the idea. I think it is very creative, even the little touches like the hill that makes an "arch". I say the newest version today and I saw how it changed. The last version I played was great; very fun. This might get Deathtoll his premium and help Catmon out. Go ahead and add me to the list of testers. =D
Add meh plox, I helped test the very first version, the middle version, and the final version. I'm a little dissapointed frankly, I found it to not be as enjoyable as Pennyless. Also, Its not as origional, which was pennyless's strongest quality (besides the fun!) Ps. On the version with the box on the ground, + mancannons, the Br man can easily be assianated. If he turns to a side, or diagonaly, you can jump in between the cannons and the box, and asianate the BR man in a split second, before your flown away. (runon lol) I was able to do so quite easily on this version. One game, I nearly imeadiatly asassinated teh other teams br man. I did so two rounds is a row, then vice threatend to Boot meh...
Before you had the mancannons, you had teleporters. I would suggest placing a ring of teleporters around the box, along with the mancannons. That way, they wont have that "split second"
This is a pretty cool game. Naturally, with the BR guy preying on the weak, it reminds me of Teamwerks, only pinker. I like the various size/shape moving destinations, as it encourages everyone to stay active and keep their head on a swivel. Lots of fun. Nice job folks. EDIT: Sorry for saying Teamwerks, I'm sure you're tired of everyone saying that.
Great map with a great concept, and is addictive. A mini-game that is fun and original are my favorites, it shows that not everything has to be copied from another map or video game and can still be great. I don't know why, but for some reason I find this similar to Purple Bunker, maybe because of the needlers and the whole pushing concept... My only complaints about the map is when you're outside the hill and you're an Elite, or a Spartan looking downward, it is really hard, if not impossible, to score a headshot with a BR. If you can think of/test different ways to kill the people who fly out the hill, that would be superb. Just keep in mind that the BR guy will always have the needler so the headshot only idea is a really good-but somewhat flawed idea. Maybe this problem is un-avoidable, idk. I tip my hat to you sirs for making my new favorite mini-game since Tremor Blast (if you count it as a mini-game). I don't want to fell pushy since I mentioned this at TGIF, but I would just like to remind you about that I play tested a concept version of this map
I really can't wait to play this map it really reminds me of someone elses map where you had to hold off infected with youre needler................but this is better.....much better This was the year you expected so much from last year 90% of teens today would die if Myspace was completely destroyed. If you are one of the 10% that would be laughing, copy and paste this to your signature
While this is fun for a while, it gets old fast. The only thing is that it is repetative gameplay, similar to that of previous minigames... You know the ones. If not: Purple Rain and ... crap whats that one with the plasma pistols and the guy with the BR trapped in the box... whatever. It feels old, but excluding that factor it is a decent minigame.
"Hot Spots" the next best mini game since Tremor Blast. I enjoyed playing on this just due to its innovated style of game play. I have never played any style of a Mini Game like this before. It truly is a different game quite along with the fact on how action packed and enjoyable it is. With all of the unique variations of hills, which accordingly they brought interesting game play along with it. Personally I never thought just by a simple change of the shapes and sizes of the hills can bring unique aesthetic touches and mind boggling fun to game like Hot Spots. For people have never played Hot Spots I highly recommend it, Hot Spots is easy to pick up and play and definitely something that will never get old. Thinking logically when it comes to most Mini Games one of the first things that comes to your mind is, does the the Mini Game involve Honor Rules? Well, knowing from playing this fun fast paced action game, no it does not. Meaning any one can enjoy it with out having to be kicked for something you don't understand. Overall, this is by far one of my favorite Mini Game Maps since "Tremor Blast".
queued for download, but wont be able to play for a day or two. alot of people have said its the most fun being the br guy - what if you gave them a choice of who is the br guy? (im assuming the br guy is always immortal and 1 guy is randomly chosen per team to spawn in the br box at the start of the match) for example you could set up a tele or 2 in each corner that leads to your team's br box and put a custom powerup in there that offers x seconds of imortality. in a game if you see your br box empty you could jump through the tele, pick up the custom, and take heads from your advantageous position until custom wears off and you get killed or tele back to your side (maybe 10 seconds of immortality, and custom spawns every 15 seconds? just throwing numbers out here). this way during a match everyone on a team would have an opportunity to play their prefered position
this looks amazing. you should make something like this on sand box where you go to the crypt and all around it. i realllllly like the game/map idea good job