This is mine and my friend kingjudges halo 3 montage enjoy
Second song is overused and there were a couple of sticks (like the one on pit where you jumped from training and stuck him on top snipe) that weren't really that amazing...
I saw pretty standard gameplay and a lot of luck. Maybe I'm just jaded about these things now seeing it happen often from the people I play with.
Your going to hate me. But its k. You should learn how to capture clips properly. Remember when your recording from a clip, and not a saved film, that your aimer will disappear, simply hit Y, Y thumbstick, and press B if necessary to remove theater menus. This will bring the aimer back on screen. You have the right, idea, but not the right clips. They really wernt great, and I would probably not use them. Remember being pro at shotgun is a bad thing I see the second half of the tage, was just to be silly, so im not going to say anything about that, besides lolable splatters, and awesome ****ing song, one of my favorites by the offspring. Just keep trying, and eventualy you will get really good balls the the wall awesome clips for a tage.