Sandbox Discussion - Watch your spam.. (Interview links in OP)

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Something., Jan 16, 2009.

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  1. Love Slice

    Love Slice Ancient
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    Off Topic: I played that app on my friends IPod! It was only the trial, tough :(

    Even though I never really play Halo: CE, I think Boarding Action would be a really cool remake.

    Remakes are definitely going to be popular in the first few months of Sandbox's release. I'm most looking forward to Boading Action, Wizard/Warlock, and Desolation. (I'm sure there are others, but I can't think of them right now).
  2. RaVNzCRoFT

    RaVNzCRoFT Ancient
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    A friend of mine had an interesting idea for the sky bubble, a sort of new type of "Duck Hunt."

    It's pretty much a floating race track on the sky bubble, with up to 15 humans driving ghosts, warthogs, and mongooses from start to finish. Meanwhile, a single zombie in a rocket hornet tries to blast the humans off the track to their deaths. If a human can make it to the end, he gets a laser and can easily destroy the zombie. If not, all the humans are dead and the round is over. Thoughts?
  3. ImWithStupid

    ImWithStupid Ancient
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    Sounds like a pretty good idea, although it may be too easy for the hornet flyer. You'd have to put many overhangs and shield doors.
  4. RomanSparky

    RomanSparky Ancient
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    What is this "Crypt" i keep hearing about? Can someone fill me in? lol. I haven't checked up on my sandbox news in a while.
  5. ForgeGod117

    ForgeGod117 Ancient
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    I hope you are joking. The crypt is an underground room about the size of a grifball arena that is found under the original sandbox. You were joking right.
  6. M.Jelleh

    M.Jelleh Ancient
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  7. RomanSparky

    RomanSparky Ancient
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    thanks man lol. sorry im kinda stupid

    wow this is freakin sweet tho. Thank you, bungie! :D i dunno what more juicy goodness could possibly come out of this. But there probably is still a little bit more... i just can't wait for this map pack!!
  8. What's A Scope?

    What's A Scope? Ancient
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    There are still TWO updates until it is released, is there still more to reveal?
  9. zeppelinboy777

    zeppelinboy777 Ancient
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    Only one. Next week we'll get an update on Friday. The Friday after that, which is the 28th, is when it comes out in Europe or Australia or something. So only one update left.
  10. Bartoge

    Bartoge Ancient
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    you know what we should have when sandbox is released? a contest that makes you use all three levels of sandbox on one map
  11. Conkerkid11

    Conkerkid11 Ancient
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    All of my family members keep stealing my money, so I doubt I will be able to get the Halo Wars LE. Sad face...

    What more could Bungie possibly add? I wantz to change time of day...
  12. zeppelinboy777

    zeppelinboy777 Ancient
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    I'm sure there will be many contests coming out. It would be very cool to see something like that. I couldn't really think of a way to connect them besides just sticking teleporters to each level on it, but I'm sure many other people could think of something more creative.
  13. Love Slice

    Love Slice Ancient
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    I would wait a couple of weeks before you hold a contest. If you hold it right away, people will immediately start working on their maps instead of carefully planning them out. A contest would be good though.

    One idea for contests is to have a contest for the best remakes. For example, you could hold a contest to see who could make the best remake of Sanctuary. A while after that, you could hold one for Warlock, and etc. That way people will stop making remakes all of the time (after the contests that is) and actually do something original.

    And guys, think about all the things that were accomplished with Foundry. Foundry had a lot of issues, and yet people still managed to make hundreds of creative maps. Think of what will be done with Sandbox. It will be unreal.
  14. zeppelinboy777

    zeppelinboy777 Ancient
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    I'm not going to have a contest. And I think a best remake contest would be fine, but not for one map. That would possibly be the most boring contest ever. You'd have 30 of the same map made differently by different people.
  15. Ladnil

    Ladnil Ancient
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    I can't think of a single thing they have even hinted at that hasn't been revealed. Only thing I can imagine even being remotely possible would be super-massive walls/blocks you could use as a low budget barrier in the sky-bubble.
  16. Blaze

    Blaze Sustain Designer
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    No. I don't believe a possibility. They have stated all of the forge objects, as far as I know.
  17. Jake Pajamas

    Jake Pajamas Guest

    Forgegasm - (verb) Becoming intensely excited upon realizing all of the capabilities and potential of Sandbox."

    "Dude I totally forgegasmed when I saw the Crypt!"
  18. Engine

    Engine Ancient
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    there are only ONE update until it is released here in europe so i dont think that there will be something revealed the last update
  19. zeppelinboy777

    zeppelinboy777 Ancient
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    I gave new life to my idea that I had a few pages back.

    Here's the original idea:

    Here's what I recently came up with.

    Honestly if you read the whole thing, you are awesome. Please give any comments/suggestions you have.

    I keep editing random things into my post of awesomeliness. I just thought you could probably play this with anywhere from 4-12 players, and it would be different experiences each time. 4 there would be two hornets and 2 always powerful defenders, 12 there would be 2 hornets with people sitting on them and a lot of weak defenders. It would actually work for 16, but there would be 6 blues and 10 reds. Hmm I guess that would make more sense. Can you choose which color is attacker in VIP? If not then it would be 6 on 6, and it would probably be like Cave Freaks in that sense. I could also make it 8 on 8, but there would be two attackers doing nothing unless they jumped on one of the hornets.
  20. redearth

    redearth Ancient
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    Wall O' Text Alert

    I think that I'm going to make a map that despawns objects. It is finally possible. Now before you say don't jump to conclusions bungie never said that, I know, they didn't. What they did say is you could place killballs. Now, if you create rooms smaller than killballs, theoretically you could spawn the killball later in the round to remove a weapon from being used. As long as you can set killballs not to spawn at start, unlike teleporters, this idea works. Infact, this is how I'm going to incorporate it into a map. Three main structures. All in the center pancake between the two teams. One of them won't change, that's the center temple. At the top a sniper spawns, starting at 120 seconds. On the right, a room that has a sniper that spawns at start, respawning every 30 seconds, making it a crucial weapon at the start. On the left side, a room of ice, using blue filters to make it icy, has a 90 second respawning rocket. But the floor of it will have killballs at the start , just enough so you can't reach the rockets. Now here's where it gets good. This is how it plays. First 120 seconds sniper main weapon, people rushing for it at all times. 120 seconds in it "teleports" atop of the temple. The power used in making it teleport forces it to only spawn once every 2 minutes though. A killball spawns making the previous sniper inaccesible. 180 seconds in a floor spawns over the lava in the ice room making the rockets accessible. The lava "hardened." What do you guys think.
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