Halo 3 File ShareMore ScreeniesHere are some decent shots I took with the water and fire effects.Hope you like them.Please rate and download.They dont have names so post any ideas and tell me which one you like.
You need to tone it down on the brightness of your screenshots. A lot of your shots are just huge blotches of light. Not everything needs super intense lighting.
agreed originality is the key. In all honesty i don't like any of them. the first two are pretty much the same and the last was a good attempt but the angle is terrible. 2/5
Yeah i don't really liie these and please don't post your pictures side by side. Then people have to scroll over and its annoying
was the last one inspired by mine? i dont care if it was i would just like to know, good if it is, as for the other two, they dont really appeal to me
Agreed. It just look like film of milky white light is covering your pictures. You don't really have good angles for the pictures in my opinion either. No offense but I don't like these screens.
I think the last one is the best but how do you get to do the effect I don't get it I read the guide but msg me if you will tell me btw nice pics... 1st: 3/5 2nd: 4/5 3rd: 5/5