These are all my pics (lol all slots are full so if i make a map i got to pu it on my bros fileshare) Well here are my 23 pics... The one Soilder from Hell Assassin Fear the fire Half Stroke Helljumper Hello XxInTheShadowsX InTheShadowsV2 Light ODST The matrix Blue complexed Dark complexed Leaf assassin Mission complete No mercy One And last but not least, Poisened Remember to Rate and comment! Link to fileshare: Fileshare (I know this isn't allowed it just That I dont want to post a link for every one of the pictures) I hope you understand.
Wow this is a really good set of pics. i love Half, In the Shadows, and Leaf Assassin the best. Good job! 4.9/5!
Thanx btw you can add me if you want the pictures my GT is XxInTheShadowsX or I will put up the link to my file share if enough people like em
InTheShadowsV2 is my fav of them all. Good screenshots. Some are a little overdone, but overall, I'd say 4.5/5.
Half, Stroke, Poisoned. Those are the best in my opinion. Most of them are great, except fro the ones that dont really have an effect just a pose {they've just been done too much before} but yeah this is a really good batch of screenshots you have here.
Yup those are the ones I like too.... but to comment a little different from black thm... I will give you 4.9000000000001/5
I think a few of them are pretty good. They aren't very original because you didn't give them anything else except for a filter or two.
Could u message me how to do "in the shadows v2" and "light" please? i really do like these screen shots
I don't know exactly how I made it either... Lol I through like a frag grenade and shot him with a brute shot or something like that.
Well Half, One, In the Shadows v2, and Poisoned are the best in my opinion. Of course I think there all pretty good shots. 4.99/5
Most of them are from grnades or bruteshot hits and then i got a good angle and wallaa! They were the best pics I've ever made
Meh. Most of the are pretty average, with effects I've seen about a million times. Also, Matrix was just a guy getting sniped. *Cough* What? Why did you take a screenshot of that? The only one that sort of caught my eye was Half. Not many people put Black and White to good use, so congrats on that. Otherwise, I've seen all these kind of shot before.