Mmm this is very sexy. It has a kind of light sheen to it, almost cold steel-ish. Everything looks so sharp, and the Spartan looks intense as hell. My only complaint is I wish I could see the barrel of the Sniper Rifle, other than that this is tight.
I like it. Great angle, love the lighting. The only problem, as said, is that you can't see the barrel of the sniper. I know that's not your fault, though. Probably whatever effect you were using got in your way. 4.5/5.
Nice screenshot What I most like about it is the blueish/grayish backround. I also agree will all these other people about the sniper. But unfortunatly I dont like it as much as all these people do. 3.5/5
could have gotten the barrel, but I purposely did not. The full sniper takes up too much space of the shot. Also the title of the screenshot is Embrace, the shot clearly shows the spartan embracing with the scope of the sniper. Embrace means to be close to something.... am i right? CnC plz.
Embrace is to basically hold in your arms. The lighting is pretty cool and the angle seems right. The gun looked like some sort of rpg when i first saw the pic.
Yeah generally they do, don't they? But here it doesn't work. It's too staged and it's been done before.
Well yeah, good for you for liking it. More power to you. I agree, you don't always have to be original in a way. You can take things here and there and improve upon them and make them your own, but here, for this photo, I see nothing new or improved upon.
It's a good shot. However, it is one of the easiest screenshots to make. Bungie even made a post on how to make it. You only need to turn on like 3 filters and it just does it for you.
Yes... but how do you get the lines in the background. How do you get that lighting in each corner. I did use the Fx that bungie tut said, but i also did other things....