Hey can you tell me the best way to geo-merge thin objects like walls and fence walls without them getting crooked? Also, when i save & quit to float objects, it usualy ends up in a different place from when i saved sorry about not posting here in the first place
Hmm. When you are geomerging walls into the ground it is all about your lineup for the merge. When I do it I will save and quit two teleporters flat against the object at the very bottom of the large side. Go to the opposite long side and repeat this process. Now you have the thin strips. Do these the same way as before (save and quitting) except at the bottom and it will be harder to place. I hope you get this because it is hard to explain techniques like this. Now you are going to set the wall to not spawn at start and start a new round. When the round starts you can go to where your wall is and float a double box so that when the wall spawns it will be interlocked slightly at the top. Now you are going to point your reticule on the object and quickly tap A two times. As soon as you hit it the second time bring your finger up to start and save as a new map. Change the title if you need to and click done. Go out to see if your merge has turned out right and if it has delete the teleporters and continue making the rest of your map. If your merge is not done far enough move your box down slightly and repeat. If the object is faulty then go to your previous save and add more teleporter / fix your boxes height and angle. As for your second question. This is a common glitch. It happens to me all the time. You need to redo your save and quit and it might straighten itself. If it doesn't just repeat until it does.
well my specific problem is that I am trying to merge a fence wall into the horizontal pipes by the tunnels of foundry, but when i put teleporters all along it, it either goes through the teleports, into the ground, or leans. I have tried putting a teleporter under the ground to keep it from going there, but it didn't help
I have been working on a one bomb map and i am having trouble with the bomb plants and bomb spawns. I started on a canvas map that i downloaded. When i delete the bomb spawns and bomp plants, add my own, and save changes, the original ones are still there when i go to custom games and play bungies variant of one bomb? please help and yes i have tried to delete and save more than once. Thanks
well forgegod ive seen u around and u r helpful so ill give this a go. I set up a question the other day and i got some good feedback but i want to know how u do it. If i set up a regular double box how do i make a wall double ramp coming from it, (while geomerged into the ground)
Sorry if this has all ready been answered but... In maps such as Redeemer and Aperture There are walls merged inside the back rooms, i've tried and tried and can't figure out how its done, your help would be appreciated .
Are you certain that you have deleted the original bomb spawns and return points. The only reason they wouldn't save is because you are not deleting them each time. Since you say you have made sure of this you need to just keep trying until it works. there is actually a guide written by DeathStarOG that explains this perfectly. This is a very complicated technique and your best bet would be for me to just redirect you to his guide. here is his guide! I have long wondered how this works and I only found out about one month ago. Also like stated above this is a very advanced technique and it will take time and patience to perfect it. I am going to suggest going under the map to do one of your life's hardest merges. In order to get under the map you will have to set a box on the ground to not spawn at start. Now start a new round and head on over to the area your box is going to spawn. If you have stood in the right place you should be pushed under the map. Quickly turn into a monitor before you die and head on over to where you need to place your objects. Start by save and quitting the wall in place. The tedious part of this process is that you have to get under to place every brae and your pushing object. When you have all this placed you should double click to send it up into your map. PROTIP: Try to merge it up a short distance the first time so that it does not become crooked and you can apply more braces above the map. This should really help for the final outcome of your merge. I hope this has helped you all and I am glad you choose my FAQ to use. If any questions remain unanswered or you simply don't understand them just post back here and I will attempt to answer them in a way that is easier to comprehend. MODERATOR NOTICE: MAYBE WE COULD GET A STICKIE ON THIS SEEING AS IT IS HELPING MANY PEOPLE!!!
MODERATOR NOTICE: MAYBE WE COULD GET A STICKIE ON THIS SEEING AS IT IS HELPING MANY PEOPLE!!! fail suggestion is fail. We have a whole forum for this, and you may not be the best advice giver. I'll admit you've helped people, but dont get cocky.
I agree. The only reason why I don't think it should get locked: it has helped some people. The fact remains that there is a whole forum for this. It has been said before. No sticky.
what this does different is it tells people easier ways to do stuff and how to do things in certain areas (or at least its easier to forgegod) something the forging 101 doesn't do.
Someone could simply post a thread. Then people could recognize what the player wants by reading the title which allows someone to answer faster. The person that needs help would get several different answers rather than one. It's cool what he is doing, but is it necessary? No. Sticky? No.
hey on my last post about the bomb spawns i figured out you couldnt delete bungies default spawns and then add different spawns and plants, you had to keep bungies on the map but you could move them. On a different note, i am making a map with death teleporters and when i saw the map inverted gravityv2 in the mini game section the poster said that buddhacranes tutorial on how to get a receiver node on the roof helped. Could you explain and link to his tutorial?
Just so no one says something, im new to Forgehub. Anyways, what happens when someone touches a pallet that is interlocked into something like a double box?
Interlocking immovable objects is not possible without the use of braces. You can secure a crate down with teleporters and when the box spawns it will basically be interlocked. However if you tried to do this with a pallet it immediately explodes. It is also possible to interlock objects by moving one out of the way with a vehicle and pushing another in its place by using another vehicle. When the first one re spawns it will be interlocked with the other one. As soon as you touch it it will explode. Since you are new you may have many questions so feel free to post them here.
hey forge god i had a nother question. is it possible to make a switch lik this: u=trigger coil, x=spawning coil if i wanted a set up lik u xxxx how would i make it so wen i blow up fusion coil U it makes fusion coils X to spawn? so.. U destroyed=all X's spawning
In the advanced merging technuiqes link they give to us, what is the save and quit method? I know the one where you use the doors, and save and quit it while it is merged. Is that the method? Or is there something else?
It also refers to interlocking an object into the one that you want to geomerge, then bracing the hell out of it with teleporters. Grab the object that you are merging, then save and quit. End result=win.
Hello ForgeGod (love the thread, by the way, wish I would've seen it earlier). I have a question concerning grabbing objects after they're already placed. Is there a way you can just grab them, and move them just slightly without it either pulling towards you or even wedging out of place all-together? Thanks, man.
This annoys the **** out of me too. You have got the object about where you want it and you decide to make a last minute adjustment and boom you have to start over again. you should be able to counter this by placing a respawn point on the side of the object you will be pushing away from and then regardless of whether it gets screwed up or not you have a guide to go back and place it by. PROTIP: For large objects like a double box use multiple spawn points.