Sandbox Discussion - Watch your spam.. (Interview links in OP)

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Something., Jan 16, 2009.

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  1. What's A Scope?

    What's A Scope? Ancient
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    I had an idea similar except using the skybubble and for slayer.
  2. cakeChart

    cakeChart Ancient
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    Couldn't you use Zipline's epic zip-line system as way that players could easily go up and down the tube of the crypt on the same map? Mancannons could be used to give a player the momentum they need to go up.
    I think it could be used for some epic conquest maps.
  3. RightSideTheory

    RightSideTheory Legendary
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    How many entrances are there? You might could do it if there is more than one hole.
  4. Nick Novikov

    Nick Novikov Ancient
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    You are to obbesessed with sandbox. So far, pretty much every comment u made on here had to do with how much sandbox is gona dominate foundry when it comes. You also keep repeating every but in different phrases like, "Im going to forge on sandbox & never on foundry again!" to, "Whos gonna delete their foundry maps for new sandbox maps? I am!"

    Really? you proved your point about 35+ pages back.
  5. Matty

    Matty Ancient
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    He's in love. Leave him be.
  6. cakeChart

    cakeChart Ancient
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    No, the beauty of it is that you only need that one hole! You must not be familiar with Zipline. Twas an epic map by Mastar with a zip-line that worked going in both directions.
    On my map, it would allow players to go up and down the tube, instead of only one direction, i.e. players can go down or up.
  7. RaVNzCRoFT

    RaVNzCRoFT Ancient
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    Honestly, people need to quit bitching about little things like the slanted walls of the Crypt. This map will be 1000 times more than Foundry in every respect.

  8. Moltenslowa

    Moltenslowa Ancient
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    You can't appease the internet. But you can shut us up by moving away from what bungie did WRONG with sandbox and every aspect that they got RIGHT.
  9. RightSideTheory

    RightSideTheory Legendary
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    I see what your saying, two teams fight up and down the same entrance?

    The only problem would be one team would have to fight up, and one team would have to fight down. I know it doesn't seem like that would make it to one sided, but I'm sure it would effect gameplay even if only in small ways.
  10. Lance001

    Lance001 Ancient
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    I have an idea: let's all delete ALL of the maps we have, including the original DLC maps (just because). Then, we can turn and worship this new monstrosity.

    All kidding aside, I am interested to see how things turn out once this glory is released. Unlike AZN, I don't believe at all that it will be a last resort for excellent Forgers; I think excellent forgers will rise above, regardless. Why work ridiculously hard geomerging something when you can easily do it in Sandbox? Wasting time on another map in order to get identical results does not make you a better Forger. It simply means you're stupid and need a job/significant other/hobby to take up the large amount of time you have lying around. The truly talented Forgers will stand out because they'll do the easy stuff (that would be hard on other maps) and then find new hard stuff (that is physically impossible on, say, Foundry) to do.

    Consider Foundry: at first people made maps on Last Resort and used teleporters to solidify walls and boundaries. Then along comes Foundry. While it is still possible to create a map in Last Resort that is walled in with movable objects (held in place by teleporters or the like), it's much easier and more efficient to just use immovable objects in Foundry. But once everyone was able to make immovable boundaries, ForgeHub did not become an overpopulated wasteland of solely awful maps. There were always (and ALWAYS WILL BE) terrible maps flooding this place, but there will also always be the occassional diamond that blows them all away. Those shining beacons of hope have often been made on Foundry, and people have yet to say, "Oh, gee, it's made on a map that aids Forgers, rather than hinders them, so they must have no talent." No, people simply accept good maps for what they are: good maps.

    Sandbox will be similar. Of course, thousands of epic zombie maps in the sky will spawn overnight. Most or all will suck beyond all measure. But, undoubtedly, along will come hope in the form of a truly original, brilliant creation. To discard that new and amazing map simply because it's made on a Forge-alicious palette is ludicrous. For the same reasons, neither will another less original map on Rat's Nest be better than a creative Sandbox one, simply because it's harder to Forge on Rat's Nest.

    While I agree with AZN on most things, this is one area I fmust differ in.

  11. RightSideTheory

    RightSideTheory Legendary
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    This was the same thing I was thinking. With all the amazing maps members of forgehub and even other people in the halo community have made, people still play the crappiest infection varients on sandtrap. Honestly I'm scared of sandbox, because when I'm not playing with other Hubbers I'll be playing shitty infection with bad gameplay on bad maps 95% of the time.
  12. Lance001

    Lance001 Ancient
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    As a plus, though, Bungie has mentioned ForgeHub as a quality Forging site. That alone will result in thousands of new visitors. There is yet hope, mentlegen!
  13. zeppelinboy777

    zeppelinboy777 Ancient
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    Anyone who is serious about forging has already found a serious forging site. Whether it be MLG, GoO, Forgehub or others. A flood of non-serious "Sandtrap Zombeez" forgers could just bring a bunch of crap into the maps section.
  14. Lance001

    Lance001 Ancient
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    Yes, those who are serious about Forging are already involved in a serious Forging community. However, you fail to recall that not everyone is serious about Forging. In fact, a great deal of people have yet to realize that Forge is able to do anything OTHER than sucky ZOMBE3Z maps. Those people that visit ForgeHub because of could easily become new excellent Forgers. Just because they have yet to get involved in a community they may not know exists does not mean that they are incapable of bringing talent to the table.
  15. cakeChart

    cakeChart Ancient
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    Not really, because both teams could do things like camp and spam nades. I could make it one sided, but I wouldn't.
  16. LIGHTSOUT225

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    wisdom. why did you ever leave?

    on topic, i have so many ideas for this map.. big solo projects, co-forges, competitive maps and mini-games.. i hardly know where to start. i have a solid idea for all three tiers. Needless to say, this will be keeping forgers busy for quite some time. i cant wait to see the creativity from some of my favorite forgers flow again.. i even know of a retired forger or two coming back for some sandbox lovin :)
  17. zeppelinboy777

    zeppelinboy777 Ancient
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    Unfortunately, like a great majority of my friends, most non-serious forgers don't want to play on well forged maps. For one, a lot of them just don't enjoy competitive maps. All they want to play on is zombies and mini game maps. Even when I try to show them a great game like Tremors Blast or something else, they just hate it. All they want to play is something about a Hide and Seek town or predator. I guess that if people are introduced to it, then they could have the potential to become a great forger, but things like the Bungie Favorites have constantly had maps that utilize geomerging and interlocking. Also, when ForgeHub was on the Bungie favorites there were how-to videos showing how to interlock and geomerge. I also think that Sandbox will bring an influx of people who are great forgers, but just became sick of Foundry. I'm sure we will see a lot more creativity and maybe some new members trying to showcase their Sandbox maps.
  18. RightSideTheory

    RightSideTheory Legendary
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    That would be because most of those people don't want to think. Games like "OMFG SAND ZUMB3Z" and Predator don't require much thought. I'm not saying thats such a bad thing, I actually enjoy a match or two on Hide and Seek Town. But you just can't get the majority of players into amazing forged maps. I personally think thats why Bungie shunned our maps for Atlas. Most people don't want anything so complicated.
  19. zeppelinboy777

    zeppelinboy777 Ancient
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    And you'd think people should be into complex games. Halo is an insanely complex game compared to other games that are out today (Call of Duty), but the popularity of it brings a bunch of kids who only want to play simple games. To make this post not off-topic, I will now talk about Sandbox.

    I'm going to make Super Hide and Seek Town: Predator Edition. I'm making a giant town that's going to spread across all three levels of Sandbox. The Predator has 50% gravity and 50% speed, so he can jump high and run slow. Everyone else has 200% gravity and 300% speed and active camoz. Then they have happy fun time.
  20. Lance001

    Lance001 Ancient
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    My leaving wasn't really a choice of mine. Real life called. =/

    On topic, I do agree that most Halo 3 players don't want to play a game the requires a lot of thinking. Honestly, a lot people play video games to NOT THINK. I, for one, enjoy playing Halo 3 when I've had a long hard week at college, and I need something to "veg out on." Much more socially acceptable than boozing, too.

    Unfortunately, this also means that a vast majority of excellent maps are overlooked simply because they require something other than fantastic aim and a lightning-fast trigger finger.
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