Got about 10 new achievements on Xbox lol... not too happy, but got an 85 on a spanish midterm. :/ umm... yea thats about that...
This is technically last night, but it still affects me now, and i'm still proud of it: went to the grocery store last night to find things in which to fill my mini fridge and make it win. do you see? do you see why i am proud? i spent over $30 on the pudding alone. my feet are up top, and my sister's hands are on the right.
Two things I did to make myself proud lately. 1: Got my midterms, straight As with 100% in Spanish II 2: Got 3 letters from 3 different Universities across the country "recognizing my academic achievements" and trying to draw me in their colleges. I am in the 10th grade by the way.
i wish. it's just glass coke bottles, they just looked so awesome that i couldn't resist... so, more coke.
Today, i posted new pics, and i'm actually being recognized by the Screenshot Community! prouder than a mofo...
I'm not to great at long distance. I'm more of a sprinter because I play defense in soccer so I need to be able to run for a while but most of it has to be sprinting. You have me in the 8 miles though. I'd probably fall over.
I finally got installous working on my ipod. Yay? Also, I had math class and I made some good jokes. OMFG. @mikey haha, I'm in spanish III and I'm in 10th as well. Except on my midterms I got 100% as well. Skill?
Falling over? Wouldn't worry about that. In the race that I did there were puddles that were impossible to go around and knee-deep. I lost my shoe in one of them. TBH I would have rather fallen in the puddle, it would have took less time to recover from :/
Meh, I did jack today. Slept in, had some bacon, watched Scrubs. Washed the car. Watched the Shawshank redemption, had chinese food for dinner then played Guitar Hero with my mate. And here I am. Yesterday was a bundle of fun though. Other than school, of course. Went to a "poker night". Group of us just got drunk and began to wander off. I danced to Low in the middle of the street. We went to an alleged Haunted House. Were there for like half an hour. 2 of the people we were with randomly wandered in while the rest didn't notice. They didn't come out for about 20 minutes, so we just left. A few went home at around 2ish, we bumped into another group of people. Walked to McDonalds and befriended the employee when he was on his break. Then one of the other dudes walked into the service station and stole some food, while the clerk pretty much watched the entire time. Then I walked home and went to bed. 'Twas good fun. Oh and throughout the night, a few of us (not me)pissed into a bucket. Then after a while, my mate grabbed the bucket and threw it all over a nearby car.
Which he most likely spent on booze, or drugs if you gave him enough. Don't give hobo's money kids. Its bad
I love how... creative people can be sometimes, and what you are proud of Linu. Still though, PWNED! LMAO!!!1
that mini-fridge is missing a key component... and i demand video of Linu dancing to Low in the middle of the street because, well, thats just so damn adorable ; ) havent done anything to be proud of yet today so this post is pointless