MLG Beaver V2

Discussion in 'Halo 3 MLG Maps' started by Nun, Feb 14, 2009.

  1. Nun

    Nun Ancient
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    MLG Nugget V2

    This is my first attempt at a full map so don't be too harsh.​


    About MLG Nugget:
    This map basically originated from my disliking of Onslaught and my curiousity about geomerging and whatnot so decided to kill two birds with one stone. Took me a while to build as I was learning as I was going along (plus added interuptions from friends spawning warthogs and trurrets all over the place) but I got there in the end. It's a symmetrical two base map with a central structure running straight down the middle. It's great for playing Onslaught Flag on but it's also pretty nifty for slayer also. The FFA spawns I feel need a little work but I let everyone here confirm that for me before I go messing around with it any more.​

    Techniques Used:
    As this was a learning process for me I've used geomerging and interlocking. I haven't over-used it however as I didn't want the map to lag at all.​

    Weapons and Such:
    The main structure house a rocket launcher (2 rockets only), a mauler and carbine as well as a few grenades. Each base holds a sniper rifle (one spare clip) however these don't spawn until 3 minutes into the game and a couple of grenades. None of the weapons are on drops spawns as I wanted to make it all a little more interesting. There are also multiple battle rifles scattered around the map.​

    For the FFA version, all of the power weapons have been removed to make everything a little more equal. The mauler remains however.​

    Apologies if this goes wrong, it's 5am and I haven't tried this before.​




    #1 Nun, Feb 14, 2009
    Last edited: Feb 14, 2009
  2. Star iz Legiit

    Star iz Legiit Ancient
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    Hey man,to be learning as you was going on the interlocking and merging,this is really good.Well its good anyways,it just makes it better where you were just learning.But yea,nice interlocks,great map
  3. xPsychZerox

    xPsychZerox Ancient
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    Well even with the lack of geomerging and the small areas without interlocking, this looks very smooth! Great job. Could you maybe add an overview to give us a better feel for the map?

    Overall 4/5 can't wait to see more from you!
  4. RTN SwisH

    RTN SwisH Ancient
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  5. Nun

    Nun Ancient
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    Sorry dude, I didn't realise. I'll rename is as soon as I have time.
  6. xXxI4 shotIxXx

    xXxI4 shotIxXx Ancient
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    I realize your still learning the tricks of the trade, but in your next map try to have something that stands out.Something that makes your map unique.Check my maps, and you will see what i mean.Not trying to be mean just think it would have been alot better with a structure thats not in someone else's map or unique scenery.
  7. Nun

    Nun Ancient
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    Right, the name of the map has been changed. Please let me no if this one is also in use so that I may seem like even more of a fool lol.

    Thanks for you comment dude, I'm fully aware that this map is nothing special to look at and doesn't have a unique selling point however even if I did have the skill to achieve such a feet then I doubt I would have. Aside from the name (I didn't know this name was already taken) this map is not anybody elses and it's not based on anybody elses map. Any similarities between this map and another are purely coincidental.

    My main aim for this map was not to come up with anything aesthetically awe inspiring but to come up with a map that played well so that people can have fun on it. Not wander round looking at the scenery.

    Do I have to get in touch with a mod to get the thread name changed or can I just post it in here and wait?
  8. Craigien

    Craigien Ancient
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    The map looks nice and looks like it has good gameplay. Good job.
  9. Tyberiousfusion

    Tyberiousfusion Ancient
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    I like the interlocking on this map but it could use some more geomerging like the corner wall on the ground just sticks out like a sore thumb
  10. On The Flip Side

    Senior Member

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    if some one is critisising ur map dont worry about it im goning to send u a friend request then we could forge sometimes ill teach u every thing there is to no about forgin ok

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