Death Racer

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Race Maps' started by Shirdel7221, Feb 14, 2009.


What do you think of Death Racer?

  1. It's very fun. I like the Sharp turns.

  2. My favourite map! It's brilliant!

    0 vote(s)
  3. It looks promising, but I'm not sure.

  4. It looks good, but it could do with improvement.

  5. Not very good. Needs to be Longer and Better.

  6. Poor. It fails in every aspect.

  7. I don't like Racetracks, so I haven't tried it out.

    0 vote(s)
  8. You can't compete against the average Foundry Racetracks. Stick to smaller maps.

  9. I found it so appaling, I went off the second I saw the first picture.

  10. I haven't tried the Racetrack out yet.

  1. Shirdel7221

    Shirdel7221 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Racetrack: Death Racer
    Difficulty: 2/5 (Easy-Medium)
    Map: Foundry
    Created by: eFx | L3GEND |, (Gamertag eFx I L3GEND I) xXxLeeman23xXx. Finalized by Shirdel7221
    Racers in pictures: Shirdel7221 (blue) xXxLeeman23xXx (pink)
    Link: Halo 3 File Details
    Description: Death Racer might seem like your average Foundry map, but it's not really. Why? Because it's a Racetrack with no jumps, but still so much excitement contained into it it'll explode. (probably) Take a look at the pictures and see what I mean.

    "Cannon, Manway"
    At the start of Death Racer is a Tunnel, filled with all the Man Cannons avaible. Also there is the V.I.P. Point which counts as a Lap, stragetically made and placed so you can't score from outside the tunnel.

    And what is it protected by from the front? Well, Teleporters of course! These Cheat-Proof Green Things make sure that any living thing can't get through unless it's got its' butt sat firmly on something that isn't alive. But can still move. So what if you break the law? Where do you go? Answer in the next picture...
    "Penalty Box"
    Abruptly named, this trap is designed for cheaters who want try to make things a little easier for themselves. As you can see, there is at first, seemingly no way out. But, I have humourusly placed a Sender Node JUST above them, which takes them back to the start. Well, if they didn't appear to be dumb enough to be called dumb by walking through, you can confirm that if they don't appear in five or so minuites, they ARE. Moving on to a later part in the racetrack now.

    This is a Half-Shield Door, Half-Wall Sharp Hairpin (I think) that could bounce you back to the previous section if you're not lucky enough.
    FACT: It was originally entirely Shield Door, but I thought that was too hard, so I replaced them with walls. But Leeman thought that it, in his words, "Removed the Death Racer" from the Race (Basically speaking, it was boring). So we agreed on a Half-Half Aspect.
    Now, it's time for some Action Pictures, with (short) descriptions In-Tow. You can skip those parts if you want though.

    "Death Charge"
    This was me (left) and Leeman (right) going through the Man Cannon Tunnel, Leeman ahead.

    The Shield Door-Wall section is just about right in both regions here for heaps of fun.

    "Race Titans"
    NOTE: Shirdel7221 & xXxLeeman23xXx are not Titans. We are Human Beings.
    This may be a Hallway, but it leaves you in Anticipation of what's going to come next. See for yourself what is.

    "Gravving in"
    The name is a reference to my favourite picture in Tunnels of Doom (see Signature) which I named "Ramming in". It might not be as good as the Starting part, but still good it is. The picture up next reveals the answer: What comes after Crossways?

    "Different Ways"
    This is a Jump, with a Barricade to minimize cheating. It contains 2 Gravity Lifts, one pointing in the direction of the Barricade, and one pointing up. Hence the results. Also, Leeman is showing what happens if you decide to cut the jump, and charge through the Barricades. See what happens in the next picture.

    "Route Results"
    While Leeman cuts through, albiet slowly, I slam down, removing all of my speed. NOTE: Results WILL vary.

    Well, there you have it. I still don't think Death Racer is yet perfected, so if you think of anything that could help, eg. Simpler Jump, Securer V.I.P. Point, etc. Please say. All ideas, and Negative/Positive Reviews will be read and replied to.
    Just in case you forgot to download it up there, you can download it by clicking here: Halo 3 File Details

    Many Thanks. Download & Review accordingly. Please do not Review this Map before/without downloading it. Thank you.

    Next map by Shirdel7221 (presumed): Tunnels of Doom V2
    Shirdel out.
  2. HLG FlashPoint

    HLG FlashPoint Ancient
    Senior Member

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    This is an ok map it is kind of sloppy but looks like it would be fun. I give it 3/5 for aethetics if you fixed that up it would be 4/5 but no dl from me
  3. goldman 010

    goldman 010 Ancient

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    wow this is the most noobish map i have ever seen.
    it looks very small and cramped in most places.
    and the pictures just suck
  4. xPsychZerox

    xPsychZerox Ancient
    Senior Member

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    This is extremely sloppy. It doesn't seem like you spent much time on it. Looks rushed, looks sloppy.
    sorry but 2.5/5
  5. SpEcTaCuLar Ra

    SpEcTaCuLar Ra Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Looks kind of sloppy and doesn't look that fun. Maybe make a v2 and use interlocking in it so it can look better.
  6. AssassinChao

    AssassinChao Ancient
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    goldman i personally dont think u should just say it looks like a noobish map and the pictures r just as good as any1 elses... plus if its that noobish tell him wats wrong with it so he can improve and become a better forger...

    anyway it duz look a little sloppy but with some geomerging and interlocking (not totally necessary but definately recommended for racing maps which r supposed to be really smooth) i could see some great potential for a great racing map :) i would just check out the Forging 101 tutorials in case u dont no how to interlock or geomerge, even if u do its a good idea to possibly improve your skills, i no they helped me! :)
  7. Star iz Legiit

    Star iz Legiit Ancient
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    Man,shutup it is his map,youare supposed to give them helpful tips not say their map sucks and put it down and call him a noob,u should banned or warned from that
  8. xXxI4 shotIxXx

    xXxI4 shotIxXx Ancient
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    With all the objects/scenery you have to forge with, this reminds me of the 1st racing maps like on The Pit...
  9. Shirdel7221

    Shirdel7221 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I have found this a offensive post. I have reported it.
    Note that I did not make most of this map. All I did was improve what I could, and added the V.I.P. Checkpoint. If you have any complaints about this map, I am not responsible for most of them. Instead, please send them to xXxLeeman23xXx's ForgeHub Account. Thank you for all other reviews. I will continue to make Racetracks in all maps. If anyone has a suggestion for a Map for me to make a Racetrack in, please say.
  10. Flair iz NasTy

    Flair iz NasTy Ancient
    Senior Member

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    By the looks of the pictures, to be honest it dosen't look very appealing at all. It is very tightly packed, I didnt see one floating object or area. The grav lift jump dosen't look very predictable and it looks EXTREMELY short with very little easy and assisting turns. I don't think I'm going to give it a DL, but from what I can see I would have to say 2/5.
  11. Shirdel7221

    Shirdel7221 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Like I said in my Tunnels of Doom post, I unfortantly don't have enough time to make a Entire Floating Racetrack. I didn't even make most of this map anyway. I didn't expect it to get a high rating.
  12. Silva Sniper

    Silva Sniper Ancient
    Senior Member

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    This is all sloppy.FIX IT.
  13. Shirdel7221

    Shirdel7221 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I'm not going to do anything more with Death Racer really. On the plus side, I've finished Tunnels of Doom V2, which is albiet easier, more Cheat-Proof, and easier in the start. I'll post that up soon.
  14. Wolverine

    Wolverine Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Well its not great but somewhat fun. No interlocking that takes away a point and the track is all ground -1. The only fun part is the man cannon tunnel -.5 In the end 3.5/5

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