Heroic DLC Lost Cause

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by sloner52, Feb 14, 2009.


Hows my map?

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  4. amazing/insane

    12 vote(s)
  1. sloner52

    sloner52 Ancient
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    Lost Cause

    >( Download link: Lost Cause V2 )<

    well this map is my second map at geomerging and every single inmoveable object is either interlockd or geomerged. and even a couple immovable objects are. the map has a nice flow to it. the map itself is set up in kind of an backwards r shape. its also a asymmetrical map. so far no one has been able to break it.

    Br - x 4 - 2 clips with 30 sec respawn
    Carbines - x 2 - 2 clips with 60 sec respawn
    Spikers - x 4 - 2 clips with 60 sec respawn
    Magnums - x 2 - 2 clips with 30 sec respawn
    Needler - x 1 - 1 clip and 60 sec respawn
    Sniper Rifle - x 1 - 1 clip with 150 sec reswpawn

    Bubble Shield - x 1 - 120 sec respawn
    Power Drain - x 2 - 120 sec respawn
    Frag gernade - x 4 - 20 sec respawn
    Plasma gernade - x 6 - 30 sec respawn

    Recommended gametypes:
    i set this up for all gametypes but the map itself is geared towards team objective gametypes in particularly one sided types

    Ok so now on 2 the pics

    1st angle of Defenders Base:


    2nd angle of Defenders base:


    1st angle of Attackers base:


    2nd angle of Attackers base:


    1st angle on central outpost - (note the wrap around pillbox its fun to camp and shoot out of lol):


    2nd angle of central outpost:


    this is an structure made up of almost entirly stairs making a perfect square to walk around - (note the geomerged gravlift that takes you through the center onto the structure):


    this was a neat little structure to make - (note this is two fence walls placed in such a way that it makes a diamond shaped arrowhead):


    This is in the other corner of foundry opp. the defender and attakers bases - (note that is just a shadow on the doublebox the sniper is sitting on the ledge):


    this is a ledge right beside the defenders base made, for the defenders in a ctf game more then anything:


    This is the best i could do of an overview of the middle of map - (note the two base's are out of sight and your only looking at middle):


    if you download please be sure to tell me what needs fixed and how the gameplay is:
    #1 sloner52, Feb 14, 2009
    Last edited: Feb 15, 2009

    JASONYO Ancient
    Senior Member

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    the aesthetics are really nice, but if it were only for looks it would b in the aesthetics section. ill test it out with some of my friends. the gameplay looks a little wak. ill try it with an open mind tho.

    a little grammar too:

    Discription: (description)
    well this map is my second map at (change to 'I've geomerged') geomerging and every single (im)moveable object is either interlockd or geomerged. and even a couple ''''in'''''movable objects are. the map has a nice flow 2 it. the map itself is set up in kind of an backwards r shape. it(')s also a(n) asymmetrical map. so far no one has been able 2 break it.

    Weapon's: (weapons) its not possessive

    change ur 2's to "to" really, lets be professional here. ur trying to sell your map

    EDITZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ: u didn't change the things in parentheses!
    #2 JASONYO, Feb 14, 2009
    Last edited: Feb 14, 2009
  3. sloner52

    sloner52 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    since you had to point that out i went through and hopefully fixed all words lol
  4. Belly391

    Belly391 Ancient
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    it looks like a good map that is cleanly geomerged ito foundry
    gameplay could be a little rough depending on how you play ill dl asap when i get my xbox back
  5. Hunter85792

    Hunter85792 Ancient
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    Wow this map looks like it'll be great i'll download and come back with any complaints (or compliments :p). Anyway nice map and keep up the great forging!
    Edit: Oh BTW what does the heroic prefix mean? That it's on a heroic map?
  6. TheRayzerTag

    TheRayzerTag Ancient
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    The interlocking and geomerging is really clean, and the aesthetics are interresting. The map looks like a patchwork of different styles, instead of having a consistant style, which isn't always a good thing. Overall, you sure prove you know how to forge, but you might improve on the layout. Good luck on your next map!
  7. EleKtRa

    EleKtRa Ancient
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    this map has a great flow to it and has very good aesthetics, the interlocking and geo-merging is clean and i love the geomerged wire spools. 4.8/5 Great map
  8. hitman slayer33

    hitman slayer33 Ancient
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    Wow. This map is really unique..I Like the back bases with the diagonal walls, and the structure looks.. Im actually going to download this. It seems to flow good, but maybe instead of the propane tanks at the sniper, maybe put nothing or a fusion coil (unless you had secret reasonings to yourself why its propane tanks, because the sniper would have time to run if they were shot and set off rather than blown up, which would be inconvenient to the attempted killer)
  9. xPsychZerox

    xPsychZerox Ancient
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    Well aesthetics wise fantastic and original. Gameplay wise, weak and it seems like it would be affected too much by the stair and fence box aesthetic pieces. Apart from that, the rest of the layout looks pretty good especially in the back of foundry.

    Overall: 3.5/5 for those unneeded aesthetic pieces cause gameplay looks weak, but I'll download when I get some space on my 360 and test some games out on it.
  10. Sonic Boxers

    Sonic Boxers Ancient

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    map looks awesome, ill DL and see if its up to my thinking par. for now 4.5/5
  11. Reidypeedy

    Reidypeedy Ancient
    Senior Member

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    wow nice job looks very fun and playable.... uses alot of skills like geomerging... nice job on the high quality forge skills... and ur sniper, u should put it leaning against the wall next to were it is, itll make it better by a tad in my opinion
    4.9/5 nice job
    ill dl

    edit: wow im dumb, i saw the shadow thinking tghe sniper was on the ground all dumb, were it is is pretty nice
  12. Micr0Snip3

    Micr0Snip3 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    5/5! This is one of the best aesthetically pleasing maps I have seen in a LONG time!
    The structures are cool, the weapons are balanced, YOU sir have done something that I cannot accomplish alone. I am going to play it when I have a party size of 4 or More
  13. sloner52

    sloner52 Ancient
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    ya it just means heroic dlc i hope lmao

    as long as it gets the sniper out of there i beleive it will do its job but i will have keep that in mind
  14. V

    V Ancient
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    Umm..... quick question here:
    How can you grade a map on gameplay when you haven't even downloaded the map yet let alone played a game on it???????
    Anyways on to the map itself. This is one of the most original maps I've seen in a while. For your first time doing some serious interlocking and geomerging, I'd like to say you've outdone yourself. I've never seen the pillbox done before so nicely. The thing about it, too, is that you made it hard to camp in by using fence walls for a ceiling making it so you still have a fair shot at taking on anyone inside the pillbox. The diamond structre is a nifty little piece that helps limit the sniper from dominating the open space on the map, but it looks like it fits, too. It doesn't just look like some random filler structure. I like that stair structure partially because I tried to utilize something like it in a map that I gave up on (but I used all eight stairs to create archways on all four sides and I didn't have a lift). I'm not quite sure what purpose the shield door serves but I do like the idea of having the grav. lift there underground. That's another thing; for your first time geomerging I'd honestly say you did downirght amazing. Merging movable objects below ground is a tedious and somewhat daunting task and you took the time to try it. And you know what? It payed dividends in this map. The only thing that's slightly negative in my honest opinion is that I think you left something to be desired in the defenders' base but you could fix this simply without adding or deleting anything. Just change one thing. Spawns. With the sake of all one sided objective gametypes in mind, I'd think it would work out better if you were to have the defenders start out in the back area of foundry (the base with its own little pillbox thing) and have the attackers start out in the open corner base of foundry.
    Bottom line: this is an amazing map, especially for your second try. Once I get my xbox back, I'll download this test it out, and give you a review on this map's gameplay. But layout-wise, you show superb ability to design asymetric maps. GREAT JOB!!
  15. xXxI4 shotIxXx

    xXxI4 shotIxXx Ancient
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    The fence box with the Fence wall aesthetics, feals like it was just thrown in there to fill space, think another struicture of some sort or nothing there at all would improve the map.I love the Burger King base lol (1st pic) and the double boxes that look like huge legs coming out off the wall are awesome.
  16. sloner52

    sloner52 Ancient
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    thx man but ull want to edit that and add sum stuff or else the mods will think of it as spam but i appreciate the comment

    holy crap thats the longest comment i have ever recieved lol i appreciate it ........... the central outpost with the pillbox waz actually first thing i started working on it waz going to be the defenders base, but i wanted 2 give it a little bit more flow so i made map wrap around foundry. and u cant jump into or jump out of the pill box , only 1 way in and out hehe
  17. raz0r5

    raz0r5 Ancient
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    well you certainly have clean merges and interlocking. i see nothing that is crooked. my only question is what is the purpose of the man cannons?
  18. sloner52

    sloner52 Ancient
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    well the man cannons are mainly 2 keep people from breaking the map but they also serve as aesthetic pieces i guess lol
  19. V

    V Ancient
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    I know that but you can jump on the pillbox and shoot through the ceiling. Thereby, making it sort of camp-proof.
    And I seriously think you should consider flipping the starting spawns. To me, it makes more sense for the attackers to attack the bigger starting base and give them the outpost to have a defense for the retreat. Plus it gives the attackers more reason to move around in varied patterns when they start out in the smaller, harder to defend, base. There's more incentive to attack each major area to gain an advantage for the final push into the defenders base. This causes them to use the structures granted to them more efficiently for the sake of smart tactics and keeps the defenders on their toes. But this is just my two cents. You can do with it whatever you please.
    P.S. You don't know how much I'm looking forward to playing on this map. GOD I WANT MY 360 BACK!!!lulz
  20. Phantasm

    Phantasm Ancient
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    ok here we go

    1. i must say this map is both aesthically bodacious and nicely balanced. the way it curves around the massive wierd curved wall thingy is rlly nice.

    2. big daddy rlly knows how to lay down the advice lol.

    so i give this map a hefty 5.1509323/5.1509323

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