MLG Restore v2 - Pics Included

Discussion in 'Halo 3 MLG Maps' started by MasterMoneyMike, Feb 13, 2009.

  1. MasterMoneyMike

    MasterMoneyMike Ancient
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    MLG Restore v2

    Download MLG Restore Here!
    MLG Restore is a complex, fast paced, 4-based map. With easy access to anywhere on the map. It's layout is different from others which makes its gameplay unique.
    Including 8-BRs
    Few frags/plasmas.​

    The map is simple, but exciting and keeps you on your toes at all times. If you like to jump you'll love to play Restoration. It supports all MLG gametypes. CTF, Ball, Team Slayer, FFA. Even Bomb is put on the map.(Not for sure how well that would work out though)

    Good Luck with the Map. If theres any questions or comments, add or message me (MasterMoneyMike)
  2. SoLo92

    SoLo92 Ancient
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    ur pics dont work. learn to embed nub.
    u cant copy and paste from
    u have to save them then upload them to photo bucket. then put in the direct link in the little box with the yellow window.

    ill call him a nub if i want.
    btw, u have to embed. so u cant have links.
  3. Toofgib

    Toofgib Ancient
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    R u serious dont call him a nub and thats the worst description of getting pics on here ive ever seen.

    First you go on your account, go to recent screen shots and find the pictures you took. Then next to each picture click View High Res click that and save each of your pictures. Then make an account on Image hosting, free photo sharing & video sharing at Photobucket and upload them on your account by going on your photobucket account page and clicking the blue bar that says choose files and then find them on your computer you can select all of them at once and choose ok to make it go faster After that whenever you need a picture to be put on here, go to the picture on your photo bucket accout and go to the code and copy and paste it in here

    After playing this I absolutely love the layout of it. I love maps that have more than 2 stories on them especially for MLG because it has good advantage points. The 8 br thing has to be fixed even though there good ideal for MLG you need to add a vary of weapons. Since this is a 3 story map I dont see why it couldnt have a sniper on it. I would put in on the platform thats on the left of red base and on the side of the upper middle part where there is a fence wall platform with a plasma grenade on it (I couldnt really find a callout for that area yet) I think it would work well up there. You could even add rockets in the middle section on top of the bridge, or mauler. I would cut the brs down to 3 or 4 add 1 or 2 carbines, and a few more grenades. The merging is flawless on this map I really didnt see anywhere, where it was messed up. Overall great job on this map just fix the weapon situation and it will be awesome


  4. MasterMoneyMike

    MasterMoneyMike Ancient
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    Thanks man. I went ahead and made them links to bungie for right now. But i'll go ahead and do that.

  5. xPsychZerox

    xPsychZerox Ancient
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    Dude, W T F. Horrible post. I agree with Toofgib, that post doesn't seem helpful at all. Plus he is new here, so don't treat him like crap and start calling him nub. He just needs to be told how to do imbed pics in a helpful manner, like Toofgib.
    Just do exactly what he said and can't wait to get your pics up. I want to see what your map is like.
  6. ForgeGod117

    ForgeGod117 Ancient
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    I actually went into your file share to look at your pictures instead of calling him a nub and then criticizing solos post. This is a very interesting map from the pictures. This map does not have the same layout of any other MLG map I have seen. You see traditional layout is two bases on the sides with three bases running down the middle. Yours would appear to be two bases on the side with two other structures running down the middle with a bridge separating them.

    All aspects of this map look like they would flow well together. Your middle piece (bridge) Is a great example of combining interesting angles and elevation together. Thirdly, your map has good weapon placement too. When walking around if you ran out of ammo you would easily be able to reach a BR within 4-5 seconds. On another note you have done a good job interlocking and merging. Your map has incorporated them well from a gameplay point of view as well as look nice aesthetically.

    If I were you I would see a feature as well as a possibility for v6 (WTF to bad you just missed it) in your near future.
  7. MasterMoneyMike

    MasterMoneyMike Ancient
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    Hey, Pics fixed

    thanks for the help, i fixed the pictures. and Thanks for the comments. Later

  8. AI_Twitch

    AI_Twitch Ancient
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    This looks sick-fun. Merging is of excellent quality, very neat and organized. Improvements could be made to make either more of a seperation between levels or create more possibly hovering or anyway higher levels all connected for sniping. maybe two pathways made from fence walls about 2 or 3 levels up?
  9. Furry

    Furry Guest

    You're a ****ing ignorant *****. All you do is complain about tiny ****ing aesthetics and insist on calling newcomers, nubs. Why don't you shut the **** up and go fap to your maps and your Pro Skills... Seriously man, get a ****ing life!

    Anyways, the map looks great and I'll be sure to play it as soon as my ban gets lifted. It is because of the ignorance from members like Solo that make this place a pretty ridiculous place to post maps. I really like the flow of it, from what I can see at least.
  10. Star iz Legiit

    Star iz Legiit Ancient
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    Great map man,dont listen to that guy who called you a nub,he is the nub here and he needs to watch his mouth.But I love the bridge in the middle and the base on the side.4/5
  11. Silva Sniper

    Silva Sniper Ancient
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    [​IMG]Cool some one has to teach me how to merge fences like that.Nice anyway
  12. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
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    I had a good forgethrough of this map and a decent run around in an MLG custom just to get a proper feeling of movement with the increased speed. I was really impressed. The couple of pictures you linked to on before had me drawn in based on the angles and clean looking geometry, but I must admit I wasn't expecting much in terms of an interesting layout for an MLG map.

    But my download was definitely worth it, and I'm happy to say I was proven quite wrong. On paper it seems like another 2 base, 2 side structures + middle connection MLG map. But the angles that drew me in when I saw it proved to be a defining factor in this map's refreshing feel. The kinda triangular main bases really change the best approaches to each team spawn (especially important in CTF), and the focus on solid A and B side pushes seems great since the geometry lends itself so well to attacks along these routes. The bridge is a nice alternative to the Onslaught open middle path, cleaner looking and much more enjoyable to traverse up top, whilst also yeilding some sweet views across the map. The shot you can get from each of those little corner wall/ramp BR spawn thingies (shown in the 4th pic) to the same structure in the opposite corner of the map is beautiful, and that spot in general has some great shots available. Gold dust LOS right there.

    Suitably uncluttered with nice touches like the proper use of window panes to add well thought out cover spots in bottom middle and on the side bases. The side bases are also something I really love about this map. The clean space underneath them is nicely constructed and beautifully shaped, the angled walls making nade bounces a joy (yes, I ran around bouncing nades to see if I liked it :p) and the size of that underneath space gives the side bases a lot more focus and possibilities for varied tactical use than the side bases in Amp and Ons. The jumping heights and distances are really nice too, and just running and jumping around this map was really satisfying, I felt surprisingly at home for a map I'd never even seen before.

    Can't wait to see how this thing rolls in some proper team games, and I'm just sorry I only had the time for a Forgethrough tonight. This seems like a really solid yet suitably interesting map, which makes no compromises for the sake of standing out, yet does have its own distinct flavour and style to it, not to mention being very well made. Nice one, really looking forward to getting some games on this beaut.
  13. xXxI4 shotIxXx

    xXxI4 shotIxXx Ancient
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    I love what you did with the Fence Walls, lol those look SICK.Merging/interlocking is clean for the most part. I did dl and played with 2 other friends.We didnt like the spawns very much, we only played FFA tho.Great map Layout overall.Ceck my MLG map, MLG Instinct
  14. DeathstarsOG

    DeathstarsOG Ancient
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    Wow, I thought you fell off the side of the earth. I hadn't seen you on in a long time and just figured you'd never post the map. Well here it is. As far as my review on it in the many test games we've had, I really enjoyed the gameplay. Some very interesting structures and pathways around the map.
    There is one complaint though. This map requires ALOT of jumping to really manuver around it. This ends up a big issue for flag more than anything else really just because your have to jump like 3-4 times at your own base just to cap the flag. I know you have no budget but maybe think of a way to possible add more walkways up and around the map to help with flow a bit more.
    Besides that, I have nothing else to complain about. Great job on this map and I hope to see more from you when sandbox comes out.
  15. T4K Shadow

    T4K Shadow Ancient
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    this looks really good, i like MLG maps and this is one of the better ones ive seen, good job! 5/5
  16. The EAKLE

    The EAKLE Ancient
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    This looks like a very good MLG map. It has the openness that they all have, but it has enough cover sou you dont get killed every time you are in the center. The bridge in the center makes it look awesome for KoTH. Very nice map
  17. Cr0ok3d

    Cr0ok3d Ancient
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    If it was Multi-flag (2 teams) which bases would the flags be on?
  18. Moniter117

    Moniter117 Ancient
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    Great map! (by the way, your avatar pic is my backround lol!)
  19. mikeblair333

    mikeblair333 Ancient
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    I like the map, but I think I've seen something like this before. You should really cite inspiration/elements of the map that were copied from others in the post. Otherwise, I like the map, It is forged very well and appears to play the MLG feel well. From what I see here, I would give this map a 9.5/10. Good work.
  20. Craigien

    Craigien Ancient
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    It looks very fun and is well built.

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