Legendary DLC Castlanche

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Toxic Spade, Dec 13, 2008.

  1. Gun Down

    Gun Down Ancient
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    I personly like the scorpian and think it should stay. A gauss warthog would be perfect but Im really suprised bungie didnt put any in. Also an air vehical should be added since it would add another route into the base especially if it was a hornet. This could make things a bit more interesting and more chatoic in a good way.
  2. Sgtkillstuff

    Sgtkillstuff Ancient
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    No I dont think so a hornet would make it a little too easy to make it into the base and capture the flag. Maybe it would work with an addition of a missle pod.
  3. ShaddoBlade

    ShaddoBlade Fuzzy Little Man Peach
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    As I'm sure Toxic will tell you, the originally was a Hornet in the map, where the flag now stands. I would have to say that, having played with both, I prefer the map without it. It added some chaos, yes, but it kind of ruined the flow of the game. I was slightly bummed to see the Hornet go at first, but the gameplay has really improved since its removal. You, however, are talking about a Hornet for the attackers, but I don't think it would be very effective since the defenders can get to the splazer lickety-split and they have rockets and turrets. A Hornet would just be an easy target. Personally, I think that map is near-perfect as is, (just move that bloody grav lift for me Toxic! =p) and I hope that the v2 keeps as much of the original as possible.
    #123 ShaddoBlade, Jan 26, 2009
    Last edited: Jan 26, 2009
  4. Hunter85792

    Hunter85792 Ancient
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    There's only one word capable of describing a 8v8 battle on this map... EPIC! Anyway the map really has the castle feel to it. I also loved what you did with the receiver nodes. Overall i'd say it's a 4/5. The missing point is cause I found there weren't allot of weapons on the map (then again only 31$ left). Good job on the awesome map.
  5. revenger 514

    revenger 514 Ancient
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    great geomerging this looks like it plays great
  6. Berkgina

    Berkgina Ancient
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    congrats on the geomerging cuz avalanch is sometimes hard to geo merge on because usually when i do it i get a fair bit of lag "LAG STORM" sry inside joke but anyways map looks good i like how its focused in a rather bumpy area which must have made it difficult to forge properly but you managed to make a good map so keep forging and ill be sure to look at your next map 4/5
  7. Toxic Spade

    Toxic Spade Ancient
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    Like ShaddoBlade has mentioned earlier the hornet use to exist, but I found that it was just too cheap for capture the flag. I've run a ton of tests on this map.

    I'm not really sure if there will be a v2 yet, things have gone a bit quiet with Shiska, and I really have no idea if I should make one. Currently I am not working on anything.
  8. Inactive user 452356

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    This is THE best non-Foundry map ever. I love to even look at the pictures, let alone playing it. 5/5, great Geo-merging.
  9. toasted kittuns

    toasted kittuns Ancient
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    Wow, this is a nice map. you must have put a ton of time into it. good job ^^
  10. Toxic Spade

    Toxic Spade Ancient
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    Yeah a ton of time went into it. Maybe even a bit too much time. I'm glad you enjoyed it.

    xCHUCKLES HOODx Ancient
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  12. penguin asassin

    penguin asassin Ancient
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    it's budget glitched they can't except it

    oh yeah and your making v2 correct?
  13. zeppelinboy777

    zeppelinboy777 Ancient
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    It's not budget glitched... It was submitted to Atlas.

    And Toxic Spade is no longer going to be playing Halo 3, except for on rare occasions. So no v2 of Castlanche :(
  14. ForgeGod117

    ForgeGod117 Ancient
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    Castlanche Review


    Castlanche is an incredible map that mixes classic castle defense gameplay with revolutionary vehicular battles. In order to win players will have to be at there top game. They must be able to react to the intense action taking place on this map. Tanks blowing warthogs to bits, ghosts zooming around attempting to splatter somebody only to be hijacked, watching out for trip mines as you go around a corner. Castlanche provides the player with fast paced gameplay that never stops. That is not the only thing that never stops however. Excitement never falters on castlanche. Whether you are re-spawning after getting splattered by a warthog or if you have just killed the flag carrier, you can always have a good time. It seems that every problem on the map has been fixed. when players were having trouble with spawning next to enemies Toxic Spade made an entire neutral base where players could spawn in safety. All the work that has been put into the map really shows when it meets your controller. it is going to give you a Helluva good time.

    Enjoyment: Hardcore players will feel at home with the firecracker like intensity of this map. I downloaded this map a few months ago and have not put it down since. Perfect for when you are in custom games and you have ten or more people load up this map. Only bad point of playing custom games on this map is that everybody will be begging you for you to put it on your file share so that somebody can download it. Every part of this map is exciting. Most impressive feature is the HUGE vehicle battles that occur in the space between the cliff and the castle. It is quite amazing when you get two mongooses and a warthog on one side with a warthog and a tank for the other team. One team is going to have to rise out on top and in order to do so they are going to have to OBLITERATE the other team.
    Overall: 10/10 (perfect)

    Balance: Although it may seem unbalanced at first with one team having a tank and instantly re spawning trip mines, but I assure you it all adds up. A good example of balance on this map is that players controlling the castle will often take there escape route by jumping into the man cannon and launching themselves away. Then the previous defenders become the attackers. This will only happen on slayer matches though for obvious reason. I have to say that this map is very balanced as far as an asymmetric map can go. It is a little lopsided with the defenders being more powerful than the attackers but asymmetric game types are supposed to be that way. Still it is a little too much even so so that will show up in my final score.
    Overall: 9.5/10 (good not perfect)

    Durability: This map also lacks when it comes to durability but there was not much Toxic Spade could have done about it. This map only uses one side of avalanche and the other side is not blocked off. This is reasonable though seeing how many objects and budget it took to build the castle and other bases though. Also there is absolutely no reason to go back there because you wouldn't benefit from it. Spawning holds up great on this map which adds to gameplay a lot. There are so many filters for spawns that [exaggeration] nothing will EVER go wrong.[/exageration] Of course something could go wrong but it won't happen very often. Not much else to say here so I will go ahead to aesthetics!
    Overall: 9/10 (spawn placement saved you)

    Aesthetics: Well, where should I start. This map overall is an aesthetic masterpiece. I love it when I am going around in a game and look at the castle, and I stop an appreciate how amazing the colored boxes are or the interesting geometry. I am loving the castle's walls and the structure within you play in. I find myself wondering how you merged the fortress walls at the slanted angle like that. Your merges in the caves and your interlocks on the castle are all smooth and it shows when you are walking around and realize that the map is bump less. Some of the merges outside of the castle are nice and add to gameplay when you are driving around in a warthog or tank. let's recap, you have all your boxes and structures color coded and your geometry remains perfectly smooth regardless of the terrain you have to merge it through.
    Overall: 10/10 (perfect)

    Originality: This map is one of a kind. Many castle maps have been made but none have been executed so perfectly. It astonishes me how much planning must have gone into the geometry and layout of this map. This map may not seem original with it being a castle defense map but in reality it is the FIRST castle defense map that is so high end. That alone makes it original. Your geometry was also original. Instead of having a box with twenty turrets on it and 0ne way in like most other castle maps I have seen, yours has an incredible layout that makes it very even and different from most others. This map is very original.
    Overall: 10/10 (perfect)

    Personal score: 9.75/10 (Almost perfect)
    Final Score: 9.7/10 (almost perfect)
  15. KFirejumper

    KFirejumper Ancient
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    looks good the interlocking and geomerging looks pretty good and looks like a lot of fun for objective game types
  16. Toxic Spade

    Toxic Spade Ancient
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    Too true. I really don't know why I am even here now.

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