If you dont wanna kid then dont have sexual intercorse with the opposite sex. If you so happen to have a kid then you go for abortion, ur inrpduce it to this world and raise like a good caring mother. No need for abortion. Plus if your religious, you shall be shunned upon.
I dont think i have been in this thread yet but I will give my personal opinion on this topic. I dont believe in abortion I believe that it is totally wrong. I look at abortion as murder. You are killing a human being. Yes I know if you are raped, yes You would think that abortion is the path to chose. But its one of those times where you are in the wrong place at the wrong time.
If you got raped and had a kid, then sucks for you. But its still your responsibility to care of that kid. Your right guitarplayer abortion is like murder. No wait.. it is murder
And yes definitly if i teenage dumb-ass **** desides to have sex and gets pregnant, I would laugh in her face. Abortion is not the way. You made the choice, you pay the price. There are no excuses, its ok to put the baby up for adoption but abortion? I mean really as playahata said they are human cells. Meaning they are human and they deserve life
It is ironic how my stance on the subject has changed in about 4 months. Good caring mother? Shunned from church? What is this, a fairy-tale. Sorry but if you do happen to find a teenage mother, a huge part-take in the child's life is the Teenagers mother, subsequently the child's grandmother. Most teenage parents haven't even started college. Some aren't ready for the responsibility it takes to raise a child or children. But still, that doesn't rule out the fact that teenage parents can't raise children. This is solely a debate E. I don't want this to diminish our friendship. As Nitrous said, Masturbating is hypothetically murder to. You are killing the bond that makes the baby. So why aren't people trying to ban masturbating? Some people are raped in their own homes. So since the rapist committing many crimes, one of them breaking and entering, the female has to go through this tragedy? That seems ignorant. Your right? Alright, let me give you a situation. Suppose a woman is lying in her bed, sleeping. She hears commotion, and before she realizes it shes being raped. When all is said in done, she finds out she is pregnant. Not only has she gone through an emotional tragedy, but now you want her to have a reminder of that tragedy, the said child? In cases like those, abortion is almost the opposite of what it truly is. A lifesaver. I semi-agree with you on the teenage part. But when you look at it, it is the females fetus we are talking about. Not ours. Shouldn't she have the choice whether she wants to sprout life from her own body? I feel she should. The human cell query leads me back to Masturbating. Ban masturbating if we ban Abortion.
Responsible, married couples can have a condom break and birth control pills fail. What if they can't afford to give the child a good raising? Also, cite a source on that last bit please. I would too. But the problem is the baby: should she be punished the rest of her life for her mistake? Should her parents have to take care of a baby they didn't ask for if she can't take care of it?
I don't necessarily feel a child should be considered "punishment." That child is merely the consequence. The word, "punishment," suggests the culprit undeserved; however, he/she who took the pleasure must endure the pain. This isn't my rant against society...ok fine, it's my rant against society, but only the society (99%) that lives in a world free of consequence. Growing up, if I lied, I was punished. If I threw a rock at Jonny while he was riding his bike, I was punished. As a person ages, he/she learns how to escape such consequences by way of a lie or what have you. This mentality pisses me off. Ok, so it's the mother's "right." Far be it from her selfish heart to consider the child's rights, though. Of course, it is argued that the child is not a child at the time of the operation. The signs of life span far beyond that of bodily functions. That is, speak with a woman years after having an abortion. Most (no, not all) deal seriously with regret and depression because of it. One does not miss that which never existed. Prevention of life is consistent with the taking of it. Think of other circumstances in our world's history where one's right to live has been taken. Slavery is an excellent example. That went over well. Murder's not a bad one, either. Every day, our world is being robbed of doctors, chemists, musical revolutionists, Presidents. Hell, anything. Please, friends, have a look at a few Communist Goals. I use this only as a reference to show the obvious deterioration of our society. The average person has no clue that Sarah Palin was not the running mate selected by President Obama. The average newspaper is written on a 5th grade reading level. Call me insecure or paranoid, but things like that raise a few chill bumps on my arms.
Its horrible. Your killing inocent babys who don't deserve it. And yes, they are human while in the mommy.
If you get an abortion in atleast 3 weeks it's not necessarily considered killing because the egg hasn't actually formed yet and it's not a baby until about a month which is like 4 weeks.
I think this is a very hard subject to take a side on, especially a male. I am pro-choice, but I believe that teenage girls shouldn't be visiting the abortion clinic every week. I don't really see abortion as killing babies, even if that is what it is, but I see it more as a last opportunity for the mother's life to be saved or a way to save her conscience if she is raped.
This argument stretches back to hundreds of years ago. I honestly don't believe that said baby is alive until born, but if they just decided one day "Actually, this idea of having a kid is a whole pile of ****. They'll just take all our money and never be grateful and ruin our lives", they should put the baby up for adoption, not be allowed to abort it. You should have to ruin your ****** for your ignorance. But if they were raped, incest, knew the baby would be retarted etc. then they should be allowed 15 weeks to abort the baby. Are you enjoying throwing up every morning? Come on! Stop procrastinating! The longer you carry it, the more human it becomes and the more guilty you shall feel when you abort it. Things like this should be at the top of your list of things to do; giving people 24 weeks makes people think that it is not an important measure, and will not take issues like abortion seriously. This leads to teens using abortion as a form of contraception, people disregarding the issue etc. That's my opinion but i don't really like talking about subjects like abortion because I really REALLY hate the idea of religion and abortion and religion go hand-in hand together; as if saying "My religion forbids me from aborting a baby" carries any weight at all. That's not your opinion, that's fact from your chosen restraint. So yeah, can we not play the religion card?
Cite sources/ state it's an opinion backed by certain facts, please. Ditto. What's wrong with killing babies? Um... lots of things. This is, of course, assuming that they're considered babies at a certain point. <3 In all seriousness- people, this is a debate thread of intricate discussion on whether Abortion is right or wrong. Posts like "Killing babies is bad" and other simple posts such as "Of course its okay duh" are not acceptable. You need either cited sources, or state that it's your evaluated opinion based on certain facts. Stating that it's wrong because your religion says so isn't acceptable unless you specify why your religion says it's wrong. THAT is a debate I actually want to have.
Ah the abortion debate. honestly if you think that your killing a living cell is wrong and should not be done, then you should be vegetarian. because im sure a pig doesnt want to die a **** load more than i living cell or whatever stage in the process. Im pro-choice, the woman has the right to choose, because it is their body. And they should especially get the choice if they were raped
It's a general moral and legal rule that killing is wrong. That doesn't mean a fetus is technically a baby. This is not the place for jokes, people. The infraction-hammer is powered up and ready to go.