It's really oversharpened. And overcontrasted some. I don't like the clipping mask on the left, it's ugly. There is no depth either, because even the background is sharpened.
Idk wtf dizfunky is talking bout. To much critacism. I personally like it. The yellow and blue look nice and Batman himself looks cartoony
@ Diz... I dont really think it is very sharpened, since I didnt really sharpen at all... the only parts that look sharpened are the white specks next to him, and that is from a distortion, not sharpening. @ Nick... thanks, and that is because it is a cartoon picture of him... =P
Ok so you didn't sharpen it... you did do something to make it oversharpened though. We aren't mind readers idk what methods you did or did not use. <_<
See, to me this looks really good. This is exactly why I don't do gfx, because the criticisms aren't helpful at this point, they are just plain "I know more then you at gfx, so if you come out with something, I have to critique at least one tiny little thing." At least that's what I get from the posts from mallet & diz, no offense guys.
I really like this signature. What I like about you signatures the most is that you are very good at getting them to flow very well. The only problem I can think about that is wrong with this sig is that I believe its a little too over sharpened. Yes you might disagree but ya its my opinion. I am not saying your sig is bad because of this, I am totally against that side. I think the sig is great. Good job
You do have a point but you can't expect people to hold your hand with everything you do. Though at the same time, you can't expect everyone to be at the same skill level as evey one else. Diz gave his thoughts, it may have been blunt but the creator doesn't have to accept the critisism. Personally, I really don't like the sig. Batman himself looks too sharpened, you may not have done that too him but someone did. Batman's arm fades out when it didn't really need to. That whole blue liney thing on the left, I didn't like. As a whole, I'm not fond of this sig.
Don't get me wrong, the only way to learn in some occasions is to be told, and criticisms are a great way to do that. Though, the critiques I see here in our G&A board are often overly critical, at least in my mind. ^ Original Stock... I don't need this to turn into a whole debate lol... Some may say it is too sharpened looking, others may disagree... I personally like the outcome, opposed to a few of my recent sigs where I didn't, but you can't always expect everyone to be satisfied. GFX like this is a form of art. And in art, everyone has a different perception of the project. Someone may look at the Mona Lisa and say, greatest work of art in the world, others may say it is too plain, and easy to paint. In my opinion, as long as I personally like the outcome of my own sig, then I can be happy. Getting criticism is just seeing other people's views so as to hopefully help improve your skills and learn from your mistakes... Skip to about 43 seconds...
Well if a sig sucks, I'm not going to lie to someone and say, good sig, not over sharpened at all. Want to know why, because i would hate for some one to keep making shitty sigs [no talking about pig], i would rather give them advice, harsh or not, so that they can improve. Trudat --------------------------- oh i fogetz... The sig, imo, look very sharp, I'm not saying you sharpened it, it just looks as though you did, and i don't like that. I do like the yellow effects you added [even if they are from the stock, you made them look cool]. I'm not crazy about the text, maybe change the color.
The discussion is pretty much over at this point lock...You're a little late. xD Let's get back to discussing Pigglez sig, criticism I prefer or not.