Sandbox Discussion - Watch your spam.. (Interview links in OP)

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Something., Jan 16, 2009.

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  1. Ladnil

    Ladnil Ancient
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    I'm thinking we'll see a bunch of Foundry maps that are in progress after Sandbox comes out, but after that wave of maps people quickly finished up to get to Sandbox, it'll be pretty much Sandbox for a long long time.
  2. Realistic

    Realistic Ancient
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    in the majority of cases where these maps would come up, (provided sandbox's basement is properly sized and not omgsmall or WTFHAX huge) I'd probably ask why the map had to be done on foundry, when it could have likely been done on sandbox, but better.

    Just about the only reason to use foundry over sandbox, if you have both, is if your map ABSOLUTELY had to have an item that was foundry exclusive (Box, little, and Box, tiny being the crates from foundry). So i'll concede that if you absolutely needed shield door, small, then yes, foundry would be necessary. Even with that, though, I still think you could probably make that aspect work on sandbox, and have more materials for the rest of the map.

    [edit] Also, if one of the main reasons you made a map on foundry was to get responses like you said, I'd say you were probably grasping for more DL's anyway, because appealing to people who make comments like that, instead of just making the best map you can, doesn't seem like the best idea imo
    #2542 Realistic, Feb 13, 2009
    Last edited: Feb 13, 2009
  3. Ray Benefield

    Ray Benefield Godly Perfection
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    That's the dumbest thing I've ever heard... not every map needs to be built on sandbox... no matter what. Sandbox should always be a last resort for a map idea... read "My Anti-Foundry" article in my signature... there are many reasons to not use Sandbox... aesthetically appropriate objects, geometry, visual coloring, unique map elements, and environment... it's people like you that will make this site become monotonous... no offense, but that is no way to judge a map...
  4. Rhinestorm

    Rhinestorm Ancient
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    2 - The Source For Video Game Media

    Are you NewbornYeti?
  5. chrstphrbrnnn

    chrstphrbrnnn Guardian
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    No AZN he has a point. There will be people working on foundry a month after everyone has sandbox, and posting their maps saying "why does everyone use sandbox? So boring". They'll just be trying to garner additional views and downloads based on the fact they are breaking the new mold.

    Other maps will still have their uses. But on the competitive map scene, it looks like it'll be hard to beat sandbox. So sandbox will have the monopoly on competitive maps, maybe not casual/mini game/etc, but regardless..don't make maps on foundry to be "different"
  6. What's A Scope?

    What's A Scope? Ancient
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    What about the "warehouse feel"? One reason to use Foundry.
  7. Ray Benefield

    Ray Benefield Godly Perfection
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    I see where you are coming from... but almost always suggesting and asking why a map wasn't built on Sandbox is stupid. As I have stated many times, sometimes sacrificing a little here and there to use something that's not used as much will give you a more rewarding experience. Yes there are some of those people that just do it to get attention, but who can blame them? You make a map so that people will play it and have fun. if no one pays attention to your map, then you essentially wasted your time.

    Sandbox should always be a last resort to build maps on because it is so easy to build stuff on. If you can find another map to make it on without sacrificing too much (there will be sacrifice), but you can still make it work then you are going to get more benefit out of that map rather than another sandbox map. Sandbox should not be the first thing you go to everytime you have an idea... it should be the last. Because in the end you know you can build it on Sandbox. Why do something that everyone else can do? That doesn't make you "feature" worthy (cuz I know that is a common goal for most forgers). You have to stand out.

    Now if you can only do this one thing on Sandbox (like make an unbreakable map on the skybox) then go for it. But if you are making a mini game that can easily be made on another map, or have a gametype that can be used for any map (like Conquest) then don't be like everyone else... there's no point wasting your time...

    But I do see where you are coming from... I just think that your goal is more to standout and show people that what you have is good (if it really is)... is it not?
  8. Yeti

    Yeti Ancient
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    Yes, but I can tell you about people who are bored of the "warehouse feel".. such as myself.

    It's not the map itself's fault, it's just the way it's been overused.

    I'm afraid Sandbox will have the same fate, but I guess we'll just have to deal with it as it's the last Forge-heavy map we'll be getting for Halo 3.

    But at least Sandbox doesn't have an annoying crane that you have to work around. :p
  9. CHUCK

    CHUCK Why so serious?
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    lol foundry... i'm just looking forward to saying "**** you" to that one. I support your views on foundry azn, but for the casual forger like myself and many out there, that map will be dead to us.

    stressing yourself out with the horrendous map that you've been staring at for nearly a year just seems... odd. It's a spent map imo, i want to vomit every time i look at it, and sandbox will be the same eventually(as said by reborn yeti as well).

    I'm sorry but not using sandbox for 98% of maps just seems silly, especially if there is an underground level... it doesnt seem worth the stress to me. a map as a last resort for building maps? nahhh, im going right to sandbox... lol.
  10. ZANDER1994

    ZANDER1994 Ancient
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    Yay! It's Friday. Weekly update time. Maybe a vidoc?
  11. Fallen Hero

    Fallen Hero Ancient
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    That would be sweetness. Can't wait to see what Bungie has for us today.
  12. Ray Benefield

    Ray Benefield Godly Perfection
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    Well it was all the same for Last resort back in the day... eventually the feel to Foundry will not be dull because of the dullness that will become Sandbox. And it's a Last Resort because if you constantly go to Sandbox, it will be difficult to standout. For example... I could build Mario Tower on Sandbox, but it just won't feel the same. We could build Cat N' Mouse on Sandbox, but it wouldn't feel the same (however tremors n' mouse fits perfectly). There are certain feels towards coloring and texturing that come with a map. You can make a map like 8 legs on Sandbox with the same "I'm taking your citiez" feel of a giant spider (but you could do a cool stone golem and make pyrimads). My point is that there are certain things you do on certain maps to make them a memorable experience. If your map isn't unique in some way mechanics wise, and isn't done to perfection (becaues alot of people will be doing it) then it won't even be worth a look... same as what happened to Foundry. Yet we still respect maps like Convoy Tunnel (another that can't be created on Sandbox with the right feet). Trust me, Sandbox should be always be a last resort... if you can do it with another map, it will be worth the memories...
  13. Something.

    Something. Ancient
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    So, AZN is saying do everything in a less effective way on pre DLC maps, but if if you absolutely have to, use the map made for the things you wish to do in forge. Riiight.
    Sandbox is huge, and way more varied. Foundry is only now getting boring after a year of use, and its a tiny, annoying warehouse with no variations in its look.
  14. Transactionzero

    Transactionzero Ancient
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    Of course I did not deceive you guys. Without everyone's overwhelming support for my silly idea the Pancake Theory. I would not have continued to develop it. Support the Pancake! Bungie revealed the "Sky Bubble" in time. On February 12th we found a heat map of an underground pit.The Pancake Theory is correct.
  15. Ray Benefield

    Ray Benefield Godly Perfection
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    You say that now Something... so does alot of people... I will let all of you see in time what I'm talking about. And I'm not exclusively pointing at pre-DLC (you have very little capabilities), but I'm talking more like the Legendary and Heroic Map packs... Ghost Town, Blackout, Rat's Nest, Avalanche, and Standoff still have alot of potential... You won't be disappointed with yourself, if you just take the time to look through the other maps and make sure that what you are doing isn't plausible on those maps.

    I'm not saying only use the older maps. I have alot of maps planned for Sandbox just because of the lack of abilities on the other maps. But like I said, there are some ideas that can be done on the other maps that are better off that way. Mario Tower, Convoy Tunnel, Tons of Avalanche maps, Cat N' Mouse, etc... Sandbox should only be used when what you need doesn't exist on another map... that's all I'm saying.
  16. Yeti

    Yeti Ancient
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    I agree with everything except when you say we should use Sandbox as a last resort.

    Why should we use at a last resort if we WANT to create maps on it? If we know what we already want to create, and using Sandbox is the only way to make it, I don't see that as taking the last resort.

    And those maps you mentioned are memorable, but I know we'll make even more memorable maps on Sandbox.
  17. Something.

    Something. Ancient
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    Well, alright, you do have a point in one aspect, that certain maps have special things on them you use. But that's for somethink like minigames, actually making a map from scratch should be left to sandbox and foundry.

    Just before my xbox fot the RROD', I found a way to get out snowbound on the laser side, so you would be having a hail of laser fire but it had less accuracy. I made a nice map with it, but never had the chance you upload to my file share. But i stick by my orginal point, that besides those special type of scenarios, sandbox is the way to go.
  18. Mallet

    Mallet Ancient

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    Bottom line here: If you suck at interlocking and geo merging, just use older maps and claim you are doing it because you are trying to realise a unique concept not possible on foundry/sandbox

    I joke I joke =]
  19. Ray Benefield

    Ray Benefield Godly Perfection
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    That's still using Sandbox as a last resort... think about it this way...

    I can make an aerial combat map on Sandbox, and no real other map... the last on that list is Sandbox. I can make a close quarters combat Conquest on Sandbox, Last Resort, High Ground, Rat's Nest, Avalanche, Ghost Town, Standoff, The Pit, Foundry, etc... Sandbox and Foundry should be your last resorts in that choice. Because if anything goes wrong with the other maps, you know you can do it on those two... the problem is they won't be as unique, innovative, or memorable. If there is a special aspect you are trying to achieve, (like making the map unbreakable by killing someone if they break out) your options cut down to Sandbox, Standoff, Avalanche, and that's pretty much all. If you can pull of the layout on Avalanche, then it will be MUCH more valuable than another map in the Skybox... you understand what I'm getting at? You make a list of possible maps for your idea, then you work your way from top to bottom, hardest to pull off down to easiest to pull off. Cuz in the end you know you can always make it on Sandbox right? The trick to getting recognized is being unique and thinking outside the box... if it's not a completely innovative gametype or structure on Sandbox, it's just going to fall behind all the others made there...

    EDIT: And Mallet for your information I geo-merged for the first time ever today on Avalanche for my next map so :p lol... and it's not on Foundry and won't be on Sandbox for a reason...
  20. The Hudacris

    The Hudacris Ancient
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    *CLAP CLAP CLAP* Everybody clap for AZN. He geomerged himself today! WOOHOO! Anyway im incredibly happy that the pancake theory is real. Im extremely happy now. Making infection is going to be ridiculous.
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