Natural Screenshots - A lost art?

Discussion in 'Screenshot Discussion' started by stickmanmeyhem, Feb 11, 2009.

  1. stickmanmeyhem

    stickmanmeyhem Ancient
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    Haven't you noticed that lately people hate screenshots because you didn't use an effect while taking them? I find this completely RETARDED! I mean seriously, lets go waaaay back to about Dec. 2007. Almost NOBODY knew how to do effects... Now, nobody appreciates a screenshot that just happens! It pisses me off to see this... Kinda because ALL of my screenshots (excluding one called wartorn beauty) don't use effects whatsoever... Anyone else feel cheated from fame because of the stupid effect ideas everyone's using these days?
    All anyone cares about now is if you can barely distinguish the player from the background. This pisses me off so much!
  2. iCrankHoes

    iCrankHoes Ancient
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    um pointless bitching...?
  3. Leeumm

    Leeumm Ancient
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    The reason you don't see any anymore is because they just can't compete with the effects that are getting out nowadays.
  4. stickmanmeyhem

    stickmanmeyhem Ancient
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    effects are overrated
  5. Yeti

    Yeti Ancient
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    I actually agree. I guess if it doesn't have effects, it sucks... which is sad.

    I admit that tons of pics with effects look really good, but they're so overused.
  6. iCrankHoes

    iCrankHoes Ancient
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    lol why do i have the feeling your bitching cause you suck at taking screen shots... and the one's you do take you get like.. 2/5?
    dude there screen shots.... stop complaining.. if you dont like em dont take em..
  7. PwnCakes

    PwnCakes Ancient
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    Big Deal? Thats kinda like saying 'why don't people use FRAME BY FRAME movies anymore! that pisses the **** out of me'... When new things come out that will improve the quality/aesthetic properties; people will use it.

    Less QQ
    More Pewpew.

  8. Blue Pariot

    Blue Pariot Ancient
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    spam is overrated

    Seriously, though, compare screenshots to maps. A long time ago, people didn't know about interlocking. Now, everyone uses interlocking. There are some cases, though, were a map comes along with little to no interlocking, a DLC map, etc. and it is very good. The same thing goes for screenshots. Many people use effects but every so often a good, natural-made screenshot comes along. Times change, my friend.
  9. ForgeGod117

    ForgeGod117 Ancient
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    I am no screenshot expert but a screenshot doesn't need an effect to be great. Many times though when you are making a cool screenshot you might want to use frags to bring out that amazing lighting on a Spartans armor. I personally believe that these are the three main points to a good screenshot.


    If one can combine these three elements well they have a nice screenshot even though no effects are used. Screenshots have become just like forging people treat filters just like interlocking. You screenshot (Map) cannot be good without filters. (interlocking)
  10. Black Theorem

    Black Theorem Ancient
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    The on;y reason i'd agree with you is because i consider Screenshot taking to be an art form. i take my time when composing shots, even if they have no extreme special effect. I do it because it expresses something i cant say in words. it represents peices of me. You say that many people use the effects, it's because they more easily represent a mood or feeling they had, even if they deny it.

    The main good thing about filters though, is that many nubs come and see them, and they're all like " oooo cooll effexz, leeme copy/paste!!" but then they learn about what screenshot taking, and the culture it's developing within the Halo realm.

    It basically draws newcomers in, like moths to a flame.
  11. X5

    X5 Ancient
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    Or he is like me, and believes their is more to a screenshot than effects. I have visual arts experience, and effects mean almost nothing to me in the scope of things. You can have a movie chalk full of special effects, but that doesn't make a good movie. You can have a photograph with nice photoshop skills, but that doesn't make a good photo.

    The essence of visual arts is meaning, expressing thought/feeling through a visual form. Effects are effects, added details to enhance the thought/feeling, not create it. The way people complain about a screenshot not having effects, they make it sound as if the Effect is the picture. Also, notice how in Theater Mode, it says "Take Screenshot"? It also allows you to take said screenshot anyway you want, it doesn't register whether or not you used an effect. This is Screenshot Discussion, meaning any picture taken within Halo 3 Theater Mode is allowed, and if someones posts a picture without a damn effect, do not rate it on something that isn't there and doesn't have to be.
  12. The Number 0000

    The Number 0000 Ancient
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    I would actually sort of agree with you, many people refuse to even accept a screenshot, unless it is of near perfect composition, but that's not saying that effects don't make screenshots look awesome, because they do. But I wish that sometimes people would try to be a little more lenient in their criticism.
  13. PaperThinWalls

    PaperThinWalls Ancient
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    I agree with forgegod117 and xX5w33ny70ddXx. Screenshots can really benefit by using effects. It can do things that "Natural Screenshots," as you call it, can't do (such as showing a certain emotion within your photo). But, I agree that people rely on them way too much. I'm going to go as far as saying that the majority of Screenshot takers rely on the flashiness of the effect and nothing else.
  14. Nestik

    Nestik Ancient
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    Not saying i'm disagreeing with you or agreeing with you, but this argument is the same exact thing as saying "Non-Glitched maps? A lost art? Feel cheated from fame because you cant interlock and geomerge as good as anyone else?" i mean there are alot of good maps out there that arent glitched as im sure everyone knows but things change and a majority of the respected maps are glitched out to the max.
  15. iCrankHoes

    iCrankHoes Ancient
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    haha wow... look all im saying is look at the times bro... honestly... look at all the famous and good screen shots and compare them with "Natural Screenshots"... you tell me.. what looks better.. screen shots are all about how they look and the feeling it gives.. thats what most good screen shot takers do...
    point proven...?
  16. iZumi

    iZumi Ancient
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    Pretty much, what he said. Sweeny always has to post exactly what I want to say, just first.
  17. stickmanmeyhem

    stickmanmeyhem Ancient
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    actually, its different for maps... you can make the best map known to halo 3 without interlocking or geomerging and 99% of the people will say "Needz moar inturlokz 2/5" or "Should've geomerged 2.5/5" and that's all they care about, you can make the most retarded random map ever that is just a pile of crap geomerged and interlocked and you'll get something like 3.9-5/5 just because you did that. Seriously, most of the critics will deny this, but then they'll go out and do it ten minutes later! Go back onto all the posts you've written in reply to maps and see this. And you treat screenshots the same way except they have to have effects.
  18. Yeti

    Yeti Ancient
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    I don't think you really got the gist of what he was saying.
  19. Nick Novikov

    Nick Novikov Ancient
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    I bet the reason is cause when you put up pictures they sucked. But anyways effects makes the screenshot wayyy better most of the time. The only exception is if your taking screenshots of the nature in campaign or taking a screenshot of something funny.
  20. X5

    X5 Ancient
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    your right... effects make a screenshot just as "..." makes a point... the lack of grammar also makes paragraphs look better... lets face it bro... spelling english class and survival in the professional world... who cares about capital letters... when i logged in today i never would have guess i would learn such valuable life lessons...! from a forum no less...

    I'm sorry, I can't do this. I must respect the rules of grammar and my intelligence. Seriously, I feel as if my IQ just plummeted after reading your "opinion". Face it, I ain't yo bro, hoe. I respect opinions, sure, just not some of the people that make them. Now, how should I say this?

    pull your ass outa yo head... bro...

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