Spectac Speed

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Race Maps' started by SpEcTaCuLar Ra, Feb 12, 2009.

  1. SpEcTaCuLar Ra

    SpEcTaCuLar Ra Ancient
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    Made By: SpEcTaCuLar Ra

    Description: Alright I had the idea just to make a very simple racetrack but also very smooth and fun to play. This track is very smooth and includes my first time ever elevator. The map is very easy to drive and provides a fast paced racing experience for drivers. This track took about 12 hours to make 1 hour for bordering and 1 hour for testing. Almost everything is blocked off so people won't fall off. If there is anything wrong with the map please tell me and I will try my best to fix it. Enjoy!!!


    Start and Bridge straightaway

    Continued straightaway after start

    Wallride after straightaway

    Second Straightaway

    Bank turn

    Elevator After Bank Turn

    Second Wallride

    Hill Straightaway after wallride

    Double Box Bank turn


    Turn after destination

    Back To Start

    Well That's It. Hope You Enjoyed the Map!!!!

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  2. uF HaVoK

    uF HaVoK Ancient
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    This looks really good, alittle messy at some parts (looks messy but i understand that it runs smooth, so that doesn't really matter i guess haha),

    but all in all this is really good

    4.7/5 :p
  3. SpEcTaCuLar Ra

    SpEcTaCuLar Ra Ancient
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    Believe me the map rides perfect it is smooth and thanks for the comment.
  4. Camel Carcass

    Camel Carcass Ancient
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    Spectad Speed

    Looks extremely clean, i must say, the interlocking's perfect, the screenshots are portrayed well, but the post could use some more detail, but mapwise, extremely impressive. 5/5 based n map, 3/5 on the post, 4/5 overall.
  5. Dow

    Dow Ancient
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    looks pretty clean. The only thing I would reccomend would be to interlock the single boxes more closely. Also, i think you over-did it a little bit with the power ups.
  6. SVV33T SAUC3

    SVV33T SAUC3 Ancient
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    This looks very nice. It also looks pretty long. It's a little sloppy in places, but that shouldn't effect gameplay much. Good job. The floors just need to be interlocked. It makes it look smoother and also prevents bumps.
  7. Star iz Legiit

    Star iz Legiit Ancient
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    Hey, this is a very good map. It has absolutely great interlocking and it has a really smooth surface. It is also very fun to play on with all your friends or just alone.The only thing that I think it needs is a few less sides because i think that it makes it funner when it is harder to stay on the track.
  8. Reidypeedy

    Reidypeedy Ancient
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    there is some but could use some more interlocking and could be cleaned up some but yea nice job other then that, looks fun
    4/5 ill dl
  9. ShaddoBlade

    ShaddoBlade Fuzzy Little Man Peach
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    Typical people judging a book by its cover... no more interlocking is required on this map. Sure, there are visible gaps, but if you have ever raced a Foundry track in your life you will know that those little spaces do not cause any bumps. The track is very smooth. I like the starting jump, and wished that you could have made it so you hit it every lap, but that would require a totally different start. The only problem I had with this map was the elevator. You normally don't wanna place an elevator after a turn, even if it is assisted with a shield door or grav lift. Elevators are best placed in straightaways so you don't go into it sideways as you often get caught on the walls going up the elevator which causes flips, falling back down, etc. Also, the elevator itself needs some work. I mostly didn't understand the grav lift placement. Why are they facing down? I went in forge, and they work just fine facing forward with the track. You should change that, as I got caught under the shield door once and was held there by the grav lifts. Overall this was a relatively fun map, but it just seemed to be lacking in flow; maybe get rid of the grav lifts on the elevator altogether and put them on the barrier turns after the checkpoint. Just a few thoughts. A decent track though. JimP factor: 65%
  10. SpEcTaCuLar Ra

    SpEcTaCuLar Ra Ancient
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    Well like i said it was my first elevator ever made and the grav lifts are facing down so it can control you better. And i dont think just because of the elevator that it would make it lack flow that's just one mistake. Everything else flows nicely.
  11. Wolverine

    Wolverine Ancient
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    Good job. It looks sloppy but it rides smooth. Some of the greatest maps were made that way. I like the Banked turns and the walrides. For your first elevator its pretty good. 4.5/5
  12. True Acee

    True Acee Ancient
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    ra just stop makin race tracks. u have not made one good race track map yet, they all blow just like u <3 (all ****)

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