Working on a new (interesting) project

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Master Debayter, Jan 20, 2009.

  1. Katana Master

    Katana Master Ancient
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    Well we know it will be finished some time in march ^^
    Hope you win it
  2. Master Debayter

    Master Debayter Ancient
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    Now I just hope that I can make it.

    I'm not even finished with the bottom story, and I'm about to hit the regular money limit... :( The map may be using too many objects, in which case I'll have to only make the bottom story...

    There's also a little concern with the window barricade system, because it's high enough so you only see the very upper body of the zombies. I can't change the height of it either, so you guys will have to manage that.

    Also, the new random box on the map works everytime (again) and is only as big as a single box (amazingly enough).
  3. The Spartan III

    The Spartan III Ancient

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    wow, thats cool.

    did u try the infinitw budget glitch?!?! you have to make a top story!!!
  4. Master Debayter

    Master Debayter Ancient
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    I used the budget glitch, but the amount of items placed after the regular limit isn't THAT much...
  5. The Spartan III

    The Spartan III Ancient

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    maybe u r overthiking it. i dont c how the budget and item limit is almost reached when ur only on the 1st floor...u really just need pallets, walls, mongeese, and some stuff 4 the random wep box. then the top floor u just need some walls and stuff rly...
  6. Master Debayter

    Master Debayter Ancient
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    I think the map hates me now. There's this one part of the wall in the first room that no matter how I place and save it, whenever the map gets reloaded it's out of place. I can't forge with something like that! Stubborn box...

    Well, the good news is that you'll be able to shoot better through the windows with my new idea for them, but on the bad side it will be harder to shoot out of all windows that aren't in the first room (due to lack of short barriers). I'm using the mongoose/ghost wall hop for the zombies to get in. Since they can only get out on the left side of the vehicle, once something is in the map, it can't go out. And vehicles will be indestructible so the system will stay working.

    I've put some thinking into the flamethrower and I'm considering swapping out the actual Flamethrower for the sentinel beam. The M2 Flamethrower in COD does not decrease mobility like the one in Halo, so I thought the sentinel beam might make a better replacement for it. What do you guys think?
  7. The Hudacris

    The Hudacris Ancient
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    Why dont you just wait till sandbox comes out and forge it on that. I mean its got a good setting right. Its night time (Almost) and it has so many objects that you will be able to really build it to scale. Unless of course you are really far in with the map. Im just giving you the suggestion. Sorry if someone already posted this and you denied it.
  8. Oakly HiDef

    Oakly HiDef RivalMass
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    I think master Debayter wants to enter this in a Deja Vu contest before it is released. Also the grey colors of foundry fit well for the atmosphere and so far I haven't seen any fence walls, stairs, or other similar objects on sandtrap. Once the general idea is nailed down though, It would be cool to make a larger version of on Sandtrap at night with lighting inside.

    I was also thinking that the map could be built out partly in the mine field...
    (never mind that would not work)
  9. zeppelinboy777

    zeppelinboy777 Ancient
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    You need the flamethrower. For reals.

    I hope your map is coming along well. I downloaded it off your file share and it was kind of like 5 boxes and a few walls. I hope it turns out great. Btw, I agree that you should stay on Foundry. I think it would be harder to do on Sandbox, and the theme wouldn't suit **** Zombies.
  10. Master Debayter

    Master Debayter Ancient
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    You were the extra download? Thanks for clarrifying that.

    And yeah, RivalMass is right. Thanks for clearing that up. I want to enter it in the contest. Plus, I don't know if you'll be able to make a random box on sandbox.
  11. The Hudacris

    The Hudacris Ancient
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    How do you plan on making the random box? Elaborate. But in a simple way. And I also just thought it would've been a bit of a load off your back to make it on sandbox. But if your really into it on Foundry you dont have to of course. And also definitely enter it. You would win 100%
  12. Master Debayter

    Master Debayter Ancient
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    Well it's RivalMass's switch, so if he wants to elaborate then he can by all means. But I think that in order to make sure that no one duplicate's the idea before the map is finished, he doesn't want to release any information.

    However I can give you some facts on it:
    • It's more of a random weapon dispenser
    • You have an equal chance of getting every weapon
    • It's about as big as a single box
    • You can only grab one weapon per dispense
  13. The Hudacris

    The Hudacris Ancient
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    Wow. I can't wait now for that to come out. This map if you are able to build it to scale will stun so many especially with the weapon dispenser.
  14. nealsaviking

    nealsaviking Ancient
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    You might want to get moving on this, because there is a new **** Zombie map coming out sometime next month, in March.
  15. Master Debayter

    Master Debayter Ancient
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    What do you mean? Explain.
  16. The Hudacris

    The Hudacris Ancient
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    New COD WaW Zombie map is coming out. Its gonna have perks a cola! Read the thread in gaming discussion if you want.
  17. Master Debayter

    Master Debayter Ancient
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    Oh yeah, that's gonna be my first project on sandbox. Well, that is, if the objects on sandbox will allow it.

    I thought he meant that someone else was making a **** Zombie map for some reason... XP

    MAP MAKER Ancient
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    I cannot wait for someone to design this map, abou the windows though if you had a pallet held by a weapon holdder underneath then just make gravity just high enough so the humans cannot jump out but the zombies can just about crouch jump through, also i think it should be the choice of the player to unlock the rooms, i have thought of a design i would like to try and also for people to assist me on making, as im not reli that good at switches etc. It does however not use a conventional powerup for the trigger... i would have loved to have started this project over half term but unfortunatly i got the RROD a-****ing-gain! so it looks like ill be sticking with the drawing board for at least 3 weeks. i would reli like to be part of this process even if it only means testing, so if anyone wants to continue disscussion or anythin then please just mesage me on here!! Thanks

    EDIT ~ If anyone has any intitial idea maps floating around they would like opinion and advice on then, i would love to get in on that !
    =) thanks
  19. nealsaviking

    nealsaviking Ancient
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    First off, it's spelled really, not reli. That was bugging me. Second, you shouldn't be babbling on like you did. If you have a good idea for a switch then try and explain it.
  20. Master Debayter

    Master Debayter Ancient
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    The first floor is almost done, but I don't know if I'll work on it today (it's Valentines Day :happy:). I edited my window barricade system, and it works better now. My problem is the top floor, I ran out of short barriers to use for the top floor... so I need to find a solution to that.

    Also, I put all of the weapons into the random box, so I have one question for you guys. If the item limit allows it, should I edit the random box so that you have the chance of getting some weapons more than others? (You know, how in the real game you can easily get a MP40 but you rarely get a flamethrower)

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