New Guitar Hero Games Activision reveals compilation game, and hints at a major new Guitar Hero game later this year. by Jason Ocampo February 11, 2009 - Activision Blizzard reported stronger-than-expected profits in the fourth quarter thanks to the success of its popular Guitar Hero franchise. Now the company is looking to keep its success rolling with the reveal during the conference call of new games in the franchise. The company revealed a new compilation game being developed for the big three consoles: Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, and Wii. This new compilation will feature full band versions of the most popular songs from previous games. The compilation game is due out in the second quarter. However, in the second half of the year, Activision said that there will be a "major restage" of the franchise with a brand new Guitar Hero game. Meanwhile, the company said future Guitar Hero content will include more diverse genres of music, including music from European band, and in February, Activision will release standalone drums. Activision also plans 50 downloadable songs for Guitar Hero in the first quarter for the year. It also confirmed that Guitar Hero: Metallica is shipping this March. I personally am excited for the compilation game, especially if that means songs from GH1 and GH2 as well, although I'm not sure on the legality of that. I'm interested in what this "restage" could be. I'm curious if it's new instruments, changes to the gameplay, or something I can't even think of.
I'm hoping they're better than World Tour. For Guitar, almost all of the songs were bland and weren't fun to play.
That's the main reason I didn't enjoy GHWT as much, but could you imagine playing like TTFAF with a full band!? That's why I want the compilation game, that sounds awesome. Also, with the new Expert plus difficulty in drums for GHM, it would be possible to do insane songs like TTFAF.
Really? I mean honestly? Why must Activision do this to the gaming industry, they are the epitome of "the quick buck" scheme. I lost interest in Guitar Hero after the 3rd one. un-diverse music, and added notes that don't belong killed me. I also hate the guitar, especially after I was treated to the Rock Band one with frets that are 100% better.
Oh by the way this new game/instrument/restage you are wondering about is called DJ Hero. Lul bring on teh rap music.
Yeah, I was going to make a thread about that like a week ago, but I couldn't find enough solid info on it.
Yo Dawg I hear you liek rap music so were gunna put some snoop diggity dog in your Rock Band. Snoop Dogg Coming to Rock Band - Rock Band Forums
Yeah that's why I was joking around on that last post of mine, but it is for sure true that Snoop Dog will be arriving on Rock Band.
If anybody subscribes to GameInformer... one of the two games is going to be based of of Metallica. Dubbed Guitar Hero: Metallica, i think it's supposed to come out this summer. June maybe?
neither of the two games we are talking about are GHM. That is to be released in March, the 29th I believe. These are two newly announced games.
The new instrument could be a Keyboard, in which case they could have a couple "The Who" songs and many oldies like "Jump" by Van Halen. I hoper they get permission from many bands that wouldnt have their songs on GH 1,2,3 or WT. it is said to see oldies bands fading away, as well as new bands with great music go to waste. this is of course if they add a new instrument like the Keyboard, i mean look at the music creator in GH:WT and look at the instruments, i know that "Keyboard" is meant for vocals, but i mean it'd be interesting. ya know?