This is a feel-good thread. Keep it serious though, this shouldn't have to be moved to Off-Topic as long as you you don't spam. Basically you state what you have achieved, created, finished, done for someone else etc. that has made you feel good. Today I ran a 6.5 mile race (around 12km) in less than 50 minutes. I am knackered, and am proud. I also actually started on my dead map again. It'll be good when it's done. What have you done then?
Today I lived. I also saw that I have 6 A's and 1 B in my classes and that made me feel good. I also ate bacon pizza... MMMMMMM.
Got laid in the morning, went back to bed until 1 pm, woke up and smoked some weed, went back to bed for a few more hours, and now here i am. I'm damn proud.
Agreed. But the only thing I did that I'm proud of today, is when I finally got tired of my shitty French teacher and sarcasmed the hell out of her. I was late to school so I had to carry my guitar around and get this, SHE ACTUALLY MADE FUN OF ME. A freaking teacher, making fun of my guitar? Bullshit I say. So I talked back like crazy, and threw in a few good names I had been calling her behind her back. One week in-school suspension, but damn was it worth it.
Yeah...being proud about that... Anyway, I am proud that I helped out a crying friend when she needed it. Or at least I hope I helped.
Well there was this HUGE rumor going around at my school that I did a whole bunch of "stuff" with these two girls that are friends of mine. Everyone was pissed, the girls thought that I spread the rumors and it turned out to be this kid Caleb who I hate that was making it up. First I stood up and walked over to every table at lunch and explained that it was Caleb, then after lunch I beat his face in. I'm proud. There's nothing else to be at this point. I got my friends back.
Violence. You should be proud ;D I went to school today. It's an accomplishment for me. I'm one of those slacker kids who misses a lot of school and everyone is like "OMG is he dieing!?" Just out 5 days in a row, back probably back now for a few days.
Norlinsky, you're lucky you don't go to my school then. If you miss more than 10 days a semester, you get to redo the semester.
I ran 4.5 miles in 30 minutes which is about 6:15 minute miles I think. I'm trying to do 5 miles in 30 minutes but that is ridiculous.
I shoveled out the snow from underneath a car that was stuck, I got 3/4 of the way through the snow when a guy came and just pulled the car out of the snow, making my work seem useless. Now im here trying to type with swollen fingers (It may seem like there are little to none typos but I press the backspace button a lot) and sore legs from crouching so I could shove the shovel underneath the car... Not so proud, More saddened... something that makes me proud............ I made someone laugh.................................. I have a sad life.
Eh, I'm pretty much retaking last semester anyways. I failed 2(almost 3, redeemed with an essay) classes.
That's faster than me. I'm a better long-distance runner. I can also run 8 miles in under an hour an a good day/
I'm studying for the CCNA 640-802 Certification Exam, going to try to take a training class during summer and do a exam later.
ooooh... if only it was ystrday. oh well, ystrday i told my parents i'd go to a preseason track thing, then instead, right after school I took the bus to some train station and stayed there for an hr and 1/2... then went home and told them i went to the practice. haha, i make myself proud