Took us like 4 hours because of stupid flood...and betrayals...but from the driving part, everything was smooth. I wish I could help, but my game time is precious. All I have to say is trust your teamates, even if it is a crazy idea.
Really? Never had anyone quit out after they get pulled out of the cutscene? Never had a game so laggy that you lagged out? Well done, you're pretty damn determined then.
wow this is a really good guide for this. i need have a group that i think ill be able to do it with but once i get it ill see if i can try to help others get it (unless it takes me like 6 hours to get it, in which case ill probably never want to play campaign again, but with this guide i don't think that will happen.)
I'm just going to post my story. I've done it twice. The first time, it took us about 1:36 or something along the lines of that. The only hard part was getting through the first part. After killing Guilty Sparks, it was all smooth sailing, until the final driving stretch. One kid in our party, could not make it. I think it took us a good 45 minutes to get through the very last checkpoint. When we finally got it about 30 minutes in, they went in without me, so I had to kill myself. We did it about fifteen minutes later. Second time took about 1:04. I was playing with two people that I did it with the first time, and one person who was trying to get the achievement. Luckily, the new kid new more about it than us. He knew how to get through the first part in about 5 minutes. So we spend over half of an hour trying to do the grenade jump. Once we had it all perfectly, we finally did the grenade jump on the left to get on the left side of the giant gray thing (my Halo lore is not very good). We only died about 3 times after that, and we didn't die once during the final driving sequence. We looked at the stats and we each had over 200 deaths because of our endless attempts to grenade jump. I think if I did it now we could probably do it in under half of an hour.
That'd be good, but it depends who you play it through with. Can I put you down as "willing to help"?
If you have guysw who are serious about doing it you can get it done in under 15 minutes, but you have to be pretty good and resist the temptation to race each other through the final run...
i need the achievement but i live in Australia. And you don't but you can still help if you want it's the last achievement before the mythic map achievements : [
TBH even if no flood attacked you throughout the entire level and none of the slabs collapsed in the final run and no-one dies ever, I still doubt you could get it done in under 15 minutes. You can show us how if you want Ivory, but I'm very sceptical of this, especially after my run with Gamerguy...
Wouls you like to help? I've organised one tonight, but redearth can't make it. I need one more guy. Wanna join? PM me if so...
i dont have the achievement yet. i have all the other vid master achievements too. but nobody wants to take the time and do it. anyone want to do it with me!!!! if we start it we will finish it!!
This achievement was quite possibly the hardest thing In halo history... Other than the scarab gun... Me and 3 of my friends did this in December of '08. Took us most of the night to do it. I have all three current Vidmaster Challenges now .
Okay, tonight I go back round my dad's, so we'll see if this fault with my Xbox is just to do with my connection or not...
hey can anyone help me with this achievement, I've been wanting to get this done for awhile but none of my friends want to do it, so I have no team, if anyone could get some teammates and help me, just message me on here or to my gamertag: SicK xHaVoKx. Thanks guys
I've just got one tip: When you first drive onto the ice path, do not, under any circumstances, move your ghost to the right of the small icy ramp. There is a hole there, with a corner that can trap your ghost, and if you get stuck there and your team gets a new checkpoint, you are forced to start the whole level over again. This happened to me the first time I tried to get the achievement, and let me tell you, wasting around eighty minutes (We betrayed -- a lot) is not very fun.