Halo Wars Discussion Thread

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by thesilencebroken, Feb 3, 2009.

  1. Agamer

    Agamer Ancient
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    When I play the demo I tend to always use the UNSC side.
    I usually always build up and let them attack me first then get an
    even bigger army after I defeat them and then attack.
  2. xxDeeJxx

    xxDeeJxx Ancient
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    yeah, i always hold off, cap another base, and just wait till i max out my troop capacity, and fully upgrade everyone
  3. Vicious Vice

    Vicious Vice Ghosts of Onyx
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    I think thats what the problem is with the demo once you make it throught the early storm you can just build up without the fear of being overran. I just try and beat them with one base now.
  4. Draw the Line

    Draw the Line Ancient
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    I look forward to playing 3v3, it'll be interesting to see multiple people working together as a single unit. I'm really getting pumped for this game. I thought the demo would have been alright, but it really has me hooked.

    Who'd have known I'd be a fan of an RTS?
  5. thesilencebroken

    thesilencebroken Jill Sandwich
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    Something interesting to me is the "relic" they are discussing in campaign. When they go in and clear out the covenant, it looks just like Guardian to me. Its clearly not Guardian, but the design is similar. The constellation hologram also left me wondering.
  6. redearth

    redearth Ancient
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    I'm happy! I beat a skirmish on heroic. I can't wait till the full game is out. My friend is really jealous that I get the mythic maps before him too. Yay! If anyone wants to know, I won by building my base up with supply crates only except for one reactor which i placed second, and then barracks which I placed last. I scouted with my warthog untill I got a decent army, then attacked the easy base. I built vehicles and aircraft untill I won.
  7. Waylander

    Waylander Ancient
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    Would this be a good time to tell y'all that NZ and Aussie get this game a full day ahead of Europe which gets it 4 days before the States?
  8. G043R

    G043R Ancient
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    I read over what you guys put up... I agree with something and i disagree with other... First off I come from Starcraft RTS playing field... so Halo wars is made the game simpler...but fun as well. They mixed in a lot of different elements ... Character selection means the biggest in matching up against other players. Grizzly only seem like an upgraded Scoripion. There is talks about a cyclops tank.... repairs as well building breaker...

    The covy has much more brought to the table... Regert is just one playing field for the covyies to fill... I think that the Arbiter will have more powerful Hunters as well... I never saw any honor gaurd in the campaign demo... wonderwhy? I think its because yoru matched against the Aribiter... makes sence due to he in every cut scene till the last one.

    There was talks about Flood in the game as well. I dont' think they will have to many difference charaters...but maybe a character you unlock after beating the game maybe.
    So ... I read as well people had a hard time getting the covy army going... I did as well till i started getting my money flow going correctly. The Covy army give you many more options to play... Ghost rush... or Grunt rush... Regert rush... or Slow powerful Scarb... the problem is you can't have both if your playing a Fast moving UNSC army. I think a bigger solution is the Covy need to expand faster then the UNSC counter part. May people I talked to forget to expand as soon as they can..all to often taking the fight to the other AI or the AI noticed you taking to long in building... SO it started smacking you around.

    So I would say as a safe bet... use regret like crazy at the beginning you should be able to do tons of annoying damage to teh enemy before he has anything set up... for those that play SC would know a Zergling rush or SCV attack and really mess up even a pro in RTS.

    I do favor the UNSC for the reason of Air support. I like not having to have help when i need it. But I think I will lean towards the Covy once the game is fully released. I mean I read someone crying about the hunters being weak... I WILL Bet you the Aritbiter has powerful Hunters.... because I beat the demo on heroic when i first started it. You'll notice the AI plays hunters much more in the Campaign for some odd reason.

    I'm rammbling but the 35 pages had me thinking.... iS forge ODST?

    As well did you notice that in the last cut scene all the dots were planets? or that SHE knew how to mess controls?.... It was also 20 years before the Halo events?... but w/e new tanget...

    Did any one notice that the banshee's seemed weak but could rapid attack and run away?.... a method you can try on your friends when the game comes out....lol DTL I hope to show you some stuff... Nev and I over at goo already teamed up....

    OK... why hasn't any one tried Covy vs covy or UNSC vs Unsc?

    I noticed that usually in units of the same type
    they Y commands determines the winner. So like in SC the person usually control his units directly will win the combat... this is important when you come down to key factors in muitly player matches...

    Talking about that Heroic was to eazy...i agree... but there is an achievement where you have to be the TOP of a Ladder ... They really hope this game will take off guys....It has a really good chance.

    DId I miss any thing any one... how about one last thing WHY ONLY 2 Scarbs... I nearly cried... lol.

    Ah and yeah... DTL use the D-pad up.. .you probly read that but ... if your not using your d-pad you can't win on Heroic... that simple, you have to call powers when in the match. OK for real now... i'm done.
  9. Draw the Line

    Draw the Line Ancient
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    If you've read the novels, than you'd know that humans have an innate understanding of Forerunner Technology. The Forerunners chose humans as their descendants (for what reasons we don't know), so we can only assume they some how passed that understanding down to us.
  10. G043R

    G043R Ancient
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    I read them...but the level she is taking it seems like she walking into walmart...
  11. xxDeeJxx

    xxDeeJxx Ancient
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    i was worried, if there were gonna be armies of choppers, i would have to yell foul, since if you read the books, at that time period, there were only the two choppers an engineer made, as plowing equipment.
  12. The Spartan III

    The Spartan III Ancient

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    wow i didnt even think about that. yah there were only 2 choppers on harvest, and those were towards the end of the long ass battle. but i'm sure that once they were used in battle, they were mass produced and used extensively.
  13. EpicFishFingers

    EpicFishFingers Ancient
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    I deleted the demo after playing through the campaign. I never played on skirmish!
    Stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid...
  14. The Spartan III

    The Spartan III Ancient

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    epicfishfingers, you said you were gonna have your sombeez story up by friday. you almost done? i'd really like you to have it up today
  15. Draw the Line

    Draw the Line Ancient
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    Yeah I wasn't too impressed with the campaign demo either, but skirmish is much more fun! I'll play the campaign for the story, but after that I'm not likely to go back and play it unless I can only unlock certain items playing campaign.
  16. Kilr0n

    Kilr0n Ancient
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    OK you probably know how this was Ensembles last game, and Ensemble is closed now, so what kind of support will this game have? There is bound to be some glitches in this game but how will those be fixed no that Ensemble is no more? Are we just going to be screwed to playing against people who use exploits, or play through campaign then have it glitch out? What do you guys think?
  17. Fallen Hero

    Fallen Hero Ancient
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    Although Ensemble was ended, some of the leaders for the game will continue to work at Microsoft fixing bugs and working on DLC.
  18. Draw the Line

    Draw the Line Ancient
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    That's some very important info, thanks!

    Its sad to see a good developer go under, but hopefully Bungie managed to grab many of their employees.
  19. RampaginFetus

    RampaginFetus Ancient
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    RTS games hardly ever have glitches. They are built within a limited sandbox.
  20. Chedderboy

    Chedderboy Ancient
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    Beat heroic skirmish my first time. I played as covie.
    Once you have locusts you've pretty much won. Since the lasers are fairly long range the AI doesn't attack you. Good thing there'll be actually humans to play against when the game comes out.
    horde of grunts ftw

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