Hey everyone. I've been working on a new map, not everything is perfect, there are some bumps, and i'm still not done. (75% Done in that case). Well, here are the pictures I have tooken. Enjoyzz I guess... Spoiler I will add cover, straighten everything, and add more structures period. Thx...
Why have you geomerged a wraith? Try making geomerged double boxes for ramps. Walls cause lumps and dumpsters kill the flow of the map.
Isn't it quite obvious? The revealed units of the Wraith are the turret, and main gun. Obviously he is using it for a innovative turret/Wraith main artillery. We will just have to wait and see if he executes it well. As for the pictures. Well I can't judge game play, and key elements from the pictures, but I can eyeball. Everything definitely looks smooth and tidy. But it does seem cramped. Geo-merges are creative and original, as the same for the interlocks. But yes, it brings me back to my earlier statement that it looks to be a little claustrophobic. Hopefully its just my opinion, and if not you will be able to resolve that problem. But notify me when you release this map, for the anticipation has ensued.
Thanks playa. I changed the name to xResortx also, and I did a lot of changes. BTW, I need testers, the 12th of feb, at 6 pm, about atleast 6 people.
Actually. If you read forging 101 you would know. The whole wraith is inoperable. It just looks good, and, its fun.
Maybe he wants a damn wraith in there. Quit tellin the poor ****(no offense meant) what to do with his map, if he wants it in there let him keep it. He may have merged it just enough to where it looks pretty and is operable. Hell, even if it isn't he obviously wants it in there. Now the map. I personally like it, as I like the more CQC over the long range stuff any day. I hope this turns out well, I would help test but I'm takin my girl out tonight for v-day. Good luck man...